Thursday, December 31, 2020

In 2021 the IRS Will Finish Off Small Businesses Suffering from Coronavirus Crackdowns

Across America, small businesses have been hit hard by coronavirus crackdowns that state and local governments have imposed over the last ten months. During much of this time many small businesses have been ordered completely shut or have been subjected to strict limitations on how they can conduct business. Such limitations include restaurants having reduced occupancy mandates for dine-in or being limited to providing take-out or delivery. Retail shops have been subjected to reduced occupancy...

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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2021: What Can We Expect?

By definition, future human actions and the motivations behind those actions cannot be known ahead of time, or predicted with pinpoint accuracy. However, an understanding of immutable economic laws and the principles of Liberty can shine a light as to the general direction that we're heading in. Join us on what to expect in the coming year. Watch today's Liberty Report: Please consider a year-end, tax-deductible donation to the Ron Paul Institute to keep the Liberty Report growing stronger...

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from 2021: What Can We Expect?

The Year in which Comforting American Myths Were Ravaged

Thanks in large part to Covid lockdowns, this year has left vast wreckage in its wake, with ten million jobs lost, more than 100,000 businesses and dozens of national chains bankrupted or closed. Up to 40 million people could face eviction in the coming months for failing to pay rent, and Americans report that their mental health is at record low levels. But the casualty list for 2020 must also include many of the political myths that shape Americans’ lives.  Perhaps the biggest myth to die...

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from The Year in which Comforting American Myths Were Ravaged

Ron Paul Institute Year End Report

Dear Friends: What a strange year this has been. The assaults on our liberty have come at such a furious pace and it looks as if there is no end in sight. The mainstream media has become so unreliable that it is almost self-parody. Big Tech is determined to silence any voices challenging the status quo. In fact, just last week an episode of our Ron Paul Liberty Report was removed from YouTube and a warning was issued. Big tech and the Beltway elites have seen the enemy...and it is us! We...

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from Ron Paul Institute Year End Report

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Tax and Regulate Marijuana? Nah, Just Legalize It.

Years back, people working for marijuana legalization tended to say their goal was simple — “legalize marijuana.” Then, after the momentum for legalization had built across America and it appeared that achieving legalization countrywide was just a matter of time, some people pulling the strings behind marijuana legalization efforts decided to tweak the message. Increasingly, the stated goal shifted from “legalize marijuana” to “tax and regulate marijuana.” Along with a marketing change came a...

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from Peace and Prosperity

Monday, December 28, 2020

The 'New Strain' of COVID Propaganda

Politicians and “public health experts” around the world are using faulty models on a new variant of the novel coronavirus in order to cover for their failures in stopping its spread, while simultaneously leveraging the issue to demand renewed lockdowns and other punishing restrictions. Not much is known about the so-called “new strain” of the virus, but that hasn’t stopped the ruling class from using it to their advantage. The latest narrative, which is being used as a vector for endless...

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from The 'New Strain' of COVID Propaganda

Silver Linings: Looking For Positives In A Very Challenging Year

Even in the most dire circumstances, optimism and belief in the cause of Liberty must be maintained. This show focuses on positive developments for Liberty, in a year filled with authoritarianism. Today on the Liberty Report:

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from Silver Linings: Looking For Positives In A Very Challenging Year

Dr. Fauci Admits He Has Treated The American People Like Children

In an interview last week with The New York Times, Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted something that many of us have suspected for some time: The media-anointed, all-knowing guru of COVID has been fudging the truth in order to encourage what he views as better behavior from the American people. Put simply, Fauci has been acting less like a public official and more like a parent keeping certain truths from his children. This quote, which has been rightfully making the rounds, really tells the whole...

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from Dr. Fauci Admits He Has Treated The American People Like Children

The Real Scandal of the Spending Bill

Last week Congress passed a massive coronavirus relief and omnibus spending bill. President Trump threatened to veto the bill, saying he wants an increase in the amount for “stimulus” checks authorized by the bill from 600 dollars to 2,000 dollars. The checks are designed to help those harmed by the lockdowns. President Trump also demanded a cut in some of the wasteful spending contained in the bill, such as the ten million dollars for gender programs in Pakistan. At the 11th hour, however,...

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from The Real Scandal of the Spending Bill

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Twelve Times the Lockdowners Were Wrong

This has been a year of astonishing policy failure. We are surrounded by devastation conceived and cheered by intellectuals and their political handmaidens. The errors number in the thousands, so please consider the following little more than a first draft, a mere guide to what will surely be unearthed in the coming months and years. We trusted these people with our lives and liberties and here is what they did with that trust.  Anthony Fauci says lockdowns are not possible in the United...

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from Twelve Times the Lockdowners Were Wrong

'It Doesn't Look Pretty': COVID's Harsh Financial Reality Continues Across The US

While government officials think people should be sitting around worshipping them for throwing the peons $600 in stimulus (which hasn't even arrived yet), the reality on the ground in the United States is that the government's decision making, as it relates to Covid, has simply crippled many people's finances. Never was this more evident than in a recent WSJ piece that profiled several people the paper had checked in with during the year to see if their finances had recovered.  A couple...

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from 'It Doesn't Look Pretty': COVID's Harsh Financial Reality Continues Across The US

Welcome to RussiaGate 2.0, Right on Schedule

Now that a majority of the country believes the election was fraudulent and the Supreme Court has completely abdicated its authority the next obstacle in front of President Trump is here. And, as always, it comes from his complicit Secretary of State who undermines Trump with his every move to turn the State, Defense and Intelligence apparatuses of the US against Russia. Pompeo goes on Mark Levin’s show, whose ratings are through the roof right now, to tell all the slavering...

