Friday, October 20, 2023

Americans Are Not Supporting the US Sending Weapons to Israel


President Joe Biden is proposing 14 billion dollars in United States aid to Israel that is pursuing its new war — a 40 percent increase over what the Israel government requested earlier this week. Meanwhile, a new poll indicates the majority of Americans are refusing to line up in support of this latest American war effort.

A CBS/YouGov poll conducted this week asked whether four different US actions should be taken now in regard to “the situation with Israel and Hamas.” In response to one of the queries, 52 percent of polled individuals said they opposed the US government “sending weapons and supplies to Israel.”

This majority opposition is particularly impressive considering that the polled individuals tended to indicate that they are more sympathetic to Israelis than to Palestinians. In “the current conflict,” 51 percent of respondents said they sympathize “a lot” with the Israeli people, while 33 percent said they sympathize “somewhat” with the Israeli people. Sympathy for the Palestinian people in the current conflict came in substantially lower, with the “a lot” answer at 28 percent and the “somewhat” answer at 37 percent.

Majority support was uncovered in the poll for the three other US government actions queried: 72 percent for engaging “in diplomacy with countries in the region,” 76 percent for sending “humanitarian aid to Israel,” and 57 percent for sending “humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.”

Don’t believe the hype that this new US war commitment being pushed on the American people by politicians is very popular. It is not. And don’t believe the hype that opponents of ­this new US war commitment are all desiring to harm Israeli or Jewish people. They are not. Those claims are unfounded propaganda that is regularly deployed to cow Americans to acquiesce in the entry of the US government into its next major horrific foreign intervention.

from Peace and Prosperity

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Congress Worked on a Two Billion Dollars Aid Bill for Israel. The Israel Government Says, ‘Nah, Make it Ten Billion.’


Over the last year and a half, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky kept himself busy repeatedly demanding more money, supplies, and weapons from the United States and other governments to pay for Ukraine’s war against Russia. No matter how much was given, he never accepted it as enough. More, more, more aid, he constantly demanded.

It looks like the Israel government is starting off in its new war on the same course of aid demands as the Ukraine government has pursued.

Last week, word was legislation was in the works in the United States Congress to provide around two billion dollars in supplementary funding to the Israel government to support its activities in its new war. Instead of just expressing thanks and waiting for the money to start flowing in, with Zelensky-level audacity the Israel government is reported to have asked the US government to provide instead five times that amount — ten billion dollars.

Hey, don’t worry, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a Monday Sky News interview that the US government can “certainly afford to stand with Israel and to support Israel’s military needs, and we also can and must support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia.” Come on, Secretary Yellen, can’t you show some gusto like the Israel government and up that from two to ten wars?

from Peace and Prosperity

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Ron Paul and Andrew Napolitano Discuss War in the Middle East

Andrew Napolitano has done a great job helping people become informed about developments in the Ukraine War through his interviews with guests with pertinent knowledge and insights, including Douglas Macgregor, Ray McGovern, and Scott Ritter. As war builds in the Middle East after the Hamas attack of last week, Napolitano has been providing a similarly valuable service in presenting information about this new war.

On Tuesday, as part of his new focus on the new war, Napolitano interviewed Ron Paul, who Napolitano introduced as “the gold standard in American modern political history for limited government, maximum individual liberty, economic prosperity, and peace.”

Watch Napolitano’s interview of Paul here:


Voices for Peace Help Crack War Propaganda


Over the last week, most United States Congress members have rushed out to proclaim to all their commitment to “stand with Israel,” many of them adding that they want the US to support the Israel government in doing whatever it decides to do in pursuing war in response to last week’s Hamas attack. And the early action by the Israel government indicates that what it seeks is, at minimum, decimation in Gaza.

Among Israelis, though, there is substantial opposition to the Israel government pursuing the all-out war path. Even among relatives of individuals killed and taken as hostages in the Hamas attack there are individuals who express sorrow in regard to the horror that Israel military action is causing and who support seeking peace.

In a series of thee Twitter posts, journalist Glenn Greenwald presented on Tuesday comments from three individuals — all with relatives either missing after or killed or taken as hostages in the Hamas attack — who dissent from indiscriminate cheering on of Israel pursing war. The perspective a quick listen to and read of the comments provides can help Americans see through the barrage of pro-war propaganda to which they have been subjected by American politicians and American media. See Greenwald’s posts here.

from Peace and Prosperity

Monday, October 9, 2023

Donald Trump Sings in the Stand with Israel Chorus


On Saturday, Donald Trump stood out among Republican presidential candidates when he offered an initial statement that was relatively noninterventionist in reaction to the Hamas attack that occurred that day. But, later on Saturday, Trump, speaking at a campaign event in Waterloo, Iowa, confirmed that he, just like the rest of the field, is committed to advancing the United States government supporting Israel in the rising conflict.

