How do you call something “Russian disinformation” when you don’t have evidence it is? Let’s count the ways. We don’t know a whole lot about how the New York Post story about Hunter Biden got into print. There are some reasons to think the material is genuine (including its cache of graphic photos and some apparent limited confirmation from people on the email chains), but in terms of sourcing, anything is possible. This material could have been hacked by any number of actors, and shopped...
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from 10 Ways to Call Something Russian Disinformation Without Evidence
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a special project of the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, a non-profit established by Ron Paul in 1976.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Sudden Death Stalks the Unsuspecting- Be Afraid!
According to the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) latest statistics as of 2017 a human life is snuffed out in the United States by a heatless killer every three minutes. That’s right, nearly 20 people die every hour from it. And don’t think you can avoid this killer by living somewhere safe because there is NO safe place! This dreaded killer brings death to 465 human beings every day in the US and there is no escaping it. The deaths occur in private homes, public parks, office...
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from Sudden Death Stalks the Unsuspecting- Be Afraid!
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from Sudden Death Stalks the Unsuspecting- Be Afraid!
Friday, October 30, 2020
Crosstalk: 'Russia, Russia, Russia!'
Even after Russiagate was debunked as a hoax, this conspiracy theory lives on. In fact, it appears to have become part and parcel of our political discourse. If you oppose someone or an idea, all you have to do is blame Putin and Russia. No facts necessary, slurs and factless claims now suffice. CrossTalking with Patrick Lawrence and Daniel McAdams:
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from Crosstalk: 'Russia, Russia, Russia!'
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from Crosstalk: 'Russia, Russia, Russia!'
Mask Madness in Unfriendly Skies
This article is intended for those who have already researched the science regrading mask wearing and concluded that the weight of it runs counter to the conclusion that the public should wear masks as protection from COVID-19. (A wide array of scientific information indicating that universal mask wearing is unnecessary, and that any potential benefits from it are outweighed by its potential risks, has already been cited ad nauseam by other authors recently and will not be repeated here.) In...
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from Mask Madness in Unfriendly Skies
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from Mask Madness in Unfriendly Skies
A Collection of Bovardian Epigrams
Election Day can be the longest day of the year. Especially if the presidential race remains undecided late into the evening, neither Xanax nor vodka may be enough to kill the pain. In lieu of other sedatives, following are some cheerful lines which might blunt the impact of the prattling on CNN or MSNBC, though there is no known antidote to PBS’s piety. Voting The most dangerous political illusion is that votes limit politicians’ power. Nowadays, we have elections in lieu of...
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from A Collection of Bovardian Epigrams
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from A Collection of Bovardian Epigrams
My Resignation From The Intercept
Today I sent my intention to resign from The Intercept, the news outlet I co-founded in 2013 with Jeremy Scahill and Laura Poitras, as well as from its parent company First Look Media. The final, precipitating cause is that The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by...
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from My Resignation From The Intercept
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from My Resignation From The Intercept
Mask-hating Republicans Make for a Better Road Trip

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Thursday, October 29, 2020
How To Beat The Lockdowners
When city authorities in Waynesville, NC, announced that they were considering a city mask mandate they had not idea what was about to hit them. At the city council meeting at which the discussion was to take place, a massive show of citizen opposition and participation stole the show from the mandate promoters. Also today, why is flu disappearing in the US and elsewhere as Covid "cases" continue to rise? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from How To Beat The Lockdowners
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from How To Beat The Lockdowners
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Why Is The Media Ignoring The Explosive Biden Scandal(s)?
With the exception of a few in the mainstream media - such as Tucker Carlson - there has been a total blackout on what appear to be a credible and very damning tidal wave of information on corrupt Biden business deals. Last night Tucker Carlson interviewed one individual in the center of the scandals with first-hand information. So why won't the media do its job and look into the story - whether to confirm or debunk it? Instead, Democrat operatives and deep staters have been brought back to...
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from Why Is The Media Ignoring The Explosive Biden Scandal(s)?
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from Why Is The Media Ignoring The Explosive Biden Scandal(s)?
Defining Despotism Down
The simultaneous defining down of both democracy and despotism is 2020’s darkest legacy. Voters are recognizing that their ballots merely choose elective dictators who can exempt themselves from the Constitution simply by pronouncing the word “emergency.” At the same time, despotism is being redefined to signify government failing to force people to do the right thing. Hundreds of millions of Americans were locked in their homes via governors’ shutdown orders earlier this year. Democratic...