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from Welcome to RussiaGate 2.0, Right on Schedule

Thursday, December 24, 2020

11th-hour COVID-19 relief deal proves again that Congress is unfit to govern

“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap,” Napoleon reputedly said more than two centuries ago. Boundless ignorance is also not a handicap, as Congress demonstrated Monday night by approving a 5,593-page bill with no time to read it. The usual suspects are indignant at the sloppy procedures propelling $2.3 trillion in federal spending, including a last-minute $900 billion deal for COVID-19 relief. But reckless legislating has been standard procedure on Capitol Hill for almost three decades.   ...

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from 11th-hour COVID-19 relief deal proves again that Congress is unfit to govern

With Biden's New Threats, the Russia Discourse is More Reckless and Dangerous Than Ever

To justify Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss to Donald Trump, leading Democrats and their key media allies for years competed with one another to depict what they called “Russia’s interference in our elections” in the most apocalyptic terms possible. They fanatically rejected the view of the Russian Federation repeatedly expressed by President Obama — that it is a weak regional power with an economy smaller than Italy’s capable of only threatening its neighbors but not the US — and instead cast...

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from With Biden's New Threats, the Russia Discourse is More Reckless and Dangerous Than Ever

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

‘You're only warned once’: Ron Paul gets YouTube caution as an episode of his show censored for ‘misinformation’

Former US presidential candidate and libertarian icon Ron Paul was censored by YouTube on Tuesday and threatened with even more sanctions on his account in the case of further violations. Paul announced on Twitter that the Big Tech company had “pulled an episode of the Ron Paul Liberty Report and issued a ‘warning’ that any more violations will result in a temporary ban to put up more programs.” “The episode was a news report on a Trump rally,” Paul explained, calling the move “very...

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from Peace and Prosperity

Why Are Hospital Workers So Afraid Of The Vaccine?

Across the country hospital administrators are facing unexpected push-back from employees on the issue of the covid vaccine. More and more are refusing to take it, with at least one hospital CEO mentioning "mistrust" and fear. Why? Also today, poor Dr. Birx has had her feelings hurt over her family Thanksgiving trip. US has record deaths in 2020? San Francisco's record overdoses. Watch today's Liberty Report:

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from Why Are Hospital Workers So Afraid Of The Vaccine?

Just Say No To COVID Travel Bans

We’ve seen this movie before, and it ended with the largest power grab in world history. “It’s just a travel ban.” “It’s just two weeks to stop the spread.” “It’s just for non-essential workers.” “Just wear a mask. It will allow for society to reopen.” “It’s just a ‘pause’ on non-essential activities and businesses.” 2020, the year that will be defined by corona hysteria and unprecedented global power grabs, is coming to an end, and the simulation is apparently resetting. The...

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from Just Say No To COVID Travel Bans

US Announces Sanctions On Assad's Wife & Even Her British Family Members

With apparently little else left to sanction in Syria, the United States is now going after Bashar al-Assad's wife and even extended family members which have long resided in London. A Tuesday statement from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo indicated the US is imposing sanctions on Syrian first lady Asma al-Assad, blaming her in part for prolonging the war and blocking a peaceful political settlement through her charities and civil society organizations.  Of course, in...

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from US Announces Sanctions On Assad's Wife & Even Her British Family Members

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Stimulus Bill: Free Money! Why Worry? We OWE It To Ourselves!

Forget about borrowing money from China. That's old-fashioned. These days, with yesterday's trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, the Fed just creates free money for Americans! We can all be rich! What could go wrong? The combined 5,500 page "stimulus" bill and omnibus bill sprung on Congress at the last minute should go down as one of the most shameful chapters of US governance. Watch today's Liberty Report:

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from Stimulus Bill: Free Money! Why Worry? We OWE It To Ourselves!

How Belarus Exposes the Lockdown Lie

Most European governments instituted the shutdown of economies, restrictions on freedom of movement and other policies known as lockdown. This was allegedly in response to the spread of Sars-Cov-2, a dangerous respiratory virus that originated in Wuhan, China. Few countries rejected this approach; Sweden is the most well known of these. However, a more interesting case of dissent from the official narrative is Belarus and its leader Aleksandr Lukashenka. This article will outline...

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from How Belarus Exposes the Lockdown Lie

Monday, December 21, 2020

Twelve Principles of Public Health

1. Public health is about all health outcomes, not just a single disease like Covid-19. It is important to also consider harms from public health measures. More. 2. Public health is about the long term rather than the short term. Spring Covid lockdowns simply delayed and postponed the pandemic to the fall. More. 3. Public health is about everyone. It should not be used to shift the burden of disease from the affluent to the less affluent, as the lockdowns have done. More. 4. Public health...

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from Peace and Prosperity

Comprehensive analysis of 50 states shows greater spread with mask mandates

For months, we've been lectured to by the political elites that cases of coronavirus are spreading too quickly and that we must wear masks to stop the spread. The obvious fault with their act of desperation is that they can no longer mask the fact that most parts of the country have already been fully masked for months — long before the ubiquitous spread this fall. Researchers at, a clearinghouse of COVID-19 data trends run by a grassroots group of data analysts, computer...

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from Comprehensive analysis of 50 states shows greater spread with mask mandates

Busted! Dr. Birx Violates Own 'Stay At Home' Order

Authoritarian government officials love to mandate that everyone "stay at home" to fight the virus, but when it comes to their own lives, they are not about to give up their freedom. The latest hypocrite is government coronavirus task force leader Dr. Deborah Birx, who spent Thanksgiving at her second house with guests in violation of her orders for others. Also today, Sen. Rand Paul slams idiotic mandates that have no science behind them. Vaccine problems. Recall Newsome. Watch today's Liberty...

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from Busted! Dr. Birx Violates Own 'Stay At Home' Order

The Washington Post Can’t Stop Babbling About Russians ‘Hacking Our Minds’

The Washington Post has published another article warning its readers that the Russians are “hacking our minds”, this one authored by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria. “Russia hasn’t just hacked our computer systems. It’s hacked our minds.” blares the ridiculous, propagandistic headline for an article about “the Russian model” of propaganda which “rests on the principle that people get convinced when they hear the same message many times from a variety of sources, no matter how biased.” Which is...

