Thursday, April 30, 2020

New Libertarian Presidential Candidate has Ten-Minute MSNBC Interview about Why He is Running, Says Nothing Libertarian

After Rep. Justin Amash (I-MI) established a committee this week to enable him to run for the Libertarian Party presidential nomination, he was interviewed for ten minutes at MSNBC regarding his candidacy. Did Amash use this time to advocate for accomplishing libertarian goals — terminating the drug war, ceasing foreign intervention, and ending the Federal Reserve, for example? No. Instead, Amash repeatedly avoided talking about any particular policy issues. Then, when asked by host Ayman Mohyeldin to weigh in on government actions taken purportedly in response to coronavirus, Amash even managed to address this matter that involves incredible rights violations and vast spending in such a nonlibertarian manner that Mohyeldin soundly challenged Amash for supporting big government — the opposite of advocating a libertarian position.

In response to queries from Mohyeldin regarding Amash’s interest in seeking the Libertarian Party presidential nomination, Amash repeatedly avoided advancing libertarian ideas. Instead, Amash repeatedly sought to promote himself via comments that could be used by a candidate with any political views whatsoever. Here are three examples of such comments by Amash:
What people want is someone who’s practical, who’s honest, who will represent every American.

People … want someone who’s going to be practical, who will bring real honest ideas to the table.

We need people who have leadership skills, who can stand up against those in power, can stand up to those who want to continue the bad process we have in Congress. And I have those skills, and I’ll bring those to the table.
There is nothing promoting libertarian ideas in any of this. Indeed, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden could just have well said all of this.

Also, Amash several times in the interview said people should have a choice on their ballots in addition to Trump and Biden.

OK, but what policy changes does Amash advocate that give people a reason to support him? He does not say.

Over six minutes into the interview in which Amash repeatedly offered platitudes about his practicality and the benefit of having an additional choice for president on ballots, Mohyeldin sought to push Amash to present an actual opinion about a government policy issue. Mohyeldin asked, “How would a libertarian solve the current pandemic that we’re in, both financially and from a health perspective?”

Amash was finally trapped into addressing a policy issue. Yet, he still managed to avoid supporting any libertarian ideas. Amash answers that “from a health perspective you have to give more flexibility to people who are on the ground,” while it is “really important” that that their actions can be coordinated by and provided guidance from the White House. “As for financial relief,” continues Amash, “I’ve said repeatedly that what people should have is direct pay from the government during this time” instead of “funneling money to the banks or directly to big corporations using the Federal Reserve.” Rather than of the one-time payment through the Internal Revenue Services that the United States government is undertaking, Amash says in the interview that there should be a system through which Americans “can get a monthly distribution from the government to make it through this crisis.”

“That doesn’t necessarily sound like limited government when you’re having the government pay folks a lot of money throughout the course of this crisis,” Mohyeldin responded to Amash’s coronavirus policy answer.


Yet, Amash had the audacity to assert in response that “it is limited government.”

Oh brother.

Is this interview a preview of an Amash Libertarian presidential campaign strategy of avoiding, at every opportunity, promoting libertarian positions? We’ll see.

Watch Amash’s interview here:

from Peace and Prosperity

Food Crisis Coming - Should We Blame Coronavirus?

Food industry leaders are warning that a huge food crisis is coming, with slaughterhouses closing across the country and the food supply chain badly damaged. Politicians will blame this coming crisis on the coronavirus, but their unprecedented "lockdown" policies have disrupted every aspect of the economy. Plus - now the World Health Organization is holding Sweden up as a model on how to handle the coronavirus? Flip flop? Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Food Crisis Coming - Should We Blame Coronavirus?

Covid-19 gives cover for US-led coalition to keep up pressure on Syria


On April 27, at around five in the morning, Israel targeted residential areas of southern Damascus, killing three civilians, injuring four and causing significant material damage to homes.

The attack was carried out by Israeli warplanes unlawfully hijacking Lebanese airspace to fire their missiles into Damascus suburbs. It is the fourth such attack in the past month, two having taken place in the same week. Israeli media used the typical “self-defence-mission” arguments to justify the aggression. The EU-funded, UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) announced, in lock-step with Israeli media statements, that the missiles had hit positions “controlled by Iran and their proxies”, and that four “unknown-nationality” gunmen had been killed in the raid.

Israel exploits Covid-19 disruption to further its regional agenda

Israeli Defence Minister Naftali Bennett, bellicose as ever, warned that Israel would not “allow the establishment of an advanced Iranian base in Syria.” Images that were circulated immediately after the attack depicted scenes of civilians returning to inspect the damage, not of Iranian militia. These called into doubt the familiar Israeli claims of self-preservation while attacking a sovereign nation from airspace it does not control and where it is not welcome.

A recent article written for the Brookings Institution, funded by Qatar and Bill Gates, among other US corporate heavyweights, outlines “Israel’s changing regional landscape in light of Covid19.” Effectively, Israel will attempt to seize the opportunity to double down on an already expanding collaboration with the Gulf States to combat the perceived threat of Iran they both face. One interpretation of the article is that Covid-19 offers Israel the opportunity to capitalize on Hezbollah/Syrian/Iranian distraction and the reshuffling of resources towards Covid-19 to strike at the heart of its alliance in Syria. This is being borne out by the uptick in aggression.

These violations of international law committed by Israel are not the only ones being conducted by the US-led alliance, which has, for almost 10 years, maintained a military and economic campaign to topple the Syrian government.

The entire region is reeling from the Covid-19 pandemic that has swept the globe, fuelled by an unprecedented media fear campaign that has driven multiple states into lockdown and isolation, with borders closed and movement curtailed. Yet the US alliance has militarily ignored its own domestic-policy diktats, which have effectively put the majority of the American population under house arrest.

US troop deployment and increased military footprint in north-east Syria

Veteran journalist Abdel Bari Atwan has reported that US intelligence agencies and Washington’s regional allies are exploiting the Covid-19 diversion to consolidate control over Syrian oil resources east of the Euphrates, with the help of their Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) proxies in the province.

According to locals in the area, the US is not only plundering Syrian oil wealth, but also profiting from the regional agricultural abundance – or rather it is relying on its mercenaries to self-sustain economically through the looting and resale of Syrian resources. In the long run, this saves it the trouble of paying the militia acting under its jurisdiction.

A steady stream of US military-vehicle convoys, loaded with military and logistical equipment have been reinforcing US military presence in the north-east, in particular Qamishli, converging on the illegal US base in Qassrak Tel Baidar.

According to SOHR, a Turkish military convoy of an estimated 20 military vehicles has entered Idlib province, in north-west Syria, in the past two days. This brings the number of vehicles that have entered Syria since the new Russia/Damascus/Turkey-brokered ceasefire in March to 2,830. All these convoys also generate an increase in troop presence – despite the restrictions on movement imposed by Covid-19 health recommendations, which appear not to apply to military personnel.

Such disrespect to Syria’s borders is effectively increasing the risks of spreading Covid-19 in a country that has endured almost 10 years of an externally sponsored war and decades of punishing economic sanctions. These conditions put Syria at high risk, if the virus is irresponsibly introduced into already war-debilitated and displaced communities.

Raqqa is also apparently on the US road map for re-occupation. Syrian war analyst Ibrahim Mohammad has informed me that terrorist media outlets sympathetic to the SDF have reported the arrival of an international team of military experts in a base west of Raqqa. The aim of this team is to assess the possibility of a redeployment of US troops to the area they militarily pulverised, allegedly to “liberate” it from ISIS, in 2018.

Simultaneously, a team of US coalition military personnel has been dispatched to the Khrab A’shq base in the countryside of Ain-Al-Arab, north-east of Aleppo. Observers report the arrival of trucks carrying concrete blocks to fortify the former US base in preparation for the return of US troops.

It is worth noting that Syria is not the destabilized nation it was when the US initiated its base-building campaign on Syrian sovereign territory – an act of banditry that went largely unremarked on by Western media. The local Syrian pushback against Washington’s re-occupation policy has been given impetus by the Syrian Arab Army’s allied victories against the extremist armed groups in the past five years.

The looting of Syrian resources is not confined to US-backed militant structures. Turkish proxies are also exploiting the Covid-19 lull to strip the Al-Ghab area in north-west Hama, bordering Idlib, of its water and irrigation pipes for resale in Turkey. The Al-Nusra Front is accused of dismantling the remains of Zayzoun power plant and Idlib textile factories for sale to Turkish scrap-metal dealers – presumably, to fund Al-Qaeda’s military occupation of Idlib.