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from Defining Despotism Down
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from Defining Despotism Down
Nine Covid Facts: A Pandemic of Fearmongering and Ignorance
Ever since the alleged pandemic erupted this past March the mainstream media has spewed a non-stop stream of misinformation that appears to be laser focused on generating maximum fear among the citizenry. But the facts and the science simply don’t support the grave picture painted of a deadly virus sweeping the land. Yes we do have a pandemic, but it’ a pandemic of ginned up pseudo-science masquerading as unbiased fact. Here are nine facts backed up with data, in many cases from the CDC...
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from Nine Covid Facts: A Pandemic of Fearmongering and Ignorance
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from Nine Covid Facts: A Pandemic of Fearmongering and Ignorance
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Bill Gates Slams 'Pseudo-Expert' Dr. Scott Atlas
Billionaire software developer Bill Gates is furious that President Trump is now listening to the moderate approach to Covid presented by Dr. Scott Atlas and is increasingly at odds with Anthony "mandatory mask" Fauci. In an interview yesterday Gates slammed the Stanford University professor and University of Chicago Medical School graduate as a "pseudo-expert." Is this actually good news? Also today, what is the contextual meaning of the 2.1 million Covid deaths? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Bill Gates Slams 'Pseudo-Expert' Dr. Scott Atlas
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from Bill Gates Slams 'Pseudo-Expert' Dr. Scott Atlas
How to Limit Social Media's Power without Growing Government
Censorship by private companies is a topic that divides free-marketers but has suddenly become important in the wake of Twitter and Facebook’s recent attempts to squash a New York Post story alleging corruption in the Biden family. Last year, economist James Miller argued that, just as the power company can’t turn off your electricity for being a Trump supporter, social media companies shouldn’t be able to silence you for your political opinions. Others have argued that companies can silence...
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from How to Limit Social Media's Power without Growing Government
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from How to Limit Social Media's Power without Growing Government
Disinformation By Popular Demand: How The Authenticity of Hunter’s Laptop Became Immaterial
Yesterday, former Vice President Joe Biden was again insisting that the scandal involving Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation despite the direct refutation of that claim by the FBI. No mainstream reporter bothered to ask the simple question of whether this was his son’s laptop and emails, including emails clearly engaging in an influence peddling scheme and referring to Joe Biden’s knowledge. Instead, media has maintained a consistent and narrow focus. Indeed, in her interview,...
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from Disinformation By Popular Demand: How The Authenticity of Hunter’s Laptop Became Immaterial
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from Disinformation By Popular Demand: How The Authenticity of Hunter’s Laptop Became Immaterial
Monday, October 26, 2020
Is The New Covid 'Surge' All About The Election?
The fear and panic is being stoked heavily, once again, about surges in cases and surges in hospitalizations. Former FDA Director Scott Gottlieb (who is on the board of at least seven big pharma and medical policy companies) is calling for a "mandatory nationwide mask mandate"! Are we really returning to April levels of Covid, or is this a last-minute political ploy just a week from election day? Plus...Florida orders an investigation into all reported Covid deaths. Today on the Liberty...
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from Is The New Covid 'Surge' All About The Election?
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from Is The New Covid 'Surge' All About The Election?
Magic Novichok
The security services put an extraordinary amount of media priming effort into explaining why the alleged novichok attack on the Skripals had a delayed effect of several hours, and then failed to kill them. Excuses included that it was a cold day which slowed their metabolisms, that the chemical took a long time to penetrate their skins, that the gel containing the novichok inhibited its operation, that it was a deliberately non-fatal dose, that rain had diluted the novichok on the doorknob,...
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from Magic Novichok
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from Magic Novichok
'Iraq War Diaries' At Ten Years: Truth is Treason
The purpose of journalism is to uncover truth – especially uncomfortable truth – and to publish it for the benefit of society. In a free society, we must be informed of the criminal acts carried out by governments in the name of the people. Throughout history, journalists have uncovered the many ways governments lie, cheat, and steal – and the great lengths they will go to keep the people from finding out. Great journalists like Seymour Hersh, who reported to us the tragedy of the Mai Lai...