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from The Washington Post Can’t Stop Babbling About Russians ‘Hacking Our Minds’

Government, Not Coronavirus, Is Killing Small Businesses

A video of a confrontation between Ventura County, California health officials and restaurant owner Anton Van Happen has gone viral. The health officials were ordering Mr. Van Happen to close his business because he allegedly violated California’s ban on outdoor dining. Mr. Van Happen asked the health officials if the government will pay his employees and his rent while his business is indefinitely closed. Mr. Van Happen is hardly the only small business owner worried about how to pay bills...

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from Government, Not Coronavirus, Is Killing Small Businesses

Saturday, December 19, 2020

US Closing Last Two Consulates in Russia

The Trump administration informed Congress of its plans to close the last two US consulates in Russia, leaving the US embassy in Moscow as the only US diplomatic mission in the country. The State Department sent a letter to congressional leaders on December 10th that said the US is permanently closing its consulate in Vladivostok, and temporarily halting operations at the consulate in Yekaterinburg. According to the letter, the US is shuttering the consulates due to caps set by Moscow on...

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from Peace and Prosperity

Friday, December 18, 2020

Doctors, Normal and Abnormal

There seem to be few normal doctors around anymore. Try to have an appointment with many doctors over the last few months and they will demand that you put a mask over your nose and mouth — supposedly to block coronavirus transmission. You’d think, given they are doctors, they would know that there are health risks from you doing so and that it is not established that you doing so provides any net protection against coronavirus. Yet, they demand away. This is abnormal behavior. Then, check...

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from Doctors, Normal and Abnormal

How Much Does the Pfizer Vaccine Actually Reduce Risk of Hospitalization?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed that the Pfizer covid vaccine is 95 percent effective, but what does that statement mean? The details of the Pfizer covid vaccine trial can be found here. As was the case in the previous announcement about the vaccine, this “efficacy” figure is misleading. The incidence of covid “cases” in the placebo group was 162 out of 18,325 subjects, or less than 1 percent. The incidence of “cases” in the vaccine group was 8 out of 18,198, or about...

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from How Much Does the Pfizer Vaccine Actually Reduce Risk of Hospitalization?

As the Republic Dies the Next Generation Must Rise

The first rule of screenwriting, or in fact any fiction writing, is, “Conflict doesn’t create character, it reveals it.” People are who they are and we only find out what they are made of when tested to their limit. This is the essence of all good storytelling — create characters who rise to be role models for us as we navigate our way through a Universe hostile to our very existence. While I hesitate to ascribe such noble ideas as ‘character’ to any politician there are a few out there...

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from As the Republic Dies the Next Generation Must Rise

Instagram is Using False 'Fact-Checking' to Protect Joe Biden’s Crime Record From Criticisms

A long-standing and vehement criticism of Joe Biden is that legislation he championed as a Senator in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly his crime bill of 1994, contributed to the mass incarceration of Americans generally and African-Americans specifically. Among the many on the left and libertarian right who have voiced this criticism (along with President Trump) is then-Senator Kamala Harris, who said during the 2020 Democratic primary race that Biden’s “crime bill -- that 1994 crime bill...

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from Instagram is Using False 'Fact-Checking' to Protect Joe Biden’s Crime Record From Criticisms

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Time for a New ‘Green Book’ Listing Businesses Welcoming Maskless Customers

The Green Book was published from the 1930s through the 1960s. It proved to be a valuable aid for many people. The Green Book provided in its pages information about businesses — restaurants, hotels, gas stations, night clubs, and more — that welcomed black individuals. This was during a time when many businesses turned away black people or treated them much less favorably than they treated white people. The Green Book was particularly helpful to travelers. When in places with which they...

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from Peace and Prosperity

Big Brother in Disguise: The Rise of a New, Technological World Order

Early in the morning of Monday, December 15, 2020, Google suffered a major worldwide outage in which all of its internet-connected services crashed, including Nest, Google Calendar, Gmail, Docs, Hangouts, Maps, Meet and YouTube. The outage only lasted an hour, but it was a chilling reminder of how reliant the world has become on internet-connected technologies to do everything from unlocking doors and turning up the heat to accessing work files, sending emails and making phone calls. With...

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from Big Brother in Disguise: The Rise of a New, Technological World Order

The Futility and Cruelty of Washington’s Economic Sanctions

A perennial favorite tactic for officials running U.S. foreign policy has been to impose economic sanctions on countries whose governments defy Washington’s wishes. Sanctions enjoy a reputation among the policy elite of being the responsible "middle option" between relying solely on diplomacy or using military force when dealing with an adversary. Political leaders resist the former approach because they fear being portrayed as weakling appeasers. Conversely, launching military interventions...

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from The Futility and Cruelty of Washington’s Economic Sanctions

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Supreme Court had one last chance to keep the American Republic together. It failed.

By washing its hands of responsibility to hear the Texas challenge to the 2020 presidential election, the nine Justices of the US Supreme Court may have sealed the country’s fate and made a kinetic civil war much more likely. On Friday, the highest court in the land decided that Texas “lacked standing” to challenge the conduct of elections in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin under Article 3 of the US Constitution. Yet the article in question explicitly states that the SCOTUS...

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from The Supreme Court had one last chance to keep the American Republic together. It failed.

Hunter Biden News Should Shame Dismissive Media Outlets

Hunter Biden announced Wednesday he is under federal investigation for his financial dealings in foreign countries, including China. While the news sent shockwaves through Washington, D.C., it shouldn’t have been surprising. The announcement confirms many of the allegations of corruption that were leveled against Hunter Biden in the months leading up to the November elections – allegations the media steadfastly refused to cover. The nation’s largest social media companies went further: They...

