Monday, July 31, 2023

Bleeding America Dry: Senate Passes MASSIVE Military Spending Bill

Late last week the US Senate overwhelmingly passed another huge military spending bill while rejecting any oversight over how the money is spent. The Empire must be funded! Meanwhile US troops in Niger are nervously watching a military coup against the US-backed regime. Finally: Why won't Biden give Secret Service protection to RFK, JR.??? Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

RFK, Jr. CRUSHES Every Candidate On Favorability. Why?

A new Harvard/Harris poll out this week confirms last month's result from Economist/YouGov: RFK, Jr. continues to absolutely crush every opponent from either party when it comes to net favorability. After censorship and slurs, RFK manages to out-perform the MSM favorites. How does he do it and can he keep it up? Also today: Nurses dance to stop climate change and Germany blames Ukraine's losses on...Ukraine. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Cornel West Says End the Wars


Cornel West was well known and liked by many before he made his early June announcement that he is running for president. That has given West’s Green Party presidential campaign a good foundation upon which to build. A poll from late June suggests West may have support of four percent of voters in a hypothetical presidential election choice among West, Republican Donald Trump, and Democrat Joe Biden.

Looking at his campaign’s still sparse website, it appears that West is planning to make tearing down the warfare state a focus of his campaign.

West’s campaign website lists five positions in its issues section, with a brief discussion appended to each. Here is the section dealing with foreign policy:
End the Wars

Bring our troops home and invest those trillions of war dollars into American communities. Support veterans, stop all foreign military aid, close the bases, disband NATO, and ban nuclear weapons globally.
Peace advocates should find some promise in that short statement. Let’s see how West fleshes out his foreign policy views as his campaign progresses.

from Peace and Prosperity

'Well Son Of A ...' Why Impeaching Biden May Backfire On GOP.

With Hunter Biden's business partner Devon Archer expected to testify to the GOP-controlled House on then-Vice President Biden's involvement in Hunter's very suspicious business dealings in Ukraine, House Speaker McCarthy is even starting to use the "I" word - impeachment. Would a House impeachment of Biden bring justice? Also today...the US occupation of a large part of Syria - the part with the oil - is getting more dangerous. Is it time to pull out? Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Monday, July 24, 2023

Meat-Grinder: Biden KNEW Ukraine Couldn't Win But Forced The 'Counter-Offensive' Anyway

Sometimes the most shocking mainstream media articles are the ones that are most obvious. Over the weekend the Wall Street Journal revealed that the Biden Administration knew Ukraine had little chance against Russia but pushed them to launch a counter-offensive anyway. Thousands continue to die in a war even Washington believes is hopeless. Also today: Nobel Prize-winning physicist "cancelled" for having the "wrong" opinion on climate. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Kennedy: ‘As President, my support of Israel will be unconditional.’


Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. took his expression of support for the government of Israel to the maximum level in a Wednesday Twitter post. After criticizing the administration of President Joe Biden for “threatening Israel with the ending of the special relationship between” Israel and the United States, Kennedy declared, “As President, my support of Israel will be unconditional.”

Looking through the wave of negative comments and quote tweets that quickly appeared in response to Kennedy’s post, it looks like Kennedy took in the tweet a position that could be destructive to the base that has developed for his campaign over the last few months.

Many individuals took Kennedy’s criticism of US intervention related to Ukraine and Russia as suggesting that he would pursue consistently as president a noninterventionist foreign policy. That hope is being dashed.

Kennedy has also made a central focus of his campaign skepticism toward activities of the US government that Kennedy has argued in many instances have harmed the American people while advancing the wealth and power of special interests. Many supporters who share this skepticism will find it hard to accept that meanwhile it is appropriate to give support unconditionally to a foreign government.

Kennedy’s endorsement of the special relationship between the US and Israel, as well as his commitment to providing unconditional support to the Middle East nation as president, follows his discussion of his great admiration for Israel in an interview earlier this week.

from Peace and Prosperity

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Tough Luck, Zuck - Meta's 'Threads' Implodes!

Meta/Facebook's "Twitter Killer" social media app Threads attracted a huge level of interest when it recently launched. Unfortunately for Zuckerberg and his Meta company, traffic soon absolutely cratered. What's to blame for the failure? Also today - Pence touts his foreign policy "experience" in his GOP run - but what kind of experience? Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Major Israel Booster


In an interview with Schmuley Boteach this week, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. addressed the absurd claim being thrown around that Kennedy is antisemitic because he discussed a differing susceptibility to coronavirus generally for people of several different ethnicities, including ashkenazi.