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from 'Iraq War Diaries' At Ten Years: Truth is Treason
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from 'Iraq War Diaries' At Ten Years: Truth is Treason
Protesters Return to Baghdad a Year Later, Say Demands Still Unmet

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from Peace and Prosperity
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Wisdom From a Master
America today confronts an unprecedented crisis. Our economy is collapsing, and the fake coronavirus “epidemic,” with its draconian restrictions, is destroying our liberty. What can we do? We’re fortunate that Dr. Ron Paul, our greatest living American, has provided a masterful diagnosis and offers us hope for a cure—if only we will listen. The End of Unearned Opulence sums up and extends the message that Ron has given us in his many years of devoted service. In the book, he speaks of the...
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from Wisdom From a Master
The Cult of the Brave New Normal
In March, it was just a three-week lockdown, to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the NHS. The narrative has quickly evolved. It has progressed from what seemed a reasonable idea of keeping NHS bed space free based on the completely false Neil Fergusson prediction that hospitals would be overwhelmed by patients suffering from COVID19. This never happened. Many weeks passed where face masks were not needed and then suddenly in July, long after the majority of supposed COVID19 deaths...
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from The Cult of the Brave New Normal
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from The Cult of the Brave New Normal
Will Democracy’s Myths Doom Liberty?
The Supreme Court declared in 1943, “There is no mysticism in the American concept of the State or of the nature or origin of its authority." In reality, the cardinal doctrines of contemporary democracy are layer upon layer of mystical claptrap. The phrases which consecrate democracy seep into many Americans’ minds like buried hazardous waste. If Joe Biden wins the presidential election, voters will be told that our political system is redeemed: the “will of the people” is now clear, Biden...
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from Will Democracy’s Myths Doom Liberty?
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from Will Democracy’s Myths Doom Liberty?
Friday, October 23, 2020
Danish Newspaper Reveals Largest Study on Masks has been Rejected by Three Medical Journals
Why not just conduct a randomized controlled trial to test whether masks work against COVID-19? Why assume such a draconian and dehumanizing mandate works as if it's an article of faith and create such division when we can discover which side is correct? That's what a group of Danish researchers felt, which is why, over the spring, they conducted such a study. So why have the results not been published, three months later? According to one Danish newspaper, the study has been rejected by three...
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from Danish Newspaper Reveals Largest Study on Masks has been Rejected by Three Medical Journals
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from Danish Newspaper Reveals Largest Study on Masks has been Rejected by Three Medical Journals
Iran Seeks to Confuse the United States?
Those who have been waiting for the elusive October Surprise that will upset the apple cart on election day are admittedly running out of time. The media’s unwillingness to even consider that the antics of Hunter Biden just might constitute an embarrassment of major proportions or even something worse has done much to kill that story. And the old tried and true expedient of starting a little war somewhere is also proving to be a false hope as no one appears ready to provoke the righteously...
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from Iran Seeks to Confuse the United States?
Lew Rockwell Praises Ron Paul’s New Book and Work for Liberty and Peace

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from Peace and Prosperity
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Debate Preview: Why's Biden Hiding? Why No Foreign Policy?
Tonight the two US presidential candidates are set to square off again in a debate. The former vice president has cancelled campaign appearances this week to "prepare" for the event. The debate commission said no foreign policy among the topics. Also today: the Biden scandal worsens. And...are Russia AND Iran trying to fix our elections? Plus: suicides on the increase. Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Debate Preview: Why's Biden Hiding? Why No Foreign Policy?
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from Debate Preview: Why's Biden Hiding? Why No Foreign Policy?
Lockdowns in Europe Are Back. Turns Out Early Lockdowns Didn't 'Beat the Virus' after All.
Back in August, European politicians were threatening lockdowns and calling for "vigilance." But given the economic devastation wrought by full, nationwide lockdowns, politicians have become fearful of going down that road again. For example, in the Czech Republic, where the seven-day average for reported covid deaths has surged from 7 to 66, the central government has stated it won't make a decision about lockdowns for two more weeks. Meanwhile, Czech citizens are protesting against what...
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from Lockdowns in Europe Are Back. Turns Out Early Lockdowns Didn't 'Beat the Virus' after All.