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from Hunter Biden News Should Shame Dismissive Media Outlets

Monday, December 14, 2020

Has The 'Village' Failed The Children?

Everyone knows how government policies implemented this year have caused suffering for adults and small businesses. But government policies have also negatively affected the young in so many ways as well. One-size-fits-all policies in a world of individuals runs contrary to the ideas of Liberty. It has produced the dire circumstances that we currently find ourselves in. Individual liberty is our only life vest. Watch today's Liberty Report:

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from Has The 'Village' Failed The Children?

Hollywood Deployed Lobbyists to Win Exemptions to Strict California Lockdown

Last month, California Gov. Gavin Newsom was caught violating his own warnings against multiple households dining together indoors. The Democratic governor was spotted at the French Laundry, an exclusive restaurant north of San Francisco, where he was celebrating the birthday of longtime friend Jason Kinney. The dinner controversy was more than just an opulent display of political double standards — it also highlighted the backroom efforts to maintain special treatment during the pandemic....

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from Hollywood Deployed Lobbyists to Win Exemptions to Strict California Lockdown

Congress Again Proves that the Business of Washington is War

Libertarian educator Tom Woods famously quipped that “no matter who you vote for you end up with John McCain.” Unfortunately Woods was proven right for about the thousandth time this past week, as Washington again showed us that it is all about war. First, we learned that if Joe Biden ends up in the White House next month he intends to put a deep state member of the military-industrial complex in charge of the Pentagon. General Lloyd Austin will be only the second Defense Secretary in decades...

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from Congress Again Proves that the Business of Washington is War

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Why Michael Morell Cannot Be CIA Director

As President-elect Joe Biden names his cabinet and other chief advisers, what has escaped wide attention is the fact that none of his hawkish national security advisers — except for his nominee for defense secretary, Gen. Lloyd Austin — has served in the military. Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell, who is reportedly on Biden’s short list for CIA director, shares that non-veteran status, one of the reasons along with other skeletons from Morell’s past that make him singularly unfit to...

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from Why Michael Morell Cannot Be CIA Director

Friday, December 11, 2020

In Search of Pentagon Officials Not Captured by Industry


President-elect Joe Biden promises the “most ethically rigorous administration in American history,” according to a spokesman. But with the nomination of retired general and Raytheon board member General Lloyd Austin III as secretary of defense, the strength of that promise is quickly faltering. And while some may see concerns about industry ties as a purity test, we’ve seen that disregard from presidents and Congress for these concerns creates preventable problems and encourages the revolving door between the Pentagon and the defense industry to continue to spin with impunity.

First things first: Secretaries of defense who came from the defense industry were a rarity. As the New York Times recently pointed out, until the Trump administration we hadn’t had a secretary of defense come directly from a major defense contractor for 30 years (going back to the Reagan administration, when Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger came from Bechtel). Presidents seemed to have little trouble finding qualified candidates from Congress, the non-defense business community, or other executive branch offices. That’s one of many reasons it’s so disappointing that the top three names the incoming Biden administration floated to lead the world’s most expensive military sat on boards of major defense contractors.

Austin, the nominee who won Biden’s approval, marks an important milestone in choosing the first Black man to lead the Department of Defense. It’s a change that’s overdue, and particularly poignant as the military continues to confront systemic racism. The lack of diversity in national security leadership is a major problem that must be confronted. Prior to the incoming Biden administration, neither a woman nor a Black person had ever been nominated for this role. All three of Biden’s main choices were attempts to address this disparity. The lack of racial diversity is acutely evident in Congress in general, and even more so on the committees that are tasked with overseeing the department.

But Biden’s nomination of Austin also raises a number of concerns. First, he sits on the board of Raytheon, one of the top five contractors for the Department of Defense. In that role he has received $1.4 million in compensation since joining the board in 2016. He is also a partner at Pine Island Capital Partners, a private equity firm that boasts “a group of deeply-connected and accomplished former senior government and military officials.” In layman’s language, they leverage the revolving door between the government and private sector to try to get more contracts for their clients. When it comes to conflicts of interest, Austin will have to divest his financial interests in, and recuse himself from matters involving, Raytheon and other defense companies he’s worked with. In the case of Raytheon, that recusal is becoming increasingly difficult as the defense behemoths consolidate, and the vast majority of contract dollars goes to fewer companies. Just this year Raytheon completed its merger with United Technologies, another giant in the defense world, further reducing the number of defense contractors.

Recusal isn’t a panacea. During the Trump administration, then-Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, a former Boeing executive, admirably committed to not only recuse himself from Boeing matters for the required cooling-off period, but also for as long as he served in the Department of Defense. As we wrote at the time, his connections to Boeing raised a number of potential conflict issues. And soon enough, he was accused of being biased in favor of his former company when he made accurate criticisms of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 production, and was later investigated by the Department of Defense inspector general for his remarks. Though he was cleared, the perception of bias undermined his credibility and authority, as well as the credibility of the department.

In some cases, maneuvering around ethical restrictions was so insurmountable that a waiver was issued. That’s what happened with William Lynn, the first deputy secretary of defense under President Barack Obama. Obama pledged he wouldn’t have any lobbyists in his administration, and then he nominated former Raytheon lobbyist Lynn, issuing him the first waiver. (Lynn wasn’t the only one; the Washington Post counted 65 former lobbyists in the Obama administration as of August 2014.) It’s little surprise that when Lynn left the government he went right back into the defense industry as the chief executive officer for DRS Technologies, which, while not a top contractor, still did $1.1 billion in business with the Pentagon the year Lynn joined the company. 

Read the whole article here.

from In Search of Pentagon Officials Not Captured by Industry

The 'Expert Consensus' Also Favored Alcohol Prohibition


Most people today regard America’s experiment with alcohol prohibition as a national embarrassment, rightly repealed in 1933. So it will be with the closures and lockdowns of 2020, someday. 