At the campaign rally Trump commented:
The Hamas terrorist invasion of Israel territory, Israeli territory, and the murder of Israeli soldiers today and the brutal murder of citizens is an act of savagery that must and will be crushed — has to be, it has to be dealt with very powerfully. This is a time where the United States needs leadership. We don’t have leadership. But, Israel is at war, and the United States obviously is going to stick with Israel, and strongly.
Oh well, it took less than 24 hours for Trump to shut the door on a noninterventionist approach. In this important area of foreign policy, Trump is failing to live up to his apparent effort to run as the peace candidate in the Republican presidential primary.

from Peace and Prosperity

Sunday, October 8, 2023

California Law to Punish Doctors Who Dissent from Coronavirus Party Line Repealed


On October 1 of last year, I wrote about California Governor Gavin Newsom having signed into law the previous day AB 2098, legislation I described as telling “the state’s medical boards to punish doctors who challenge the coronavirus orthodoxy.”

Here is an update.

On September 30 of this year, exactly a year after signing AB 2098 into law, Newsome signed into law new legislation (SB 815) that includes among its provisions the repeal of AB 2098.

George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley provided in a Saturday article details regarding the repeal of AB 2098, which Turley refers to as “California’s unconstitutional Covid gag law for physicians and other medical professionals.” The repeal, Turley suggested, is motivated by the prospect of judicial determination striking down the speech restricting law. Turley also addressed in his article how repeal was accomplished surreptitiously, with no peep heard about the repeal from Newsom who had signed the original bill into law, state legislators who had sponsored it, or the California Medical Association that had pushed for its enactment. You can read Turley’s report here.

from Peace and Prosperity

Saturday, October 7, 2023

As Conflict Rises in Israel, Donald Trump Offers a Relatively Noninterventionist Reaction among Republican Presidential Candidates


In response to a Saturday attack by Hamas in Israel, Republican Party presidential candidates rushed out statements setting forth their related views. Among these statements, the statement of Donald Trump stood out as relatively noninterventionist.

While placing blame on Hamas, Trump refrained from promising support for the government of Israel in the conflict. This set him apart from the other prominent Republican candidates who made comments pledging support for Israel.

Here is Trump’s Saturday statement on the matter:
These Hamas attacks are a disgrace and Israel has every right to defend itself with overwhelming force. Sadly, American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden Administration. We brought so much peace to the Middle East through the Abraham Accords, only to see Biden whittle it away at a far more rapid pace than anyone thought possible. Here we go again. 
So far so good. Trump is not endorsing in his statement the United States government supporting the Israel government in this conflict. But, there certainly is much pressure on him to make such an endorsement soon.

Other Republican presidential candidates, in contrast, jumped immediately at the opportunity to declare their support for aiding Israel in this new rising conflict. Tara Suter reported Saturday at The Hill on other prominent Republican candidates’ early statements on the matter. Every one of them took a step beyond Trump, pledging their support to the Israel government in the rising conflict.

Below are excerpts from those candidates’ statements presented in Suter’s article.

Doug Burgum: “Iran and its terror sponsors in Gaza are showing the world their true face: pure evil. Israel is at war with brutal terrorists and the United States must provide maximum support to our democratic ally.”

Chris Christie: “We must do whatever it takes to support the State of Israel in its time of grave danger, and we must end the scourge of Iran-backed terrorism.”

Ron DeSantis: “Israel not only has the right to defend itself against these attacks, it has a duty to respond with overwhelming force. I stand with Israel. America must stand with Israel.”

Nikki Haley: “Israel has every right to defend its citizens from terror. We must always stand with Israel and against this Iranian regime.”

Mike Pence: “Our prayers are with the families and soldiers of our most cherished ally. @netanyahu [Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu)] says Israel is ‘at war’ America Stands With Israel[.]”

Vivek Ramaswamy: “Israel’s right to exist & defend itself should never be doubted and Iran-backed Hamas & Hezbollah cannot be allowed to prevail. I stand with Israel and the U.S. should too.”

Tim Scott: “Israel has a right to defend itself and the United States must stand in support of its steadfast ally.”

Can Trump continue to resist the pressure being put on him to declare that he does, and the US government should, “stand with Israel” in regard to this rising conflict? We’ll see. Taking a solitary course concerning this matter would be consistent with Trump’s apparent effort to run as the peace candidate among the contenders in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

from Peace and Prosperity