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from Lockdowns in Europe Are Back. Turns Out Early Lockdowns Didn't 'Beat the Virus' after All.
'Choose Your Liar' Democracy
The final weeks of a presidential campaign is one of the best opportunities to view political perfidy in spectacular colors. While the media lectures Americans about their civic duty to vote to save the nation, the candidates continue conniving nonstop with no respect for the facts or decency. After the election is settled, the media and the political establishment will announce “the system worked” and Americans must again respect and obey their rulers (unless Trump is re-elected, of course). ...
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from 'Choose Your Liar' Democracy
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
The Coronavirus War On Children
NPR is reporting on several new studies concluding that schools are not nearly as dangerous for either students or teachers regarding coronavirus and also that the death rate from the virus is plunging. This is NPR - the mainstream media. So why does the war on children continue? Also in today's program: "excess deaths" - it's not who you think! A return to lockdown in the US. And more Republican saber rattling toward China. Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from The Coronavirus War On Children
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from The Coronavirus War On Children
China Policy: Trump vs. Biden
Despite the campaign’s focus on domestic issues, there is still a world out there the next president will have to deal with. And there’s a very significant policy difference between Trump and Biden to be explored: China. First, a quick look back at 2016. What to do about Syria was a major point of contention between candidates Trump and Clinton. Remember how “boots on the ground” was a popular catch phrase and ISIS our bad guys? Clinton was going to war in Syria. Trump wanted no part of it,...
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from China Policy: Trump vs. Biden
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from China Policy: Trump vs. Biden
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
'All These Idiots...Got It Wrong!' Trump Turns Hard On Fauci
Speaking on a conference call yesterday, President Trump made what appears to be a final and irreversible break with the "lockdown" and "facemask" policies of Anthony Fauci and the rest of the Covid "experts" who have spent the past half year or so attacking civil liberties in the name of fighting a virus. Will this last-minute attack on Fauci and all the other "idiots who got it wrong" pay dividends as the campaign winds toward the finish? Plus today: Dallas Morning News runs pro-Great...
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from 'All These Idiots...Got It Wrong!' Trump Turns Hard On Fauci
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from 'All These Idiots...Got It Wrong!' Trump Turns Hard On Fauci
Treason in America: An Overview of the FBI, CIA and Matters of ‘National Security’
“Treason doth never prosper; what is the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” – Sir John Harrington. As Shakespeare would state in his play Hamlet, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” like a fish that rots from head to tail, so do corrupt government systems rot from top to bottom. This is a reference to the ruling system of Denmark and not just the foul murder that King Claudius has committed against his brother, Hamlet’s father. This is showcased in the play...
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from Treason in America: An Overview of the FBI, CIA and Matters of ‘National Security’
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from Treason in America: An Overview of the FBI, CIA and Matters of ‘National Security’
Internet Resources Become Weaponized
The current electoral campaign differs from that of 2016 in that the media, both conventional and online, has realized its power and has been openly playing a major role in what might well prove to be a victory across the board for the Democratic Party. At least that is the expectation, bolstered by a flood of possibly suspect opinion polls that appear to make the triumph of Joe Biden and company inevitable while at the same time denigrating President Donald Trump and covering up for Democratic...
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from Internet Resources Become Weaponized
Monday, October 19, 2020
How the Media Has Whitewashed FBI Abuses in the Russia Probe
The mainstream media not only continues to parrot the narrative that President Donald Trump is a Russian asset who collaborated with Moscow to steal the 2016 presidential election, but journalists have also minimized or dismissed evidence about FBI abuses during the course of the investigation into those allegations. One point that emerged clearly when Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued his report in December 2019 was that the FBI had committed serious violations of...
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from How the Media Has Whitewashed FBI Abuses in the Russia Probe
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from How the Media Has Whitewashed FBI Abuses in the Russia Probe
There They Go Again! Adam Schiff Blames RUSSIA For Biden's Laptop
Deja vu! Once again those Russians have come through to plant disinformation during a US presidential campaign! This time they are accused of being involved with Biden's son Hunter's laptop. Rep. Adam Schiff claims he's as sure about Russian activity this time as he was sure of Trump collusion with Russia last time. How did that one work out? Also today, White House top Covid advisor Dr. Scott Atlas has his Tweets yanked - more politicization of science? And...the California governor does not...