In 1920, however, to be for the repeal of the prohibition that was passed took courage. You were arguing against prevailing opinion backed by celebratory scientists and exalted social thinkers. What you were saying flew in the face of “expert consensus.”

There is an obvious analogy to Lockdowns 2020. 

My first inkling of this prohibition history came in reading transcripts of the then-famous Radio Priest James Gillis from the 1920s. He was against prohibiting alcohol production and sale on grounds that the social costs far outweighed the supposed benefits. What surprised me was the defensiveness of his comments. He had to assure his listeners that he was personally for temperance, that alcohol was indeed demon rum, that it’s true that this nasty stuff had caused terrible things to happen to the country. Still, he said, outright bans are too costly. 

Why was he so cautious in his rhetoric? It turns out that during the 1920s, he was one of the few famous American public figures (H.L. Mencken was also among them) who dared to speak out against what was obviously a disastrous policy. Reading this sent me down a rabbit hole of literature at the time in which it was argued by many leading intellectuals that Prohibition made perfect sense as a necessary step to clean up the social order. 

To sum up the “science” behind Prohibition, society had tremendous numbers of pathologies on the loose and they all traced to one dominant variable: liquor. There was poverty, crime, fatherless households, illiteracy, political alienation, social immobility, city squalor, and so on. You can look carefully at the data to find that in all these cases, there is a common element of alcohol. It only stands to reason that eliminating this factor would be the single greatest contribution to eliminating the pathologies. The evidence was incontrovertible. Do this, then that, and you are done. 

To be sure, the argument wasn’t always this clean. Simon Patten (1852-1922) was chair of the Wharton School of Business. His late 19th-century argument for alcohol prohibition featured a complicated argument concerning the weather in America. It gets cold then hot then cold and alcohol consumption seems to track these changes, driving people to drink ever more until their lives fall apart. 

As summarized by Mark Thornton, who is the leading scholar on the economics of Prohibition and its history, “For Patten, alcohol is a product with no equilibrium in consumption. One is either good and abstains from alcohol, or one becomes a drunkard and self-destructs.”

The most influential pro-Prohibition economist of the next generation was the rock star academic and social progressive Irving Fisher, whose contributions to making economics more about data than theory are legendary. So was his push for eugenics. No surprise if you know this period and such people, but he was also a passionate opponent of all alcohol. It was he who made a decisive difference in convincing Congress and the public that a complete ban was the right way. His oddly titled book Prohibition at Its Worst (1927) lays it all out. 

The same year of its publication, Fisher called for a roundtable at the annual meeting of the American Economic Association. His own account is revealing
I got a list of the economists who are supposed to be opposed to Prohibition, and wrote to them; they all replied either that I was mistaken in thinking that they were opposed to Prohibition or that, if we were going to confine the discussion to the economics of Prohibition, they would not care to respond. When I found that I was to have no speaker representing the opposite point of view, I wrote to all American economists listed in “Minerva” and all American teachers of statistics. I have not received from any one an acceptance. 
Clearly his colleagues were either bamboozled by the prevailing “science” or afraid to disagree with the reigning orthodoxy. Even as political establishments were being corrupted, crime and liquor lords were rising up all over the country, and tens of thousands of speakeasies were thriving. Claiming that Prohibition had created $6 billion in wealth for the US – a figure that was frequently cited as authoritative, Fisher wrote the following:
Prohibition is here to stay. If not enforced, its blessings will speedily turn into a curse. There is no time to lose. Although things are much better than before Prohibition, with the possible exception of disrespect for law, they may not stay so. Enforcement will cure disrespect for law and other evils complained of, as well as greatly augment the good. American Prohibition will then go down in history as ushering in a new era in the world, in which accomplishment this nation will take pride forever. 
To see how the $6 billion figure was calculated and to observe the rest of the astonishing mathematical gymnastics behind the “science” backing Prohibition, have a look at Thornton’s detailed presentation. It’s a perfect picture of pseudoscience in action. 

But it was hardly unusual for the time. The Journal of the American Medical Association said of alcohol prohibition in 1920: “Most of us are convinced that it is one of the most beneficent acts ever passed by a legislature.” 

Reading through all this literature, I’m reminded of the CDC scientific conclusion that closing restaurants during a pandemic will save lives – a conclusion based on a study so weak that anyone with a passing familiarity with statistics and causality can immediately observe its failings (the same study, if it demonstrates that, would also demonstrate that masks make no difference in virus spread). Another obvious case was the brutal and unscientific closures of schools

Also true is that the opponents of Prohibition were routinely and publicly denounced as secret drunks, shilling for bootleggers, or just not following the science. They were the outliers and stayed that way for a decade. What finally broke Prohibition was not the replacement of one scientific orthodoxy for another but the noncompliance on the part of most of the population. When enforcement became unviable, and FDR saw opposition to Prohibition as politically advantageous, the law finally changed. 

When we look back on American history, Prohibition stands out as one of the craziest social and economic experiments of modern times. The very idea that the government, on its own authority and power, was going to purge from a Western society the production and distribution of alcohol, strikes us today as a millennarian pipedream, one that turned into disaster for the whole country. 

We could say the same about lockdowns in 2020. Indeed, measuring the absurdities on a scale of extremism, the idea of lockdowns, with forceful human separation, mandatory masking, and the practical abolition of all large gatherings, fun, art, and travel, seems even more sadistically preposterous than alcohol prohibition. 

The madness of crowds, often backed by the “best science,” never goes away. It just finds new forms of legal expression in new times. Only once the crowds come to their senses do the real scientists make a comeback and prevail, while the fake science that backed despotism pretends like it never happened.