Even ISIS has been emboldened by the Covid-19 shutdown. ISIS terrorists, afforded protection from government pursuit by the proximity of the US military base at Al-Tanf, on the border with Jordan, swarmed to attack the eastern countryside of Homs during April 2020. Although the attack was repelled by the Syrian Arab Army, it is indicative of the spoiler role the US will now play to maintain pressure on the Syrian government and military, unaffected by the expectation that a more “humanitarian” response would be appropriate while the world is battling Covid-19.

Sanctions: Ramped-up hybrid war to bring Syria to her knees

The Syrian government has been effective in its handling of the Covid-19 situation. Pragmatic precautions have been taken, and medical institutions, ministries, hospitals and industrial sectors have combined forces and resources to protect the Syrian population with excellent results. Syria has 43 official cases of coronavirus, 19 recoveries and three deaths – a remarkably low number for a country that the West expected (or hoped) would buckle under the strain.

Rather than respond positively to the “humanitarian” crisis generated by Covid-19 – a crisis that impacts most severely upon the Syrian people – the US has effectively maintained its “maximum pressure” campaign, tightening the sanction screws, rather than releasing them.

According to local reports, the Syrian economy is losing 1 trillion Syrian pounds (SYP) per month – that’s around 33.3 billion SYP per day – after the suspension of activity in most economic sectors as part of the measures adopted to fight Covid-19. According to Syrian economist, Ali Kan’an, losses amounted to 2 trillion SYP in March and April, and will rise to an estimated 4 trillion SYP if the lockdown extends until June 2020.

The Syrian government is responding proactively to the dramatic economic downturn, allocating, for example, 1.5 billion SYP to the agricultural sector, in an attempt to support and protect the Syrian economy during these extraordinary times. However, the timing of the Covid-19 media and UN agency hype is turning out to be very convenient for the US coalition, which was about to have to concede the humiliating defeat of its regime-change campaign, as a final military victory was in sight for the Syrian state and its allies.

The former French ambassador to Damascus, Professor Michel Raimbaud, argues, rightly, that sanctions are “more barbaric than military confrontation, which is nearing an end [...] it is illegal and immoral. It is a stain on humanity.” For Washington and its allies in the UK and EU to maintain sanctions during the Covid-19 crisis is nothing more than deliberate economic savagery. The situation is apparently being intentionally exploited to push Syria over the edge and into an economic abyss, which serves only the far-from-humanitarian agenda of the US-dominated globalist nations that are jockeying for hegemony in the region.

Covid-19 has brought into sharp relief the US-alliance “humanitarian” fig leaf that is enabling perpetual war across the world. It is nothing more than barbaric that its sadistic economic policies remain firmly in place during an unprecedented global crisis. Whether this crisis is real, exaggerated or orchestrated, it is the people who are suffering, and the US coalition is exploiting their suffering for its own ends.

Reprinted with permission from RT.

from Covid-19 gives cover for US-led coalition to keep up pressure on Syria

The Massive Inflatable Crisis That is COVID-19


By all accounts and from the very beginning it was clear to some that Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) was at the very most a little more dangerous than the seasonal flu – but was being deliberately hyped to stampede the public into an increasingly tangled web of bad policies.

As early as last month, cooler-headed experts had warned that hyped death rates spread by politicians, the Western corporate media, other various panic-mongers, and even World Health Organization (WHO) officials would give way to much, much lower death rates as more people were tested and were found to have had the virus, most of whom showed little to no symptoms.

The numbers of infections versus deaths in Iceland (where no ‘lockdown’ took place) where testing has been the most widespread shows a death rate of about 0.5 percent, though only 5 percent of the population has been tested. Roughly 50 percent of those tested showed no symptoms at all – meaning that many, many more Icelanders likely had the virus, overcame it with ease without ever visiting a doctor or hospital to avail themselves for testing or to make into national Covid-19 statistics.


Another study conducted in the United States by Stanford University found that the infection rate was likely 50 to 85 times higher than reported – meaning the death rate was astronomically lower than previously reported, and really sat at around 0.2 percent to as low as 0.12 percent – certainly nothing near the 3-4 percent claimed by the World Health Organization.

In other words: in terms of fatalities rates, Covid-19 is no more dangerous or deadly than the annual flu. But it has been hyped as such by Western politicians, the Western corporate media, and even international institutions like WHO – a deliberate deception accompanied by coordinated theater including government briefings with reporters comically spaced out in “fear” of contracting Covid-19.

Other props used to panic the public into imprisoning themselves at home and accepting the immense socioeconomic damage “lockdowns” are causing included showing misleading exponential graphs of infections seemingly rising straight up with no end in sight.

If responsible journalists put these graphs in context – say, perhaps next to annual flu infection curves – the public would notice they are virtually identical and simply represent the way the flu, colds, and Covid-19 which is related to both – work their way through populations.

The same goes for total deaths. Should the media present Covid-19 deaths in the context of and in comparison to annual deaths from the flu, Americans – for example – would see that versus the 2019 flu season, Covid-19 is actually 30,000-40,000 deaths short of just matching the common flu – saying nothing of living up to the hype and hysteria that the government and media have deliberately created around Covid-19 to justify its ‘lockdown’ policies.

So why have governments around the globe crippled their economies, put millions out of work, and placed draconian measures in place to, in essence, imprison their populations at home?

Those with power and money seek to keep what they have and to take what little is left in the hands of others. During the manufactured “War on Terror,” similar hysteria was deliberately spread across society to justify draconian police powers at home and endless wars abroad – pouring ultimately trillions into the accounts of defense contractors and the financial institutions invested in them.

During a manufactured health crisis like the 2009 H1N1 “Swine Flu” outbreak, the unfounded fear of an uncontrollable pathogen ravaging the population helped justify the centralizing of control over people’s health and lifestyle while pumping billions in pubic funding into the coffers of Big Pharma.

And here we are again with the very same interests who lied to us about all of the above, doing it again, but on a much larger and more destructive scale and creating socioeconomic havoc virtually no one will escape completely.

If the Covid-19 hoax (indeed, there are so many aspects of this which are by definition a hoax) doesn’t convince you to divest from the politicians and the corporations they serve – including divesting from big-business’ goods and services – nothing will.

Special interests have just beta-tested turning entire nations into virtual prisons.

If people allow it this time, their ability to do it again and to an even greater and more disruptive degree is all but guaranteed.

Reprinted with permission from 21st Century Wire.

from The Massive Inflatable Crisis That is COVID-19

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Will Coronavirus Kill - Or Embolden - Neocon Foreign Policy?

Will a bankrupt nation suffering from a massive six trillion dollar bailout hangover lose its appetite for interventionism overseas? Or is the global coronavirus just the kind of "Pearl Harbor event" the neocons have long pined for to again launch their global war plans? Watch today's Liberty Report:


from Will Coronavirus Kill - Or Embolden - Neocon Foreign Policy?

Do Lockdowns Save Many Lives? In Most Places, the Data Say No


Do quick shutdowns work to fight the spread of Covid-19? Joe Malchow, Yinon Weiss and I wanted to find out. We set out to quantify how many deaths were caused by delayed shutdown orders on a state-by-state basis.

To normalize for an unambiguous comparison of deaths between states at the midpoint of an epidemic, we counted deaths per million population for a fixed 21-day period, measured from when the death rate first hit 1 per million—e.g.,‒three deaths in Iowa or 19 in New York state. A state’s “days to shutdown” was the time after a state crossed the 1 per million threshold until it ordered businesses shut down.

We ran a simple one-variable correlation of deaths per million and days to shutdown, which ranged from minus-10 days (some states shut down before any sign of Covid-19) to 35 days for South Dakota, one of seven states with limited or no shutdown. The correlation coefficient was 5.5%—so low that the engineers I used to employ would have summarized it as “no correlation” and moved on to find the real cause of the problem. (The trendline sloped downward—states that delayed more tended to have lower death rates—but that’s also a meaningless result due to the low correlation coefficient.)

No conclusions can be drawn about the states that sheltered quickly, because their death rates ran the full gamut, from 20 per million in Oregon to 360 in New York. This wide variation means that other variables—like population density or subway use—were more important. Our correlation coefficient for per-capita death rates vs. the population density was 44%. That suggests New York City might have benefited from its shutdown—but blindly copying New York’s policies in places with low Covid-19 death rates, such as my native Wisconsin, doesn’t make sense.