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from There They Go Again! Adam Schiff Blames RUSSIA For Biden's Laptop
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from There They Go Again! Adam Schiff Blames RUSSIA For Biden's Laptop
Troops Coming Home from Afghanistan? Depends on Who You Ask.
Foreign policy has really been dysfunctional in President Trump’s first term. No sooner does the president make a strong foreign policy statement than one of his appointees grabs a microphone to explain what the president “really meant.” Earlier this month, President Trump Tweeted that, “we should have the small remaining number of our BRAVE Men and Women serving in Afghanistan home by Christmas!” It was a very encouraging statement. But almost immediately his statement was “clarified” –...
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from Troops Coming Home from Afghanistan? Depends on Who You Ask.
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from Troops Coming Home from Afghanistan? Depends on Who You Ask.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Twitter Cracks Down on President Trump’s Coronavirus Advisor Scott Atlas for Opposing Masks

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from Peace and Prosperity
Saturday, October 17, 2020
The Covidian Cult
One of the hallmarks of totalitarianism is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. Not a regular official narrative, like the “Cold War” or the “War on Terror” narratives. A totally delusional official narrative that has little or no connection to reality and that is contradicted by a preponderance of facts. Nazism and Stalinism are the classic examples, but the phenomenon is better observed in cults and other sub-cultural societal groups. Numerous examples will spring to mind:...
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from The Covidian Cult
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from The Covidian Cult
Friday, October 16, 2020
College Coronavirus Madness Can Put Students at Risk of Dying in Fires
Despite most college students being at very low risk of becoming seriously sick from coronavirus, much less dying from it, colleges across America have implemented extreme, often prison-like, restrictions on campuses in the name of countering coronavirus. These restrictions can make college a drag. The restrictions even can put students at risk of serious injury or death arising from a fire in their dorms or other campus buildings. A Thursday article at Spiked discusses two instances where...
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from College Coronavirus Madness Can Put Students at Risk of Dying in Fires
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from College Coronavirus Madness Can Put Students at Risk of Dying in Fires
Talking Around the Biggest Political Story the Media Want to Hide... With RPI's Daniel McAdams

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from Peace and Prosperity
Before the Bidens ‘Did’ Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia
The United States approaches the November 2020 election with growing apprehension, even dread. Among the possibilities: - Protracted uncertainty about the presidential contest. Think Florida 2000 but with several states’ results unresolved for weeks or even months (“Experts held ‘war games’ on the Trump vs. Biden election. Their finding? Brace for a mess”); - A disputed outcome, perhaps with Donald Trump and Joe Biden both claiming victory, compounded by a “blue shift,” where states are...
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from Before the Bidens ‘Did’ Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia
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from Before the Bidens ‘Did’ Ukraine, There Was Iraq – and Serbia
Global Gaslighting
If you’re unfamiliar with the term “gaslighting” here’s a quick refresher from Wikipedia: Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes, including low self-esteem. Let’s consider what’s been going on with the whole Covid craziness and you decide for yourself (if you can...
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from Global Gaslighting
Ron Paul, Featured Speaker at November Event

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from Peace and Prosperity
Thursday, October 15, 2020
The New Media Has Become like the Old Media—And That Means the Usual Bias
A sizable majority of American adults say—when polled—that social media organizations “censor” political viewpoints: A Pew Research Center survey conducted in June finds that roughly three-quarters of US adults say it is very (37%) or somewhat (36%) likely that social media sites intentionally censor political viewpoints that they find objectionable. Just 25% believe this is not likely the case. At this point, of course, it’s hard to see how this is even debatable. While “censor” is perhaps not...
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from The New Media Has Become like the Old Media—And That Means the Usual Bias
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from The New Media Has Become like the Old Media—And That Means the Usual Bias
Is Social Media Censorship An Attack On Speech?
The social media suppression of an investigative report in the New York Post about the business dealings of Joe Biden's son, with conservatives pointing out the double standards and biases of these companies' policies. Are they right? Is there a solution? Plus today: Scott Gottlieb and crony capitalism, Gov. Newsome on the hot-seat, and strong words from Judge Napolitano. Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Is Social Media Censorship An Attack On Speech?
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Fauci To Trump: 'No More Rallies!'