Reprinted with permission from American Institute for Economic Research.

from The 'Expert Consensus' Also Favored Alcohol Prohibition

Announcing a Vaccinations-based Caste System

This week, Health Minister Christine Elliott of Ontario, Canada announced that the province is planning to implement what can be best described as a caste system that categorizes people, and determines their legally allowed activities, based on whether or not they have been vaccinated for coronavirus. Elliott explained that, under the planned system, people who are vaccinated for coronavirus will receive a special card — a vaccination passport — the possession of which will be required for...

Read the full report by clicking the title, below...

from Peace and Prosperity

Thursday, December 10, 2020

California is the Grinch killing Christmas, small businesses, and maybe even the Democratic Party


Governor Gavin Newsom has locked down California as though a tropical storm were about to make landfall. Yet the ‘safety’ measures mostly target the ‘small guy’, and this hypocrisy could be the Democratic Party’s undoing.

Residents of America’s largest state once took pride in the maxim that commanded “as goes California, so goes the country.” Today those words sound more like a curse than the promise it once held. But it didn’t have to be that way.

Gavin Newsom, resembling a Roman consul drunk on power on the edges of empire, has announced stay-at-home measures that may ultimately prove deadlier than the pandemic it was meant to halt. Here are just some of the businesses his regime has ordered shuttered: hair salons and barbershops; personal care services; movie theaters; wineries, bars, breweries and distilleries; family entertainment centers and amusement parks.

Newsom’s rules dictate that retail outlets must operate at no more than 20 percent capacity, while restaurants are only allowed to provide take-out service. Religious services, in a throwback to more pagan times, must be held outdoors, amongst the trees and furry creatures. The governor says the measures were necessary as hospital intensive care unit availability dropped below 15 percent.

Like so many other Democratic leaders who have taken draconian steps to halt the virus, Newsom’s brutal strategy assumes people cannot be trusted to protect themselves; therefore the brilliant idea of wrecking the economy in the name of ‘safety’ is considered the best possible solution. That's a cold slap in the face to his constituents, coming as it does in the middle of the holiday shopping season, which is make or break time for many small businesses.

Daniel McAdams, executive director at the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, described the grim situation in Barstow, a town in San Bernardino County.

“Didn't realize that California had become such a third world country, so 90 percent of the outlet mall is shut down,” wrote McAdams, who was in California attending to urgent family matters. “Kids are riding dirt bikes where once thousands of people crowded in to purchase name-brand clothing at a discount.”
“Went to one of the very few stores still open,” he continued on his Facebook post. “As we approached the door a drill sergeant-looking woman with a shrill and husky voice barked out, ‘Ok guys, I can't let you in right now because we are at capacity in the store.’ We looked in and it looked empty. In fact the whole place was a ghost town. A bad Western film.”

The good thing about Western films, however, is that the tragedies and mishaps are all scripted and acted; the situation on the ground in California is happening in real time against real people.

If there was a single story that captures the palpable anger and frustration that has gripped citizens in this state of some 39 million souls, it would be hard to top that of Angela Marsden, the owner of Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill in Los Angeles. In an effort to keep pace with the ever-mutating anti-Covid regulations, Marsden spent over $80,000 to construct an outdoor patio so she could keep serving customers amid the pandemic. With the latest lockdown measures, however, city officials denied her permission to serve clients on location – even in the parking lot. Unfortunately, the story does not end there.

To add insult to injury, the city granted permission for a film company to set up a large outdoor eating pavilion for its employees just yards away from where Marsden had built her outdoor patio.

In a Twitter video that has been watched over nine million times, the restaurant owner makes an impassioned plea for help.

“I’m losing everything,” she exclaimed, choking back the tears. “Everything I own is being taken away from me. They have not given us money and they have shut us down. We cannot survive; my staff cannot survive…”
The cruel irony of Marsden’s plight, however, seems to have escaped that group of people living in the alternative zip code known as Hollywood, and particularly involved in the art of filmmaking, which Newsom decreed as an “essential activity” and therefore exempt from the crazed crackdown.

In yet another one of those jarring moments of total disconnect, Seth McFarlane, creator of the television series Family Guy, tweeted triumphantly that his latest television project, The Orville, “is back in production.” That must have been such a relief to millions of middle-class Californians, now teetering on the edge of insolvency and poverty, that at least they won’t be deprived of McFarlane’s slapstick comedy to see them through the gloom.
Not to be outdone by McFarlane, Saturday Night Live ‘comedian’ Pete Davidson took aim at lockdown protesters on the other side of the country, in New York City, which has become yet another Democratic-run ghost town. Davidson took issue with Mac's Public House, a restaurant where owners have declared it a Covid-19 restriction ‘autonomous zone’, saying the protesters were “looking like babies” for demanding their pub back. What seems to have been lost on the young and clueless Davidson, however, is that he has a cozy seven-figure Hollywood salary, whereas the bar employees back in New York, who work just as hard for their money, are staring down the barrel of bankruptcy.

Meanwhile, not even the Grinch governor could abide by his own rules. Last month, Newsom and his bejeweled wife were photographed at a lavish birthday party for some lobbyist at the upscale French Laundry restaurant, which included about a dozen people from several households – and not a surgical mask in sight. In other words, exactly the type of gathering – minus the filet mignon and Dom Perignon – Newsom’s administration has cracked down on.
California’s harsh response to the coronavirus, combined with the double standards from elitist Democrats, is already having consequences. First, conservatives are reportedly fleeing the state in droves. Although the reasons given vary – high cost of living, wildfires, and rolling blackouts being among them – the liberal political culture is certainly a contributing factor. That should come as no surprise given that the country is still at odds over the outcome of the most consequential and potentially fraudulent presidential election in many decades.

In any case, many conservatives no longer find the state very accommodating to their political tastes and are hitting the road. As the Los Angeles Times reported, Republicans were nearly three times as likely to have considered moving as their Democratic counterparts – 40 percent compared with 14 percent. For the other conservatives who wish to remain in California those numbers are disturbing as they suggest the state will never experience another ‘red wave’ of pro-Republican voters that Trump garnered in the 2020 election.
While it is doubtful that many California liberals will shed many tears over the departure of their conservative neighbors, Newsom’s lockdown has had another unexpected effect – the police don’t seem very keen to enforce the lockdown regime.