Fair use excerpt. Read the rest here.

from Do Lockdowns Save Many Lives? In Most Places, the Data Say No

Covid-19 and The Red Dawn Emails

Dr. Richard Hatchett. He was an advisor to President George W. Bush, for whom he imagined mandatory confinement of the civilian population and now heads CEPI, the global coordination group for vaccine investment created by the Davos Forum around the Gates Foundation. He was the first to equate the Covid-19 epidemic with a "war" (sic).

In an earlier article [1], I demonstrated how frightening statistical predictions of the number of deaths that Covid-19 would cause were made by a charlatan, Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, who has been repeatedly contradicted by the facts over the past two decades.

I have also shown in another article [2] that the containment measures in China were not medically motivated, but politically motivated (the "Mandate from Heaven" theory). It remains to be explained where the mandatory containment of everyone as practiced in the West comes from.

I spent weeks and weeks looking at epidemiological literature, but nowhere did I find any evidence of such a measure. Never in history has an epidemic been fought in this way. Then, a corner of the veil was indirectly lifted by correspondence revealed by Kaiser Health News: this measure had been planned by the Bush administration in 2005-07.

The assignment of military and civilians

In 2005, the US Department of Defense was studying how to prepare for bioterrorist attacks against US troops stationed abroad. Based on the neo-conservative principle that terrorists are foreigners and that they would not be able to enter US military facilities, the department was concerned about preventing attacks that soldiers might face during their sorties. Isolating sick soldiers in hospitals and placing healthy soldiers in barracks was a logical option. Moreover, US military bases are small towns, designed to withstand sieges. One can live there for months without any problems.

However, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld intended to transform society so that the distinction between civilian and military would disappear. Everyone could then be requisitioned for the total war on terror. This is what he explained in an op-ed published by the Washington Post [3].

Dr. Carter Mecher of the Department of Veterans Affairs and Dr. Richard Hatchett of the National Security Council have been asked to extend this military rule to civilians. They were only able to impose it on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2006, just before Rumfeld’s departure.

It immediately sparked a storm of protest in the United States under the leadership of Professor Donald Henderson, who had headed both the John Hopkins University School of Public Health and the US epidemic response system. He - and all the doctors who spoke out at the time - believed that placing the entire population under house arrest made no medical sense and violated fundamental freedoms. It is nothing more and nothing less than the totalitarian drift of the administration that had passed the USA Patriot Act on the occasion of the September 11 attacks.

It was not until 2017 that all official US documents mentioning this measure were destroyed by the Trump administration. Richard Hatchett became the director of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which coordinates global vaccine investments.

One of the Red Dawn e-mails. Dr. Lawler explicitly refers to the plan developed for President Bush by Drs. Mecher and Hatchett to place the civilian population under house arrest.

"Red Dawn"

Everyone followed the contradictions in the White House press briefings on the reaction to Covid-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House’s ephemeral scientific backer, advocated authoritarian measures to contain the epidemic, while apparently unconscious President Donald Trump opposed containment measures in the name of freedom for all.

In order to prove the president’s incompetence, Dr. Fauci’s friends leaked some of their correspondence [4]. It appears that they formed a discussion and action group, the Red Dawn [5].

This name refers to a little-known operation by Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger who, in 1984, sent a delegation throughout Europe and Latin America seeking the help of the Allies in the face of an imminent invasion of the United States. The French Secretary of State for External Relations, Jean-Michel Baylet, told me about this grotesque attempt at manipulation: a host of US generals had come to Paris to expose in the most serious way possible that the world’s leading power was threatened by two small, poor states, Cuba and Nicaragua. In the room, the French diplomats, who could not believe their eyes at being taken for fools in this way, were pinching their lips so as not to laugh in their faces. To support this campaign, the Pentagon had a propaganda film made by Hollywood with Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen. Later, it used the name "Red Dawn" to refer to the operation to capture Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in 2003.

By choosing to be called "Red Dawn", the 37 personalities involved clearly display their visceral anti-communism. There is no longer a USSR, but the Communist Party still rules China, from where the epidemic originated. They claim that it is up to them to regain power and wage war.

Among the members of this group are the inevitable Drs. Anthony Fauci (Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and Robert Redfield (Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) as well as Drs. Carter Mecher (advisor to the Department of Veterans Affairs) and Richard Hatchett (Director of CEPI) who imposed the military rules of civilian containment during the Bush administration.

Dr. Richard Hatchett’s ideas were taken up in full by French President Emmanuel Macron. We are at war and we must confine all civilians to their homes to protect ourselves. They have also been taken up by some US governors, but not by President Donald Trump.

The rest is well known. Panic has gripped public opinion. Political leaders fearing that they will be accused of doing nothing are mimicking those who act. The US military rule adopted by France has spread like the virus it is supposed to fight until the world economy is interrupted. Food problems are arising everywhere and, if nothing is done, famines will appear, including in certain sectors of rich countries.

[1] “Covid-19: Neil Ferguson, the Liberal Lyssenko” , by Thierry Meyssan , Translation Roger Lagassé , Voltaire Network , 20 April 2020.

[2] “Covid-19: propaganda and manipulation” , by Thierry Meyssan , Translation Pete Kimberley , Voltaire Network , 21 March 2020.

[3] “A New Kind of War”, Donald Rumsfeld, The Washington Post, September 27, 2001.

[4] Document : ‘Red Dawn’ Emails (80 p., 24,8 Mo).

[5] “‘Red Dawn Breaking Bad’: Officials Warned About Safety Gear Shortfall Early On, Emails Show”, Rachana Pradhan & Christina Jewett, Kaiser Health News, March 28, 2020; “The ‘Red Dawn’ Emails: 8 Key Exchanges on the Faltering Response to the Coronavirus”, Eric Lipton, The New York Times, April 11, 2020; “The Social Distancing Origin Story : It Starts in the Middle Ages”, Eric Lipton & Jennifer Steinhauser, The New York Times, April 23, 2020.

Reprinted with permission from

from Covid-19 and The Red Dawn Emails

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Mayor Defies State’s Coronavirus Shutdown


Martin “Modey” Hicks, the mayor of Grants, New Mexico, has had enough of the mandate that businesses remain closed in the name of countering coronavirus. Russell Contreras reported last week at the Associated Press that Hicks, in defiance of an ongoing shutdown order from New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, “said he’s giving businesses permission to reopen on Monday and is ordering the police force in the city of about 9,000 people to prevent any State Police officers from issuing lockdown violation citations.”

Contreras reports that 81 businesses in Grants had “signed a petition calling for the reopening of the city.” And it seems that Hicks is adamant in his effort to ensure this desire can be acted on. Contreras writes:
“I’ve told businesses to call 911 if State Police show up to their place. We are going to stop Lujan Grisham and her Gestapo,” Hicks said, referring to the secret police of Nazi Germany.
On Monday, KOB-TV reported on the reopening of Grants. The report notes that, unfortunately, state police did harass businesses in Grants on Monday. At the same time, it is refreshing to hear Hicks powerfully defend his decision. Hicks declares in the report:
This is about the Constitution of this country, period. It’s about our livelihood. It’s about our liberties. It’s about our rights, and we will not compromise them no more to a tyrant in Santa Fe.
Santa Fe is the state’s capital from which the New Mexico governor has been overseeing the state government’s coronavirus crackdown.

Watch the KOB-TV report here:

from Peace and Prosperity

The New Rules of Golf in the USAR (Union of Soviet American Republics)


The little Stalinist Mayor of Palm Beach County, FL , Dave Kerner, just issued another one of his unconstitutional and unlawful “emergency orders.” This time it was to begin opening up recreational activities in the county. Before making his announcement he told us that we are not to behave like elementary school children on the last day of school before summer vacation, indicating that he does indeed think of us all as eight-year-olds (at best). He also stated that if we did behave that way, we “WILL be subject to arrest.” Jackbooted Sheriff Rick Bradshaw stood behind him with his usual phony scowl.

Next up was the top “public health” bureaucrat in the county who continued to drone on and on, lecturing to a television audience that she obviously assumed had the average intelligence of a three-year-old, repeating the tired, old “social distancing” blather combined with more threats of imprisonment, promising that that will be the law of the land “until we have a vaccine.”

Finally, our mini-Stalinist mayor issued his “emergency order.”  Attachment 3 applies to yours truly, since I’m a golfer. The courses open in two days, hopefully enough time for me to memorize the mayor’s twenty-eight regulations that are to dictate play. I am told that I WILL be subject to arrest, for example, if I arrive at the course more than 20 minutes before my tee time (Regulation #3). The good news is that I will probably lower my score since Regulation 17 mandates that the cups are to stick one inch above the surface of the green. No need to make  putts; just hit the cup somewhere and count it as a made putt. Nice.