The Trump/Fauci feud is heating up, as Fauci is furious about being featured in a campaign ad and Trump slams his pitching and prognostications. Fauci fired back by claiming that Trump's campaign rallies are dangerous virus spreading events. Is this the end for "Deep State" Fauci? Also today...are people getting Covid twice? Plus, a vaccine setback - what does it mean? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Fauci To Trump: 'No More Rallies!'
Ron Paul’s Mixed Review of Donald Trump’s Presidency

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from Peace and Prosperity
Monday, October 12, 2020
ANTIFA Is Compiling Lists Of 'Fascist' Businesses For Yelp's New 'Racist Behavior Alerts'
It was less than 48 hours ago that we pointed out that "review" website Yelp was getting into the business of social justice by saying it would append a "Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert" to any businesses page where a company had been accused of racism. "The b.s. never ends," said Donald Trump Jr., in response to the idea. "What are the odds this isn't insanely abused?" he followed up asking on Friday. Well, Don, we think we have an answer for you: the odds look pretty long....
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from ANTIFA Is Compiling Lists Of 'Fascist' Businesses For Yelp's New 'Racist Behavior Alerts'
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from ANTIFA Is Compiling Lists Of 'Fascist' Businesses For Yelp's New 'Racist Behavior Alerts'
Can the Fed End Racism?
House Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters and Senator Elizabeth Warren have introduced the Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act. This legislation directs the Federal Reserve to eliminate racial disparities in income, employment, wealth, and access to credit. Eliminating racial disparities in access to credit is code for forcing banks and other financial institutions to approve loans based on the applicants’ race, instead of based on their income and credit history. Overlooking...
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from Can the Fed End Racism?
Saturday, October 10, 2020
The Second Act Will Be Worse Than the First: Lockdowns Are Not the Answer
In the first presidential “debate” (I use that word creatively), Joe Biden hinted that he would order a national lockdown in order to “defeat” the covid-19 virus, and there certainly seems to be a consensus in the media and among political elites that if there is another “outbreak” of covid, then the “shelter in place” order will be the law of the land. Many businesses certainly are making plans for such an order, this time not wanting to be caught unprepared as they were last March: Grocery...
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from The Second Act Will Be Worse Than the First: Lockdowns Are Not the Answer
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from The Second Act Will Be Worse Than the First: Lockdowns Are Not the Answer
Two Types of Terror in Michigan
#StopTrumpsTerror is one of the hottest trending topics on Twitter, with more than 90,000 tweets. Yesterday, the FBI announced the arrest of six people yesterday in a plot (perhaps government-hatched) to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and put her on trial for treason for destroying the state’s economy with the lockdowns she imposed. Seven other individuals were arrested and charged with violating Michigan’s anti-terrorism law. Trump had no connection to the plot, and at least one...
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from Two Types of Terror in Michigan
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from Two Types of Terror in Michigan
Friday, October 9, 2020
Thought Control American Style: The Social Justice Warriors Will Destroy Our Basic Freedoms
Once upon a time it was possible to rely on much of the mainstream media to report on developments more or less objectively, relegating opinion pieces to the editorial page. But that was a long time ago. I remember moving to Washington back in 1976 after many years of New York Times and International Herald Tribune readership, when both those papers still possessed editorial integrity. My first experience of the Washington Post had my head spinning, wondering how front-page stories that...
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from Thought Control American Style: The Social Justice Warriors Will Destroy Our Basic Freedoms
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from Thought Control American Style: The Social Justice Warriors Will Destroy Our Basic Freedoms
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Lock Her Up? New Declassified Documents Tie Hillary To 'Russiagate' Plot
Yesterday's declassification of then-CIA Director John Brennan's hand-written notes on Hilary Clinton's alleged invention of a Trump-Russia scandal to distract from her own private email server scandal is an explosive development in the four year "Russiagate" scandal. So why is the mainstream media, which obsessed over "Russiagate" for four years, suddenly silent? Also on today's program: Fmr FBI officer calls Trump "biological terrorist." And NY and CA Governors lose their marbles. All on...
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from Lock Her Up? New Declassified Documents Tie Hillary To 'Russiagate' Plot
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from Lock Her Up? New Declassified Documents Tie Hillary To 'Russiagate' Plot
Covid’s Threat Is Greater Than Its Medical One
As readers know, I do not think that the Covid virus itself is a hoax. From the beginning I have taken the virus seriously. I reported the available information that the ability of the virus to spread threatened hospital capacity and could overwhelm the medical system. I supported limited closedowns in order to reduce the rate at which the infection spread. I reported that Vitamin C and D3 together with zinc and NAC strengthened the immune system against the virus. I reported that the...