This week, Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco and Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes have both said their departments will not enforce Newsom’s lockdown.

In a released statement, Sheriff Barnes said: “To put the onus on law enforcement to enforce these orders against law-abiding citizens who are already struggling through difficult circumstances, while at the same time criticizing law enforcement and taking away tools to do our jobs, is both contradictory and disingenuous.”

“Conversely, policy makers must not penalize residents for earning a livelihood, safeguarding their mental health, or enjoying our most cherished freedoms,” he added.

That’s a pretty amazing statement, and one that really captures the hypocritical nature of Newsom’s demands. On the one hand, he removes the ability for millions of Californians to provide for themselves through a time-honored tradition known as ‘work’, which has never stopped despite many pandemics over the millennia. On the other, Newsom is so detached from reality that he can’t see the problem with himself and his elite friends breaking the rules with impunity (it is doubtful that Newsom would have changed his duplicitous ways had he not been caught).

At the same time, the power drunk governor wants the California police – the very organization that has been on the receiving end of fierce criticism from Democrats ever since the killing of George Floyd – to enforce his draconian decrees. That’s certainly one up on Marie Antoinette’s ‘let them eat cake’ quip. At least, the King Louis XVI’s queen granted her subjects the right to eat. 

Newsom seems hard-pressed to do even that, while expecting his berated and underfunded police to arrest the dissenters. Call me crazy, but that doesn’t sound like a recipe for long-term peace and tranquility in the ‘Golden State’.

Gavin Newsom is playing with fire, and if he’s not careful he may just destroy California and the Democratic Party with it.

Reprinted with permission from RT.

from California is the Grinch killing Christmas, small businesses, and maybe even the Democratic Party

YouTube Declares It Will Censor Videos Questioning Biden’s Victory


We have have been discussing how writerseditorscommentators, and academics have embraced rising calls for censorship and speech controls, including President-elect Joe Biden and his key advisers. The erosion of free speech has been radically accelerated by the Big Tech and social media companies.

The level of censorship and viewpoint regulation has raised questions of a new type of state media where companies advance an ideological agenda with political allies. The state media criticism was never more compelling than in the announcement of YouTube this week that it would now remove videos that question the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. The election is over but YouTube will now scrub away any dissenting views that the election was marred by fraud. It now appears to be protecting history itself from things deemed disinformation — the ultimate calling of the corporate censor.

YouTube (which is owned by Google) announced “We will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging that widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 US Presidential election.” The company used the end of the “safe harbor” period for counting votes to justify censor those with lingering doubts or those who want to post explanations of why the count remains suspicious, including presumable an array of members of Congress who have called for investigations.

For free speech advocates, the move is a raw example of corporate censorship but Democrats and many liberals applauded the action. Indeed, the Columbia journalism dean has lamented that these companies are not cracking down on free speech to a greater extent and blaming their own greed for not being greater censors. It appears that Big Brother is now being embraced as a protector of truth.

Like the “false facts” removed by China’s censors, the Biden victory is treated like a state fact that cannot be challenged or questioned. As someone who has stated for weeks that Biden is the president-elect and criticized conspiracy theories, I do not subscribe to the view that the election was stolen. However, millions of votes — both Republican and Democrat — hold that view. Indeed, some polls show up to 90 percent of Republicans believe that election was not fair and honest. Roughly half of the country voted for President Donald Trump and many of them hold this view.

The best way to address such views is to expose them to debate and challenge. That is the value of free speech. Otherwise, you end up on a slippery slope of censorship of any views that you deem harmful or misleading.

This action notably occurs just weeks after companies blocked discussion of the Hunter Biden story. It was only after the election that the CEOs then said it was a mistake. Biden is now under federal investigation and the laptop and its disturbing emails now appear to be legitimate. Yet, Democratic Senators demanded more censorship as the CEOs were apologizing for spiking a legitimate news story that was damaging to Biden. Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal declared that he was “concerned that both of your companies are, in fact, backsliding or retrenching, that you are failing to take action against dangerous disinformation.” Accordingly, he demand an answer to this question:

“Will you commit to the same kind of robust content modification playbook in this coming election, including fact checking, labeling, reducing the spread of misinformation, and other steps, even for politicians in the runoff elections ahead?”

YouTube has eagerly embraced the call for censorship by Blumenthal and others. It is now protecting not the election but history from what it considers disinformation. It is the very Chinese model embraced directly or indirectly by some American academics and journalists. We are watching free speech drain away to the applause of those eager for less freedom.

Reprinted with permission from

from YouTube Declares It Will Censor Videos Questioning Biden’s Victory

Melinda Gates: 'We Hadn't Thought Through The Economic Impacts'

Echoing arch-lockdowner Anthony Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Melinda Gates has expressed some surprise in a recent New York Times article about the massive economic disaster that has followed the coronavirus outbreak. While she blames the pandemic rather than the government over-reaction to the pandemic for the economic destruction, her surprise that health policy has an economic impact underscores the total failure of the pro-lockdown elites. Also today: Canada vaccine passport, Russian vaccine warnings, Texas election lawsuit, and more. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Melinda Gates: 'We Hadn't Thought Through The Economic Impacts'

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

'Newspeak' Is the Future


George Orwell pointed out that one of the first casualties of socialism is language. The damage is not collateral, it is deliberate—designed to numb minds and render critical thought difficult or impossible. The instrument of this dumbing down in Nineteen Eighty-Four was Newspeak, the official language of the English Socialist Party (Ingsoc). Newspeak was a sort of totalitarian Esperanto that sought gradually to diminish the range of what was thinkable by eliminating, contracting, and manufacturing words. New words had a “political implication” and “were intended to impose a desirable mental attitude upon the person using them.” The meaning of words was often reversed, as was most starkly emphasized in the key slogans of Ingsoc:




Nineteen Eighty-Four was written in 1949. Its nightmarish fictional world is now thirty-six years in the past, so one might reasonably conclude that Orwell was far too pessimistic, but his great book was less a prediction than a warning, and above all an analysis of the totalitarian mentality. Meanwhile, there is another significant date in Nineteen Eighty-Four. The book’s appendix on the principles of Newspeak stressed that the corruption of language was a multigenerational project whose fruition would not come until well into the present century. Ingsoc’s objective was to render independent thought impossible by “about 2050.”