Reprinted with permission from

from Peace and Prosperity

Donald J. Trump: Patient Zero of Lockdown Nation’s Covid Hysteria


According to the CDC’s long established mortality models, 687,000 Americans were supposed to die during the 12 weeks between February 1 and April 18. 

But only 666,000 actually complied. So the Grim Reaper was deprived of his seasonally adjusted mortality quota, even as 21,000 families were spared, at least temporarily, of the loss and grief which accompanies the passing of a loved one.

 Either way, how in the hell does that square with Lockdown Nation—an unprecedented government ordered economic heart attack purportedly designed to prevent a Black Plague of illness and death?

 To be sure, a better than garden variety recession was already due after a record 129- month long business expansion. But it was the sudden, virulent eruption of the Covid Death Hysteria in the halls of government that turned a scheduled business cycle contraction into a monumental catastrophe. 

Indeed, the unfolding collapse now underway shouldn’t be called either a recession or a depression. These terms denote the macroeconomic contraction triggered by bursting credit or other financial bubbles and they usually take many months to reach full intensity. 

But this one literally arrived at warp speed and with orders of magnitude greater contractionary force than normal business cycle downturns. It is therefore sui generis; it stemmed from panicked officialdom who ordered households and businesses alike to abruptly “cease and desist” from their daily economic activity upon penalty of fine, jail and public opprobrium. 

The good folks at Moody’s Analytics captured the breathtaking speed of the resulting plunge in the chart below in which they tracked the number of U.S. counties falling under lockdown orders (blue bars) with an estimate of the cumulative loss in daily GDP (ascending red line). 


Whether this is accurate to the percentage point is immaterial and will be adjudicated after several years of jobs and GDP data revisions. But what can’t be gainsaid is that in the short span between March 16 and April 6th depicted in the graphic—something like one-third of US GDP ceased to happen. 

When in the modern day world of nearly unfathomably complex economic linkages, incredibly long supply chains and interactive feed-back loops you have one-third of economic activity go dark in just 21 days, the damage is likely to be enormous, even if the interruption is comparatively short-lived. 

But in the present instance the US economy was so fragile and deeply impaired owing to 30-years of debt, speculation and malinvestment-fueled false prosperity that it resembled an economic hemophiliac stumbling into a knife fight. The bleeding will be profuse and long-lasting because the American body economic had no defenses. 

We shall lay out chapter and verse on the cash flow vulnerability of the preponderant share of US households and businesses in subsequent installments. But sometimes a picture is truly worth a thousand words and this– cars lined-up at a San Diego food bank—is one of them. 


Ordinary urban poor folk don’t line up at the soup kitchen in their late vintage autos and SUVs. This is the hand-to-mouth economy lined up for food in cars that will soon be nabbed by the repo man. 

So the question recurs. Why did Lockdown Nation strike the everyday American economy out of the blue and who is responsible? 

That is to say, Lockdown Nation itself is the product of a contagion of public policy Hysteria, so who is Patient Zero? 

We think there is little doubt that it is the Donald himself, as we chronicle below. It is only his overweening, pugnacious, polarizing political persona that could have transformed a moderate public health threat into a politicized death struggle that is literally suffocating the American economy and the social life which depends upon it. 

But for want of doubt let us remind that there was never any case for Lockdown Nation -- not on March 16 when the Trump White House issued its stay-at-home guidelines nor subsequently -- based on the pubic health impact of the coronavirus. 

That’s because Covid-19 would be considered a despicable bully if it were an animate being. It overwhelmingly brings serious illness and death upon the old, frail and already disease-ridden, not the general population. 

Even many of the rare deaths among younger people appear to be attributable to an unusual genetic condition which causes the number one killer of the coronavirus—the human immune system—to launch an unhinged counterattack called a “cytokine storm” that ends up maiming or killing the patient, not the virus (fortunately, there are immune system suppressants that can treat these if caught early enough). 

Thus, as of April 25 when the CDC had scored 40,072 “confirmed or presumed” Covid19 deaths, the breakdown by age was unassailably dispositive: 

· Age 0-14: 5 deaths among 60.9 million or a mortality rate of 0.008 per 100,000; 

· Age 15-34: 354 deaths among 88.7 million or a mortality rate of 0.39 per 100,000; 

· Age 35-64: 7,907 deaths among 125.8 million or a mortality rate of 6.3 per 100,000; 

· Age 65-84: 19,840 deaths among 45.9 million or a mortality rate of 43.2 per 100,000; 

· Age 85 and older: 11,966 deaths among 6.54 million or a mortality rate of 182.9 per 100,000. 

So the average mortality rate for the entire US population as of April 25, which was 12.2 deaths per 100,000, is completely meaningless from the perspective of remedial public health policy. It is a reminder of the old adage that you can drown in a river with an average depth of 3 feet if you end up in a deep, vicious eddy pool. 

Likewise, you don’t rationally shut down schools when the mortality rate for kids is a rounding error; and keeping the kids out of school does nothing for their grandparents and great-grandparents if they are self-isolated anyway, as the should be, when their mortality risk is 22,800 times higher! 

Indeed, among the cohorts of the working age population age 35-64, there is absolutely no basis in the mortality rates for shutting down places of work. The normal, total mortality rate for this 126 million-strong core of the work force, in fact, is nearly 500 per 100,000 annually. 

So the Covid death count to date amounts to just 1.3% of the normal mortality rate. What posse of fools advised the Donald, therefore, to monkey-hammer the working economy on account of that? 

Moreover, our eddy pool analogy could not be more spot on. A new analysis of elderly New York hospital patients who died WITH Covid-19 showed that 94% suffered from at least one life-threatening morbidity such as hypertension or respiratory illnesses, and 88% had at least two. 

That is to say, based one age alone, the Covid is a perfect case of the Pareto 20/80 rule. In this case, the 65 years and older population (52.4 million) accounts for 16% of the US total population (327.2 million) but 79% of the WITH Covid-19 deaths. 

But when you overlay, the comorbidity incidence among those 16%, the real highly vulnerable population turns out to be 5% or less. 

So the fact that we got to Lockdown Nation with lightening speed given these facts is surely a case of President Truman’s famous sign on his Oval Office desk that read, “the buck stops here”. 

The truth is, the Donald is lazy, weak, indecisive, notoriously ill-informed and an atrocious chooser of advisors, and it is exactly those attributes that lead to the March 16 stay-at-home guidelines from the Oval Office. 

Had the Donald not foolishly embraced the misbegotten project of the Infectious Disease Lobby to stop the spread of the coronavirus through the US population cold, which is self-evidently impossible with a ultra-contagious airborne virus, the Dem mayors and governors would not have had the political hall pass to instantly pile on the lockdown wagon. 

Ironically, the Dems were desperately searching for a way to discredit the Donald’s phony Greatest Economy Ever boast, and the Donald handed them what amounts to an economic bunker buster bomb on a platter. 

Indeed, choosing bad advisors and listening to them is the Donald signature failing. After all, if the gravamen of your foreign policy is America First and you appoint as your top national security advisor the most unhinged apostle of Empire First on the entire planet, John Bolton, you are either stupid as hell or semi-comatose. 

So the Donald is, in fact, the Patient Zero who spread the virus of Lockdown Nation because he was either too lazy or too dumb ask the obvious question, as we will amplify in Part 2. 

But in the meanwhile, WSJ columnist Holman Jenkins got it right: 
We started off sensibly. 'This is not something [American families] generally need to worry about,' said CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier in mid-January. 'It’s a very, very low risk to the United States,' said Dr. Anthony Fauci a week later. 

Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York, urged residents to go about their business normally as recently as March 11. 
But then on March 16, the Donald entered the White House briefing room and announced a sweeping plan to slow the spread of the coronavirus. 

And it was based on the extremely bad advice of Dr. Fauci and the Scarf Lady (Deborah Birx), both lifetime government bureaucrats who had absolutely no concept of the economic Mayhem that Lockdown Nation would instantly foster. 

So Patient Zero thereafter droned on night after night during this reality TV show in the stupid belief that the US economy was so strong that it could handle a 15-day Spring Vacation. 

Never was a US President more misguided: 
Stay home for 15 days, he told Americans. Avoid groups of more than 10 people. 'If everyone makes this change, or these critical changes, and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus,' he said. 

On Sunday, the night before Day 15, Trump told the country to stick with the plan for another month, until April 30. 

'The better you do, the faster this whole nightmare will end,' Trump said. 