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from Covid’s Threat Is Greater Than Its Medical One
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from Covid’s Threat Is Greater Than Its Medical One
'A Means Of Distracting The Public': Brennan Briefed Obama On Clinton 'Plan' To Lie Trump To Russia
Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified notes of former CIA Director John Brennan showing that he briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s alleged “plan” to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.” My interest in this story is not simply the serious underlying allegation but the lack of coverage by major networks or media outlets. This was clearly released at this time for...
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from 'A Means Of Distracting The Public': Brennan Briefed Obama On Clinton 'Plan' To Lie Trump To Russia
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from 'A Means Of Distracting The Public': Brennan Briefed Obama On Clinton 'Plan' To Lie Trump To Russia
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Will Indiana’s Donald Rainwater Win a Record-breaking Libertarian Party Governor Candidate Vote Total?

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from Peace and Prosperity
Trump: 'Don't Let Covid Dominate Your Life!'
President Trump returned to the White House from a weekend stay in the hospital after experiencing Covid symptoms. In a dramatic moment, before entering the building he took off his mask and told Americans to stop being so afraid of Covid that it dominates your life. The president's detractors - and virtually the entire mainstream media - had their heads explode. Has the President finally seen through the political manipulation of the Covid public health crisis? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Trump: 'Don't Let Covid Dominate Your Life!'
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from Trump: 'Don't Let Covid Dominate Your Life!'
Against Fear
The media and Democratic establishments are in a frenzy of Schadenfreude over President Trump’s Covid diagnosis. Trump’s contracting the disease, they argue, discredits any coronavirus policy short of lockdowns and mandatory mask-wearing, outdoors as well as in. Trump is now “exhibit No. 1 for the failure of his leadership on coronavirus,” Democratic pollster Geoff Garin told the New York Times. By contrast, former Vice President Joe Biden’s basement-bunker response has been vindicated, such...
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from Against Fear
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from Against Fear
UK Court Decision on Venezuela Gold Deals Blow to Regime Change Efforts
A United Kingdom court has handed the Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro a major win today, overturning a previous ruling from a lower court that legitimized the British government’s decision to freeze Venezuelan government gold reserves held in the Bank of England. The English Court of Appeal ruled that the Conservative administration of Boris Johnson’s position that Juan Guaidó is the country’s legitimate ruler was far from equivocal, potentially paving the way for some $1.95 billion of...
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from UK Court Decision on Venezuela Gold Deals Blow to Regime Change Efforts
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from UK Court Decision on Venezuela Gold Deals Blow to Regime Change Efforts
Monday, October 5, 2020
Fauci: 'Hunker Down Again!' Top Scientists: 'No Way!'
As Fauci warns Americans that they need to 'hunker down' again to avoid viruses, a group of top scientists and epidemiologists have released a detailed plan to get over the covid crisis while actually preserving lives. Also today: the economic costs of the shutdown continue to devastate and...victory in Michigan against a tyrant? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Fauci: 'Hunker Down Again!' Top Scientists: 'No Way!'
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from Fauci: 'Hunker Down Again!' Top Scientists: 'No Way!'
Covid Experts: 'There is Another Way'
As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical, and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood...
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from Covid Experts: 'There is Another Way'
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from Covid Experts: 'There is Another Way'
Trump and Biden Squabble While America Burns
President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden spent most of last week’s first Presidential debate trading insults and interrupting each other. The result was a debate with very little discussion of actual issues or policies. In one of the evening’s few substantive exchanges, President Trump rightly criticized Vice President Biden for saying he would listen to the “scientists” in determining whether to lock down the country. President Trump also acknowledged that the lockdowns were...
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from Trump and Biden Squabble While America Burns
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from Trump and Biden Squabble While America Burns
Saturday, October 3, 2020
The Absurdity of Covid 'Cases'
Yesterday's headlines announced Donald and Melania Trump "tested positive" for covid-19. Another claims nineteen thousand Amazon workers "got" covid-19 on the job. Both of these pseudostories are sure to ignite another absurd media frenzy. As always, the story keeps changing: Remember ventilators, flatten the curve, the next two weeks are crucial, etc.? Remember Nancy Pelosi in Chinatown back in February, urging everyone to visit? Remember Fauci dismissing masks as useless? Why should we...