Welcome to the club, Kennedy. Antisemitism allegations are routinely launched against political commentators, candidates, and office holders, including Donald Trump , who are perceived as threatening the DC gravy train, Indeed, people looking for a politician who is a threat to the expanding power of the US government at the expense of liberty and peace, may look to the presence of such attacks on an individual as an indication that he may be doing some good.

Before that discussion, Kennedy addressed in the interview his views in regard to the nation of Israel, making clear that he is a major Israel booster. Kennedy started off his comments in the interview by stating, “There’s nobody who’s running for president right now in either party who will be a better friend to Israel than me as president, and nobody who will articulate the moral case for Israel with the same erudition, the same persuasive power as me, because I believe it in my heart, it’s core to the values that I was raised with.” Later in his opening comment of the interview, Kennedy declared, “That friendship with Israel and making the moral case for Israel will be a key part of my presidency.”

Kennedy also declared in his opening comment of the interview that he will try as a candidate “to bring the Democratic Party back to its traditional support of Israel and to explain to my children’s generation the historical context and the moral case for Israel.” At least among the top Democratic Congress leaders — and the top Republican Congress leaders as well, though, devotion to the Israel government seems to be running very high already.

Further argued Kennedy in his opening comment, Israel expends great effort at the risk of its own soldiers to “avoid civilian casualties” in dealing with threats from its adversaries and is not an apartheid state. Later in the interview, Kennedy further asserted that a Palestinian has “much more rights in Israel than in any of the neighboring countries” and that “the best place” and “the safest place” in the Middle East for a Palestinian dissident to criticize his government is in Israel.

Piling more praise upon the Israel government, Kennedy stated that “The huge difference between the way Israel conducts itself, the civilized and moral case for Israel, is the way it conducts itself in wartime: always targeting military targets when it’s surrounded by enemies who have pledged themselves and who consistently target civilian targets as civilians — just people who happen to be jewish — as legitimate military targets.”

“Israel has steadfastly preserved itself as this oasis of democracy, of compassion, in the midst of a sea of totalitarianism and tyranny,” asserted Kennedy before the interview proceeded to other matters. Then, in his concluding remarks of the interview, Kennedy returned to discussion of his views regarding Israel, stating that “anybody who sees the history of Israel, who understands what really happened, knows that Israel has done everything that it possibly can to bring peace to that region, to bring peace and justice to the Palestinian people who live in Israel and along its borders, and is an absolute oasis of freedom.”

from Peace and Prosperity

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Trump To Jail Over Jan. 6th? Really?

President Trump has indicated that he is a "target" in the ongoing investigation of the events of January 6, 2022 - the "insurrection" and he anticipates being arrested under Biden's Justice Department. Is this a bridge too far? Arresting your political opponent? Also today: Slowly the MSM and Biden Administration are admitting their Ukraine plan failed. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Monday, July 17, 2023

WWIII Alert: Did Ukraine Use NATO Weapons To Blow Up Crimea Bridge?

Last night for the second time Ukraine has attacked the bridge connecting Crimea with mainland Russia, killing the parents of a 14 year-old girl. Last October's strike resulted in a massive barrage of Russian missiles onto Ukraine. If NATO weapons were used in the attack...what will the Russian response be this time? Aldo today: more on Biden's reserve troop call-up and the continuing woes of Bud Light. Watch today's Liberty Report:


Thursday, July 13, 2023

Fuzzy ‘Freedom Conservatism’


You may be familiar with some of these people — Donald Boudreaux, Jonah Goldberg, Grover Norquist, Ramesh Ponnuru, Veronique de Rugy, George F. Will. They are among the 90 signers of the “Freedom Conservatism” statement of principles released on Wednesday.

Skimming quickly through the ten brief sections of the document, many people may find they agree with most or all of what is included. But, much of that agreement is likely due to the fuzzy wording in the document. This can permit two people with very different views on a matter discussed in a section of the document to conclude that the section at least approximately describes their respective views.

Take for example this section dealing with foreign policy:
9. The shining city on a hill. American foreign policy must be judged by one criterion above all: its service to the just interests of the United States. Americans are safest and freest in a peaceful world, led by the United States, in which other nations uphold individual liberty and the sovereignty of their neighbors.
An advocate of strict nonintervention abroad and an advocate for expansive intervention abroad could both offer reasons for accepting this language. The noninterventionist could narrowly define “just interests” as allowing the use of defensive force in the case of attack on America and the world being “led by the United States” as meaning via the US serving as a good example as suggested by the section title of “The shining city on a hill.” The interventionist could view “just interests” as allowing the pursuit of many diverse possible goals and the “led by the United States” language as a call for taking action to ensure those goals are realized no matter the resistance.

So, what is the point? Why put out this mealy document? Why bother signing it? It is perplexing. With time, some answers may emerge. Also, with time, some of the singers may regret having become involved.

from Peace and Prosperity

'Cocaine? What Cocaine!!??'