'We’re getting rid of the virus,' he said. 'That’s what we’re doing. That’s the best thing we can do. By the way, for the markets. For everything. It’s very simple. It’s a very simple solution. We want to get rid of it.' 
Indeed, the Donald got so bamboozled in part because of his own massively exaggerated view of his role. He came to view the absolutely catastrophic stay-at-home guidelines as merely another case of closing things down which aren’t his to close–like the border with Mexico. 
Trump described the decision to issue the guidelines as 'one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever made' and said he was skeptical when his medical experts came to him with the plan. 

'I wasn’t happy about it,' he said on Fox News last week. 'They came in — experts — and they said, "We are going to have to close the country." I said, "We have never closed the country before. This has never happened before." I said, "Are you serious about this?" 
But without hardly a further moment of reflection, he promptly declared himself a War President, and we were off the races to Lockdown Nation. 

But on this matter, the great Randolph Bourne was more than clairvoyant fully one century ago: 
The moment war is declared, however, the mass of the people, through some spiritual alchemy, become convinced that they have willed and executed the deed themselves. 

They then, with the exception of a few malcontents, proceed to allow themselves to be regimented, coerced, deranged in all the environments of their lives, and turned into a solid manufactory of destruction toward whatever other people may have, in the appointed scheme of things, come within the range of the Government’s disapprobation. 

The citizen throws off his contempt and indifference to Government, identifies himself with its purposes, revives all his military memories and symbols, and the State once more walks, an august presence, through the imaginations of men.
Reprinted with permission from David Stockman's Contra Corner.

from Donald J. Trump: Patient Zero of Lockdown Nation’s Covid Hysteria

Will It Take Food Shortages to End Support for the Shutdown?


Americans are uniquely privileged, to the point of simply imagining they can stay home for months and months without suffering severe economic hardship as a result. Our unique privilege is delusion, the mentality that America is rich and will remain rich without particular effort on our part. Abundance simply materializes around us, regardless of incentives, and the job of politicians is to rearrange this abundance more equitably.

Polls such as this one showing widespread American support for quarantines and business shutdowns are evidence of this American privilege. Eighty percent of respondents think shutdowns by various state governors are justified as a response to the COVID-19 virus, and one-third support extending closure for another six months! 

This reflexive and unthinking complicity from the American public is partially explained by media hype, of course, over an illness which at this writing has killed fewer than sixty thousand Americans. Fear and hysteria always sell. The press clearly wants the coronavirus to be a major event, one that unseats Trump in the fall. (For its part, the administration is doing a terrible job, starting with the awful Dr. Fauci, whom the president should have sacked months ago.) And clearly the various governors' responses are wildly out of proportion to the actual public health threat, even if initially well intentioned due to sheer uncertainty of the virus's lethality. 

But something far more fundamental is at work here. American simply fail to understand, or even much think about, the fragility of distribution chains and the goods and services we rely on. Earlier this week the chairman of conglomerate Tyson Foods warned that disruptions at processing plants could create very serious shortages of beef, chicken, and pork in US grocery stores, and decimate livestock farmers. And of course this was bound to happen as the dominos fell: the shutdowns would not only impact "nonessential" goods, but everything. 

Who didn't see this? Will it take outright food shortages to make Americans change their minds about whether the shutdown is "worth it"?

We only need look at India for an example of what business and work shutdowns create in a country without as much existing wealth to consume, where far more people live close to the bone. The national work moratorium ordered by Prime Minister Modi has sent millions of migrant workers and unskilled laborers into very real danger of starvation. Already living hand to mouth and penniless, their jobs essentially banned, many have taken to walking hundreds of miles in 100-degree heat to their home villages—in hopes of being fed by their families. In a country with widespread poverty and depressingly little per capita capital investment, the shutdown is a death sentence for many. Without much capital accumulation, Indians have little savings and few investments to consume when income grinds to a halt. And India is hardly the only poor country at risk and needing food relief; one NGO official warns of "biblical" famines across thirty underdeveloped nations if supply chains continue to be disrupted and charitable economic aid dries up:

“We are not talking about people going to bed hungry,” he [David Beasley of the World Food Programme] told the Guardian in an interview. “We are talking about extreme conditions, emergency status—people literally marching to the brink of starvation. If we don’t get food to people, people will die.” 

This is what poverty really means: having little or no cushion of wealth for an emergency. Poverty is best defined as a lack of savings and resulting capital, leaving people totally dependent on new and consistent income to survive. It is a condition only capital accumulation can improve. And yet "capitalism" is blamed for the unfolding tragedy before us:


Will stories like this finally make Americans understand the severity of the situation? BBC images from India show the heartbreaking human toll of the unprecedented decision simply to stop human work activity due to an infectious disease. Americans should take note, and soon. 

Reprinted with permission from

from Will It Take Food Shortages to End Support for the Shutdown?

How Will History Treat The Coronavirus Lockdown? With Prof. Denis Rancourt

You won't want to miss this very special Liberty Report! Former University of Ottawa physics professor Denis Rancourt joins today's program to examine the science behind government and media claims about the coronavirus outbreak. Does a national lockdown make any sense? Why did the scientists that governments listen to seem to get the numbers all wrong? And why have other scientists who challenged the accepted wisdom been silenced and ignored? What are the numbers? Today on the Liberty Report:

from How Will History Treat The Coronavirus Lockdown? With Prof. Denis Rancourt

Monday, April 27, 2020

Resistance Strengthening: Small Business Defying Coronavirus Lockdown

From New York to Texas and beyond, small business owners are pushing back against local and state governments who have deemed their livelihoods to be "non-essential." Can the authorities stop this growing revolt? Plus, only government could bankrupt the medical system during a "pandemic" - US hospitals going broke. Tune in to today's Liberty Report:

from Resistance Strengthening: Small Business Defying Coronavirus Lockdown

New Anti-China Propaganda Uses Russiagate Playbook


A rabid anti-China propaganda campaign has spread through the media since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The hysteria seems to be just as contagious as the virus, as Americans are bombarded with anti-China stories from the pages of The New York Times to segments on Fox News. Both Republicans and Democrats are arguing the other side is not tough enough on China as they gear up for the 2020 election.

Since Donald Trump was elected president, the unfounded claim that Russia meddled in the 2016 election was spread far and wide by intelligence officials and liberal media outlets.

A common tactic used to promote the Russiagate narrative was unnamed officials making statements to the press without providing evidence or any factual basis to their claims. Another common tactic was frequent media appearances by former intelligence officials, like James Clapper and John Brennan, usually making wild accusations about Trump and Russia. These tactics are being repeated to promote an anti-China narrative.

The New York Times ran a story on April 22nd titled, "Chinese Agents Helped Spread Messages That Sowed Virus Panic in US, Officials Say." The article says rumors that were spread through text messages and social media posts in mid-March that claimed the Trump administration was going to lock down the entire country to combat coronavirus were boosted by "Chinese operatives." The authors’ sources are "six American officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to publicly discuss intelligence matters."

The story is lacking in detail and provides no evidence for the officials’ claims. "The origin of the messages remains murky. American officials declined to reveal details of the intelligence linking Chinese agents to the dissemination of the disinformation, citing the need to protect their sources and methods for monitoring Beijing’s activities," the story reads. Two of the officials told the Times that "they did not believe Chinese operatives created the lockdown messages, but rather amplified existing ones."

Sensationalized reporting in the Times would not be complete without mentioning the Russians. "American officials said the operatives had adopted some of the techniques mastered by Russia-backed trolls, such as creating fake social media accounts to push messages to sympathetic Americans, who in turn unwittingly help spread them."

Ironically, the story recognizes the danger of US officials making selective leaks to the media. "Foreign policy analysts are worried that the Trump administration may politicize intelligence work or make selective leaks to promote an anti-China narrative … American officials in the past have selectively passed intelligence to reporters to shape the domestic political landscape." The Times uses the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq as an example of the dangers of selective leaks, ignoring the past four years of Russiagate stories that plagued its pages.

On April 17th, Fox News Host Tucker Carlson had former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright on his show to deliver some wild accusations about US politicians and the Chinese government. Wright insinuated that some members of Congress might be agents of China’s intelligence service, the Ministry of State Security (MSS). Carlson explained to Wright that the show reached out to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and other elected officials to ask if they’ve had contact with any Chinese officials since the coronavirus outbreak began. Carlson said they did not respond and asked Wright, "What do you think we should infer from that?"

Wright responded, "I think that they’re nervous. I think there are a bunch of people who, because they’re either useful idiots or they have some degree of knowledge and relationships behind the scenes with the Chinese government. Some of them in fact could be Chinese agents of the MSS." Wright’s language comes straight from the Russiagate playbook. Intelligence officials and media pundits often referred to Trump as a "useful idiot" for Moscow, and some even speculated that the president is a "Russian agent."