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from The Absurdity of Covid 'Cases'
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from The Absurdity of Covid 'Cases'
Friday, October 2, 2020
Michigan Supreme Court Rules Against Governor’s Coronavirus Mandates

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from Peace and Prosperity
Kudos to Van Morrison and Eric Clapton for Trying to Save Live Music
Coronavirus crackdowns have been devastating to live music performances. Venues have been shut down. Large gatherings have been banned. Even when venues have been allowed to reopen, they have been subjected to occupancy limits and other restrictions that can prevent profitable operation. Watching a show while wearing a mask and trying to “social distance” can be a drag. Van Morrison and Eric Clapton are two marquee musicians who are saying enough already with the restrictions — let venues...
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from Kudos to Van Morrison and Eric Clapton for Trying to Save Live Music
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from Kudos to Van Morrison and Eric Clapton for Trying to Save Live Music
Scott Atlas: Trump Will Likely Have a Rapid Recovery

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from Peace and Prosperity
Will the Pandemic Panic Card Win in 2020?
“People want to be safe,” Joe Biden repeatedly declared in Tuesday night’s debate. The 2020 presidential race could turn into a referendum on whether vastly increasing government power can provide “freedom from fear.” This has been a recurring theme in recent American history that consistently brings out the worst in both politicians and voters. The 2020 presidential campaign thus far has plenty of unpleasant parallels to 9/11 and the 2004 election. The terrorist attacks on September 11,...
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from Will the Pandemic Panic Card Win in 2020?
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from Will the Pandemic Panic Card Win in 2020?
Trump, COVID, and The October Surprise - Featuring Daniel McAdams one saw that coming! RPI's Daniel McAdams joins The Gaggle's Peter Lavelle and George Szamuely to discuss the massive political implications of President Trump and the First Lady testing positive for coronavirus just weeks before the presidential election. Is "Trump has Covid" the October surprise we were waiting for? Who benefits, who loses from this development?
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from Trump, COVID, and The October Surprise - Featuring Daniel McAdams
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from Trump, COVID, and The October Surprise - Featuring Daniel McAdams
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Support RPI, Get Ron Paul's New Mini-Book!

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from Peace and Prosperity
CDC To America: 'Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving!'
The Centers for Disease Control have released a "helpful" set of guidelines for upcoming holidays. Celebrating Halloween or Thanksgiving as we did in the "old normal" is out of the question. Consider a "virtual" Thanksgiving, they recommend. Also today, CNN tells us there is NO RETURN to normal, and if you want to return you may be mentally ill. Also - Why is CIA Director Haspel blocking declassification of documents critical to understanding "Russiagate"? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from CDC To America: 'Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving!'
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from CDC To America: 'Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving!'
Hearing Reveals US Govt’s Invisible Hand in Protests Around the World
Last week, the House Foreign Affairs Committee grilled Michael Pack, who President Trump recently appointed to head the US government’s state propaganda arm, the US Agency for Global Media (USAGM). Pack was appointed in June and started a big shakeup at the US state media outlets run by the USAGM, like Voice of America and Radio Free Asia. Pack fired senior staffers, pushed out management, and froze funding. During last week’s hearing, Democrats and Republicans on the committee teamed up...
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from Hearing Reveals US Govt’s Invisible Hand in Protests Around the World
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from Hearing Reveals US Govt’s Invisible Hand in Protests Around the World
Pandemic Follies: Tyranny Won’t Keep Us Safe
Politicians have destroyed more than 13 million jobs this year in a deluge of edicts aimed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 200,000 Americans still died from the coronavirus, but the anti-COVID government crackdowns probably did far more damage than the virus. The COVID crisis has also shown how easy it is for politicians to fan fears to seize nearly absolute power. In March, Donald Trump proclaimed that “we are at war with an invisible enemy.” He also declared, “I’m a wartime...
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from Pandemic Follies: Tyranny Won’t Keep Us Safe
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from Pandemic Follies: Tyranny Won’t Keep Us Safe
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