Despite Secret Service testimony to the House Oversight Committee today, the investigation into who brought cocaine into the White House has, eleven days later, been closed without any conclusion. The Administration claims they just don't know who brought it in. A compliant media seems uninterested. Aldo today...FBI Director Wray lies to Congress about censoring Americans. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

NATO Throws A Furious Zelensky Under The Bus

NATO's message to Ukrainian president Zelensky at its Vilnius summit was essentially, "you keep fighting and we'll keep sending weapons. But no NATO Membership." Zelensky was furious when this became clear and he lashed out. Slowly it is becoming obvious that NATO and the US means to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian without getting their hands dirty. Next move? Today on the Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Bombshell! FBI Colluded With Ukraine Intelligence To Silence Americans!

In a shocking new report released by the US House Judiciary Committee, it is alleged that the FBI passed Ukrainian intelligence requests to US social media that certain accounts be silenced for "Russian disinformation." Many of the accounts were Americans exercising their First Amendment right to disagree with US government policy. Also today: Biden rejects Congressional calls for oversight on massive US wealth transfer to Ukraine. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Monday, July 10, 2023

Cluster-Bombed! Did Biden Just Say 'We're Out Of Weapons'?

Pressed by media as to why President Biden decided to send universally-reviled "cluster bombs" for Ukraine to use, the president said the quiet part out loud: "Because we're running out of weapons." Suddenly the narrative carefully built by Biden's neocon foreign policy team has been "cluster bombed" by reality. Also today...looking ahead at the NATO summit set to kick off tomorrow. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Friday, July 7, 2023

Bizarre New Attack on Robert F. Kennedy Jr: He Promotes the Ugly Message that Being Autistic is Bad


It seems clear that most parents of autistic children in America love the children and see great value in the children’s activities and thoughts. It also seems clear that most of these parents also would prefer that their children could live free from the effects of autism and that a way is found to prevent autism from developing in other children.

That is commonsensical.

But, when people in the media are looking for any and every basis to tar Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his presidential campaign, his dedication to the ordinarily perceived of as admirable goal of seeking to reduce the prevalence of autism is twisted by opponents into a vicious perspective.

MSNBC columnist Eric Garcia wrote in Sunday editorial focused on Kennedy that “the crux of his baseless claim that vaccines cause autism is the ugly message that being autistic is bad.”

Notice the language Garcia uses. He does not write that Kennedy says people with autism are bad people. Yet, it is just that misreading that would make the “ugly message” designation make any sense. What we have here is nonsense that many readers will fix in their minds into a condemnation of Kennedy for something the author did not state and offered no evidence to support.

Working to prevent autism is an activity rooted in the promotion of human happiness and health. If it is condemnable as an “ugly message,” it would seem that individuals working to prevent cancer, heart attacks, Alzheimer’s, and other serious medical problems should be similarly condemned.

Kennedy is a candidate for president, so it is right that he be criticized. But, media people, can you at least keep the criticism rational and not rooted in deception?

from Peace and Prosperity

Thursday, July 6, 2023

UK Talks Tough On War With Russia...But It Doesn't Have Any Tanks!

Through the Russia/Ukraine crisis the UK government has been among the most bellicose in urging Ukraine to fight Russia to the last man. UK politicians openly talk about being "at war" with Russia. But yesterday Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, UK Chief of the Defence Staff broke the bad news to tough-talking UK: They have no tanks! They have no army! It was all just bluster! Also today, CNN puzzled by anyone opposing government censorship. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Did Hunter Bring Coke To The White House??

With the revelation that cocaine has been found in the White House, right-wing Twitter has exploded with speculation that the president's famously drug-addled son must have brought the party back home. No evidence thus far implicates Hunter, but given the level of surveillance in the White House shouldn't we expect to know soon who's guilty? Also today: big victory for the First Amendment and defeat for fascism in the US. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Monday, July 3, 2023

No One Wants To Join The 'Bud-Light' Military

A recent Wall Street Journal article outlined the serious recruiting crisis in the US military. It's getting so bad that even among military families there is strong pressure for the next generation not to sign up. Why does no one want to serve anymore? Could it be the same "woke" virtue-signaling that is destroying major brands like Bud Light and Target? Also today: Ukraine under pressure to make failed counter-offensive work in advance of NATO summit. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Peace and Prosperity

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Lying Us Into the New Cold War with Russia Editorial Director and Libertarian Institute Director Scott Horton takes the stage at the Ron Paul Institute's June Conference, "They Lie: Nihilism and the War on Truth." Scott's speech is a long tour through the official lies of subsequent US administrations with the intention of ginning up America's appetite for war:

from Peace and Prosperity