Trump’s anti-Russia policies show that he is not working in the White House on behalf of Vladimir Putin. Similarly, anti-China legislation that has recently passed through the House and Senate makes it unlikely any MSS agents are working in the halls of Congress.

The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act passed unanimously through the Senate last year and had one lone nay vote in the House from Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY). The act, which was signed into law by President Trump, requires the State Department to prepare an annual report on the autonomy of Hong Kong from mainland China. The act also requires the Commerce Department to report on "China’s efforts to use Hong Kong to evade US export controls." The bill says the president shall present Congress with a list of any individuals that violate human rights in Hong Kong. Any findings that are unsatisfactory to the US could result in sanctions.

The Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act was also passed unanimously through the Senate, and again, Rep. Massie was the only one to vote against the bill in the House. This bill, which has not made it to President Trump’s desk, would require the US to impose sanctions and export restrictions over China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims in the western autonomous region of Xinjiang.

Rep. Massie, the sole dissenting voice in Congress, did not vote against these bills because of any loyalty to Beijing or Xi Jinping. "When our government meddles in the internal affairs of foreign countries, it invites those governments to meddle in our affairs," Massie wrote on Twitter, explaining his votes.

The Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative (TAIPEI) Act, which was signed into law by President Trump in March, passed unanimously through both the House and Senate, with Rep. Massie finally falling in line with his colleague’s anti-China policy. The TAIPEI Act says the US should "help strengthen Taiwan’s diplomatic relationships and partnerships around the world."

Taiwan remains the most sensitive issue between the US and China, since Beijing considers the island to be a part of China. Although the US does not formally recognize Taiwan as an independent nation, Washington supplies the island with arms and frequently sails warships through the Taiwan strait, drawing the ire of Beijing. No members of Congress speak out against these provocations. Like the accusations about Trump and Russia, the idea that Congress is crawling with agents of Beijing is easily disproven by actual policy.

Tucker Carlson did not challenge any of Wright’s outrageous claims but instead nodded along. Since the start of the outbreak, Carlson’s show has focused on putting all the blame for the coronavirus pandemic on Beijing. Carlson’s recent content reflects the strategy of the White House. The Daily Beast obtained internal White House documents in March that showed the administration was pushing US officials to blame China for a "cover-up" in the early days of the outbreak. The strategy has proven useful as many pro-Trump media outlets put Beijing’s response to the pandemic under a microscope, and largely ignore the US government’s early missteps.

Politico obtained a memo sent by the National Republican Senatorial Committee to GOP campaigns. The memo outlines an anti-China strategy for Republicans running for office in 2020. The document advises candidates to blame the pandemic on China, say Democratic opponents are too soft on China, and advocate for sanctions against Beijing. The memo is full of strong rhetoric like, "China is not an ally, and they’re not just a rival — they are an adversary and the Chinese Communist Party is our enemy."

The GOP guidelines are similar to the rhetoric coming from China hardliners like former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. In March 2019, Bannon and neoconservative Frank Gaffney founded the Committee on Present Danger: China, a think-tank that identifies China as the greatest "existential threat" to the United States. In his almost-daily podcast, Bannon rails against Beijing and pins all the blame for the pandemic on China. "The Chinese Communist Party is at war with their people, they’re at war with the world, and they’re at war with you … You may not have an interest in the Chinese Communist Party but its destroyed your life. OK? Your economic life, your spiritual life, your social life. The destruction is from Beijing," Bannon said in a recent episode.

Republicans and right-wingers are not the only ones looking to attack China this election season. The Biden campaign released an ad on April 18th that attacked Trump for his response to the virus. The ad said, "Trump rolled over for the Chinese" and criticized how much the president praised China’s handling of the pandemic early on. "Trump praised the Chinese 15 times in January and February as the coronavirus spread across the world," the ad said.

The anti-China propaganda seems to be turning public opinion against Beijing. A new poll from the Pew Research Center that surveyed 1,000 adults throughout March found that 66 percent have an unfavorable view of China, an increase of 14 percent since Pew last asked the question in 2018. Nine out of 10 adults surveyed view China as a threat, including 62 percent who see China as a major threat.

China may have made some mistakes in its early response to the virus, but that does not excuse the US government’s lack of preparedness, and treating the pandemic as an attack sets a dangerous precedent for future outbreaks. The strategy could backfire on Washington if any future pandemics originate in the US.

Like Russiagate, the anti-China propaganda will serve as a useful tool for a national security state that is looking to focus more on great power competition. The Pentagon identifies China as its number one priority and is looking to increase its footprint in the Indo-Pacific region. The constant propaganda will make that increased presence more palatable to the American people. But that increased presence will bring more confrontation between the US and China, and bring the region and the world closer to nuclear war.

Reprinted with permission from

from New Anti-China Propaganda Uses Russiagate Playbook

Narrative Managers Argue China-Like Internet Censorship Is Needed


Neoconservative publication The Atlantic has published an article authored by two university professors titled “Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal”, subtitled “In the debate over freedom versus control of the global network, China was largely correct, and the US was wrong.”

The article is actually worth reading in full, not just because it’s outrage porn for anyone who values human communication that is unregulated by oligarchs and government agencies, but because it’s actually packed full of extensively sourced information about the way Silicon Valley tech giants are collaborating with western governments to censor speech. The only difference between this article and something you might read on some libertarian website is that this article argues that all of these regulations on speech are a good thing.

Here’s an archive of the article if you don’t want to give clicks to The Atlantic, whose editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg once assured the world that “the coming invasion of Iraq will be remembered as an act of profound morality.” Do give it a look if this interests you and you have time.
“In the great debate of the past two decades about freedom versus control of the network, China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong,” argue the article’s authors, one of whom is a former Bush administration lawyer. “Significant monitoring and speech control are inevitable components of a mature and flourishing internet, and governments must play a large role in these practices to ensure that the internet is compatible with a society’s norms and values.”

The article paints an accurate picture of the ways in which supposedly independent social media platforms have been collaborating with governments and with each other to regulate speech and have increased that collaboration during the Covid-19 pandemic, noting how “In March 2019, Zuckerberg invited the government to regulate ‘harmful content’ on his platform” and how “As in other contexts, Facebook relies on fact-checking organizations and ‘authorities’ (from the World Health Organization to the governments of US states) to ascertain which content to downgrade or remove.”

“These platforms have engaged in ‘strategic collaboration’ with the federal government, including by sharing information, to fight foreign electoral interference,” The Atlantic reports after outlining ways in which Facebook, Twitter and Youtube have been censoring speech in “aggressive but still imperfect steps to fend off foreign adversaries.”

“The harms from digital speech will also continue to grow, as will speech controls on these networks,” the article’s authors assert. “And invariably, government involvement will grow. At the moment, the private sector is making most of the important decisions, though often under government pressure. But as Zuckerberg has pleaded, the firms may not be able to regulate speech legitimately without heavier government guidance and involvement. It is also unclear whether, for example, the companies can adequately contain foreign misinformation and prevent digital tampering with voting mechanisms without more government surveillance.”
This article comes out days after journalist Whitney Webb published another article worth reading titled “Techno-Tyranny: How The US National Security State Is Using Coronavirus To Fulfill An Orwellian Vision”. Webb details how FOIA-obtained document by a US government organization called the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) argues for the need to implement authoritarian measures like increased surveillance more in line with those used in China, in order to prevent the PRC from technologically surpassing the United States.

Webb notes for example how the document “cites the use of mass surveillance on China’s ‘huge population base’ is an example of how China’s ‘scale of consumer market’ advantage allowing ‘China to leap ahead’ in the fields of related technologies, like facial recognition.”

We’re also seeing an increase in surveillance being pushed for in a new report by the think tank Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, arguing that a drastic increase in tech surveillance is “a price worth paying” in order to fight Covid-19. Which is of course hilarious, because having the think tank of a Bush lapdog Prime Minister argue that more surveillance is a price worth paying to stop coronavirus is a lot like a bunch of muggers arguing that time saved by cutting through dark alleyways is worth the increased risk of mugging.

So that’s great. We’re seeing mainstream narrative managers shriek about the need for new cold war escalations against China’s bad, bad authoritarian government, while simultaneously arguing that western governments should espouse Beijing’s worst authoritarian impulses. This as we’ve discussed previously is because consent needs to be manufactured in order for the US-centralized empire to take drastic steps to prevent China from surpassing it and creating a multipolar world, and the freer people are to think and act and organize, the harder that’s going to be.

Oligarchs have no business controlling what we can and cannot say to each other. Governments have no business bringing more and more transparency to us while bringing more and more opacity to themselves. This is ugly, it is abusive, and it must end.

Freedom of speech is actually about freedom of thought. Speech is the carrying agent of thought; controlling human communication is actually about controlling the spread of ideas. Censorship is about controlling the thoughts that the public think in their heads. Speech control is mind control.

Reprinted with permission from
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from Narrative Managers Argue China-Like Internet Censorship Is Needed

Next in Coronavirus Tyranny: Forced Vaccinations and 'Digital Certificates'


In my first week in the House of Representatives in 1976, I cast one of the two votes against legislation appropriating funds for a swine flu vaccination program. A swine flu outbreak was then dominating headlines, so most in DC were frantic to “do something” about the virus.

Unfortunately, the hastily developed and rushed-into-production swine flu vaccine was not only ineffective, it was dangerous. Approximately 50 people who received the vaccine subsequently contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome, a potentially fatal form of paralysis. According to an expert with the Centers for Disease Control, the incidence of Guillain-Barré was four times higher among those who received the swine flu vaccine than in the general population.

That sad history may soon repeat itself. Right now, governments and private industries are working to rapidly develop and deploy a coronavirus vaccine. Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is a major funder of these efforts, has suggested everyone who receives a vaccine be issued a “digital certificate” proving he has been vaccinated. Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose record of wrong predictions makes him the Bill Kristol of epidemiology, also wants individuals to carry some proof they have been vaccinated.

Another authoritarian proposal floated to deal with coronavirus is to force everyone to download a phone app that will track their movements. This would allow government officials to identify those who may have been near anyone who may have had coronavirus. Such mandatory “contact tracing” is an assault on our privacy and liberty.

Vaccines can improve health. For example, vaccines helped reduce the incidence of diseases like polio. But not all vaccines are safe and effective for all people. Furthermore, certain modern practices, such as giving infants multiple vaccines at one time, may cause health problems. The fact that vaccines may benefit some people, or even most people, does not justify government forcing individuals to be vaccinated. It also does not justify vaccinating children against their parents’ wishes. And it certainly does not justify keeping individuals and families in involuntary quarantine because they do not have “digital certificates” proving they have had their shots.

If government can force individuals to receive medical treatment against their will, then there is no reason why government cannot force individuals to buy medical insurance, prohibit them from owning firearms, dictate their terms of employment, and prevent them from taking arguably harmful actions like smoking marijuana or drinking raw milk. Similarly, if government can override parents’ wishes regarding medical treatment for their children, then there is no reason why government cannot usurp parental authority in other areas, such as education.

Proponents of mandatory vaccines and enhanced surveillance are trying to blackmail the American people by arguing that the lockdown cannot end unless we create a healthcare surveillance state and make vaccination mandatory. The growing number of Americans who are tired of not being able to go to work, school, or church, or even to take their children to a park because of government mandates should reject this “deal.” Instead, they should demand an immediate end to the lockdowns and the restoration of individual responsibility for deciding how best to protect their health.

from Next in Coronavirus Tyranny: Forced Vaccinations and 'Digital Certificates'

Sunday, April 26, 2020

RPI's McAdams on SkyNews Australia: 'Experts' Totally Failed on Covid-19

How will the United States manage opening up its economy after the coronavirus shutdown? Ron Paul Institute Director Daniel McAdams is interviewed on SkyNews Australia on how incredibly wrong the "experts" have been on the "pandemic" of 2020. Americans are furious at the mistakes of their government and are out in the streets demanding their rights to go back to work:

from RPI's McAdams on SkyNews Australia: 'Experts' Totally Failed on Covid-19

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Some Washington State Sheriffs Begin Refusing To Enforce Gov. Inslee’s Lockdown Orders


To date, three county sheriffs in Washington State broke ranks and announced they will not enforce some of Governor Inslee’s executive orders relating to his several, and increasingly frequent lockdown orders–proclaimed under the auspices of state of emergency declarations to the COVID-19 situation. The dominant subject of dissent among these law enforcement officials centers around what are regarded as unconstitutional intrusions by the governor enacted against the citizens of their respective counties and the inconsistency of regulations applied unequally by the state.

It is my belief that unless a strong reversal of Governor Inslee’s resolve to remain steadfast in his prosecution of ordinary Washingtonians is not fielded soon, the “insubordination” as he claims will only grow and serve to weaken his position, adding spark to a movement against him and his office if it continues in its present form for months.

The time has come for the governor to put his ego aside. For if he chooses to adversarily engage these sheriffs and others who will come to join them he will lose in the courts of public opinion of these various counties.

For those unfamiliar with the make up of Washington State’s law enforcement structure I will provide a very rudimentary primer for the purpose of brevity. The state is subdivided into thirty-nine counties, all of which presently have an elected sheriff. Under RCW 36.28.010: “The sheriff is the chief executive officer and conservator of the peace of the county. In the execution of his or her office…”

The sheriff is not generally an appointed position, as is the Chief of the Washington State Patrol, who is appointed by the governor and city chiefs of police by their respective mayors or councils. Sheriffs serve both the civil process and criminal departments, act as agents of the district and superior courts and in most cases maintain the county’s jails. They are also tasked by statute with serving public health directives and orders of the county health department. They are not subordinate to the purview of the office of the governor.

As elected officials, their realm is largely separated from that of the county commissioners. Unless there might be in the case of a home rule type of charter of a small town, (which I have not ever heard of such a case) they are the only elected general authority law enforcement officers of the state–and are generally answerable to the voters of their county. In a review of the various applicable Revised Codes of Washington I was unable in fact to locate any provision granting the office of the governor any authority to modify or preempt the duties of any sheriff in the state acting under the duties of their office as tempered by the state and federal constitutions. The governor may direct the State Patrol, the Washington State Guard, and the Washington National Guard, but he does not control the thirty-nine sheriffs.

Statutory provisions notwithstanding, there remains an unquestionable social matter relating to the office of Sheriff in the state’s counties, especially those of Eastern Washington and other rural areas.

Culturally in these areas sheriffs command a great amount of clout and respect among the ordinary citizens of their county. While most probably might not know who the chief of police is in other towns within the county, nearly all know who “their” sheriff is. The understanding is that the sheriff serves them; not the governor, not the county commissioners, but the citizens themselves. While the deputies and city officers might be somewhat faceless agents of their agencies, the sheriff tends to be, or at least perceived to be, part of their personal social arenas. This is not to say that such beliefs are universally held, and not all are liked by all citizens, but people in most of the non-metropolitan counties tend to identify the sheriff as their own. From a political perspective, a sheriff can be a very difficult opponent if chosen to contend with and certainly not one to dismiss without consequence. The sheriff is among the community for everything from general law enforcement, to participation in civic activities, fairs, social clubs, school programs of even small communities, and is approachable and not removed to the state capitol as is sometimes perceived to be the case with the governor’s office.

Having seen personally the decimation of jobs, denial of basic liberty, and countless and conflicting orders coming every few days out of the governor’s office, several sheriffs began taking exception to what their constituents are presently enduring. While certainly none of these men question the emergency nature of containing the pandemic, they see themselves, it seems, to be forced into an unenviable position of being charged with forcing unethical and unconstitutional mandates upon their communities. To them in its most basic form is infringing on the constitutional rights of the people, which every law enforcement officer in the state is charged in their oath of office to uphold. To many professional law enforcement officers it is counter to police culture to force a person trying to earn an honest living through ordinary employment to face jailing simply for trying to put food on the table of their families, or simple be let alone to pursue ordinary happiness and not bother anyone else. They are being told by Governor Inslee to upheave the life of the average person with increasingly less concrete justification. That is not something that sits well with most professional police officers.

The seeds for this type of dissent by some Eastern Washington sheriffs began last year with the passing of I-1639, which greatly restricted firearms rights in the state. About a dozen or more sheriffs, mostly in rural counties, refused to enforce the restrictions against the people, citing that the provisions violated both the federal and state constitutional right to bear arms. We are beginning to see an analogue with this in today’s declarations of emergency. It is perceived by the dissent as an unjust action against law abiding citizens, likely unconstitutional, and they are not going to be coerced into enforcing this.

In a Facebook posting, Snohomish County Sheriff Fortney Wrote of his dissent and how his agency is managing the outbreak:
Snohomish County Residents and Business Owners,

I just watched the Governor’s speech to Washingtonian’s regarding our approach to getting Washington back in business and I am left to wonder if he even has a plan? To be quite honest I wasn’t even sure what he was trying to say half of the time. He has no plan. He has no details. This simply is not good enough in times when we have taken such drastic measures as the suspension of constitutional rights. I wrote most of this about two weeks ago but I decided to wait out of respect for the Governor and my own misguided hope that each day he did a press conference he would say something with some specificity on getting Washington back to work. After what I witnessed tonight I can no longer stay silent as I’m not even sure he knows what he is doing or knows what struggles Washingtonian’s face right now.

I want to start by saying this virus is very real and sadly, it has taken 97 lives in Snohomish County. This is a very serious issue and the appropriate precautions need to be taken to protect our most vulnerable populations. However, our communities have already shown and continue to show they understand the severity of the situation and are doing all they can already to keep themselves, their families and neighbors safe and healthy.

I am worried about the economy and I am worried about Washingtonian’s that need to make a living for their family. As more data floods in week by week and day by day about this pandemic I think it is clear that the “models” have not been entirely accurate. While that is okay, we cannot continue down the same path we have been on if the government reaction does not fit the data or even worse, the same government reaction makes our situation worse.

As elected leaders I think we should be questioning the Governor when it makes sense to do so. Are pot shops really essential or did he allow them to stay in business because of the government taxes received from them? That seems like a reasonable question. If pot shops are essential, then why aren’t gun shops essential? Our Governor has told us that private building/construction must stop as it is not essential, but government construction is okay to continue. So let me get this right, according to the Governor if you are employed or contracted by the government to build government things you can still make a living for your family in spite of any health risk. If you are a construction worker in the private sector you cannot make a living and support your family because the health risk is too high. This contradiction is not okay and in my opinion is bordering on unethical.

As I arrive to work at the courthouse, I see landscapers show up each day to install new landscape and maintain our flowerbeds. How has Governor Inslee deemed this essential work? However, a father who owns a construction company and works alone while outdoors is not allowed to run his business to make a living to provide for his wife and children? How has Governor Inslee deemed thousands of Boeing employees who work inside a factory building airplanes essential? But building residential homes is not essential? If a factory with 20,000+ employees each day can implement safe practices to conduct normal business operations, I am entirely confident that our small business owners and independent contractors are more than capable of doing the same.

If this Coronavirus is so lethal and we have shut down our roaring economy to save lives, then it should be all or nothing. The government should not be picking winners or losers when it comes to being able to make an income for your family. If the virus is so lethal it shouldn’t matter whether you are building a school for the government, building a new housing development, restaurant owner, or you happen to be an independent contractor. To the contrary, if the virus is proving to not be as lethal as we thought, maybe it’s time for a balanced and reasonable approach to safely get our economy moving again and allowing small businesses to once again provide an income for their families and save their businesses. This is what I hoped for from the Governor tonight but he is not prepared or ready to make these decisions. If we are going to allow government contractors and pot shops to continue to make a living for their families, then it is time to open up this freedom for other small business owners who are comfortable operating in the current climate. This is the great thing about freedom. If you are worried about getting sick you have the freedom to choose to stay home. If you need to make a living for your family and are comfortable doing so, you should have the freedom to do so.

As I have previously stated, I have not carried out any enforcement for the current a stay-at-home order. As this order has continued on for well over a month now and a majority of our residents cannot return to work to provide for their families, I have received a lot of outreach from concerned members of our community asking if Governor Inslee’s order is a violation of our constitutional rights.

As your Snohomish County Sheriff, yes I believe that preventing business owners to operate their businesses and provide for their families intrudes on our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am greatly concerned for our small business owners and single-income families who have lost their primary source of income needed for survival.

As your elected Sheriff I will always put your constitutional rights above politics or popular opinion. We have the right to peaceably assemble. We have the right to keep and bear arms. We have the right to attend church service of any denomination. The impacts of COVID 19 no longer warrant the suspension of our constitutional rights.

Along with other elected Sheriffs around our state, the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office will not be enforcing an order preventing religious freedoms or constitutional rights. I strongly encourage each of you to reach out and contact your councilmembers, local leaders and state representatives to demand we allow businesses to begin reopening and allow our residents, all of them, to return to work if they choose to do so.

The great thing about Snohomish County government is we have all worked very well together during this crisis. I’m not saying we agree all of the time, I’m saying we have the talent and ability to get this done for Snohomish County! This is not a time to blindly follow, this is a time to lead the way.
Sheriff Adam Fortney
For a statement of Okanogan County Sheriff Anthony Hawley on his interpretation of the COVID-19 challenge and his declaration of non-enforcement of punitive measures against his constituents, please click HERE.

It seems clear, at least to me, that these sheriffs are put into a difficult position, they uphold the fact that citizens of their counties are trying to manage containment of the pandemic but see unreasonable impositions forced onto the public by the governor and proclaim their frustration with the open ended timeframe and lack of inherency of the nearly twenty declarations of restrictions on the public and businesses.

Moving behind this the office of the governor has I believe little recourse if a sheriff or his deputies decline to initiate a prosecution against a citizen or business. Barring a court order, the governor has no authority to require a sheriff or his/her deputies to enforce a statute or proclamation. The courts permit law enforcement officers generally a wide degree of discretion in enforcing criminal laws, that is without a warrant or specific statutory mandate such as is the case with mandatory arrest of primary aggressors in domestic violence incidents. In fact the courts have held this discretion to be manifest even among individual officers and their department’s policies. (The State Patrol several years ago could not require a mandatory towing policy of vehicles in certain incidents due to this violating the discretion authority of an individual trooper). I do not also believe the governor’s office will prevail if it chooses to secure writs of mandamus against dissenting sheriffs, to compel enforcement of the governor’s declarations of state of emergency. In the last two years the appellate courts in Washington generally have been against the use of mandamus as a primary means of compelling compliance, when all other conventional means of redress through the court systems have not been fully utilized.

There also remains the potential for precedent bound against the state if the governor chooses to challenge these sheriffs and others who take exception. It is well-known that bad state actions lead surely to bad precedent and the novelty of what has taken place recently is ripe for court intervention and interpretation. For me I see the governor taking a very broad brush to a problem that could have been contained without the excessive infringement on civil rights. If one were to look at the State of Emergency statutes in the RCW, the sense is that the construction of this statute was intended to be a response to insurrection, riots, and great disasters resulting in severe public disorder–and then crafted to be limited in scope to only areas demonstratably affected by such disorder. That is not the case presently. There has been no rioting in the streets, no public melee, and no wanton destruction by marauding actors. We’ve seen only the bad effects of a virus infection that spreads worse than most but we are seeing officials taking the strongest enforcement aspects of the law and applying it wantonly against everyone, everywhere in the state. That threat is waning but very little is being done to curtail the restrictions. Yes, yesterday Governor Inslee stated he would open construction jobs, after the construction lobby and industry met with him, but the shopkeeper who sells widgets in Pasco must keep his business closed. So what does it take to do business in Washington–Have a powerful lobby or a good product or service? And what favor should they pay in return for the governor’s generosity?

The first week of next month constitutes a formerly declared end date for the most recent general proclamation. I believe the governor’s goodwill to maintain the bulwark of his restrictions on liberty will quickly wane if he declares another open ended general denial of freedom to the public, and more public officials such as these sheriffs could join the ranks of those who oppose him. The governor might win with some news outlets and those in comfortable stations in large cities but if he chooses to confront a sheriff in his county over a constitutional rights issue Mr. Inslee will suffer a humiliating defeat in the court of public opinion in those localities. He will look rather foolish making demands that nobody will listen to. That will not serve the public well if there is an actual emergency that needs to be countered and few people believe that it is serious because they have exhausted their trust in him. He should remember that the state’s sheriff’s answer to the voters, not to him. It is quite self-evident where their loyalty remains.

I’ve done some rather informal talks with tradespeople, business owners, and other regular folks in five counties over the past couple weeks while travelling on business. I can say that nearly everyone I spoke with was trying to do the right thing in protecting themselves and others from this virus and they believe in what they are doing. But ALL OF THEM have told me that they feel what has been mandated upon them is untenable, and/or detrimental to themselves, their jobs, or their employers. Their patience is wearing thin. If the governor continues to restrict all Washingtonians the perceived problem will transfer from that of the COVID-19 virus directly to the politician himself who caused nearly all of this economic fallout by proclamation: Governor Jay Inslee. It will not be the local county sheriff who gets the blame for this mess.

Reprinted with permission from

from Some Washington State Sheriffs Begin Refusing To Enforce Gov. Inslee’s Lockdown Orders