Intriguingly, that is the same year that the world allegedly has to become “carbon neutral,” or “net zero,” to avoid climate Armaggedon.

Twenty fifty has become a key date for the UN’s “global governance” agenda, which seeks nothing less than to oversee and regulate every aspect of life on the basis of a suite of alarmist projections. The main existential threat is claimed to be catastrophic manmade climate change. “Climate governance” has thus emerged as the “fourth pillar,” of the UN’s mandate, joining peace and security, development, and human rights. So far—as with the other three pillars—the UN’s climate efforts have been spectacularly unsuccessful. It has held enormous “Conferences of the Parties,” or COPs, which have promoted a morass of uncoordinated national policies that have had zero impact on the climate. COP 21 in Paris in 2015, for instance, was meant to hatch a successor to the failed Kyoto Agreement. But all it produced was a raft of hypocritical, voluntary, fingers-crossed “Nationally Determined Contributions.” The failure of Paris, and of temperatures to rise in line with flawed models, led to a doubling down of “ambitions.” One new commitment that seeped out of Paris was for the countries of the world to hold temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above levels before the Industrial Revolution (the Original Climate Sin). Staying below that level, UN policy wonks rapidly calculated, would require the world to become carbon neutral, or net zero, by 2050.

In fact, there is no climate “crisis” or “emergency.” However, as Orwell noted, the language of fear and panic is one of the main instruments of political control.

Today, just as in Nineteen Eighty-Four, the classical liberal concepts of liberty and equality (of opportunity) are under relentless attack, as are the values of reason and objectivity. Liberty and equality were classified in Newspeak as “Crimethink.” Objectivity and rationalism were “Oldthink.” A doomed Newspeak lexicographer named Syme tells the book’s equally doomed hero, Winston Smith, that even the party slogans will eventually become incomprehensible: “How could you have a slogan like ‘freedom is slavery’ when the concept of freedom has been abolished?”

Orwell was hardly the first observer to point to the political dangers of linguistic manipulation, which go back to discussions of sophistry in Plato. The great economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek pointed in particular to the Left’s use of “social.” He dubbed it a “weasel word” that not merely sucked meaning from words to which it was attached but often reversed meaning. Thus, by classical liberal standards, social democracy is undemocratic, social justice is unjust, and a social market economy is antimarket. We have a prime current example in the phrase “social license to operate,” which in fact means a potential veto on corporate activities by radical nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), the stormtroopers of the global governance agenda. Private corporations were once socialism’s enemies; now they have been co-opted as its partners, agents of “global salvationism.” Nobel economist Milton Freidman pointed to the subversive, open-ended nature of “corporate social responsibility,” where “responsibility” represents another weasel word. CSR’s purpose is to force corporate executives to abandon their responsibility to their shareholders in favor of an endless list of “stakeholder” demands.

Perhaps the most significant new weasel word to have emerged from the UN’s equivalent of the Ministry of Truth is “sustainable.” Commitment to sustainability is now mouthed by every politician, bureaucrat, marketing executive, and media hack on earth. It sounds so benign, so reasonable, but what it actually means is “bureaucratically controlled and NGO-enforced within a UN-based socialist agenda.”

Like “social,” “sustainable” tends to vitiate or reverse the meaning of words to which it is attached. Thus sustainable development is development retarded by top-down control and whose effectiveness is further compromised by the insertion of a long list of cart-before-the-horse social policy objectives, from gender equity to “responsible consumption.”

Recently, “sustainable finance” has also bubbled up from the UN verbal swamp. What it means, not surprisingly, is stopping the financing of fossil fuels by browbeating banks and investors and rigging the regulatory process.

There are no dictionaries of sustainable Newspeak. Its mavens rely less on new words than on perverting or reversing the meaning of old ones. One recent clarion call heard echoing around the corridors of power is that recovery from the covid crisis must be “resilient.” Insofar as that means forcing the use of more expensive, less reliable, and less flexible energy sources such as wind and solar, it will inevitably make economies less resilient. Thus it promotes the first energy “transition” in history that involves moving backward. Typically, such backward movement is a key part of a “progressive” agenda.

The indoctrination of young people was a key strategy of Ingsoc. Likewise, Agenda 21, the doorstop socialist wish list that emerged from the UN’s Earth Summit at Rio in 1992, declared: “Students should be taught about the environment and sustainable development throughout their schooling.” They should learn that “The world is confronted with worsening poverty, hunger, ill health, illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of ecosystems on which we depend for our wellbeing.” In other words, a catalogue of alarmism that has—or should have been—utterly discredited by the evidence of the intervening decades. However, we tend to see what we have been taught to believe. Walls may have ears but more important is that ears have walls. Building such walls was the specific purpose of Ingsoc’s Crimestop, or “protective stupidity.” The capture of academic institutions has virtually installed Crimestop as a compulsory course.

Meanwhile, not only did Agenda 21 demand that children be indoctrinated, it demanded that the most indoctrinated among them be allowed into political fora to lecture their elders. This programme came to stunning fruition last fall at the UN, when Greta Thunberg, a bright, anxious, and thoroughly indoctrinated Swedish teenager, was elevated to the podium to paraphrase Agenda 21: “People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

One is reminded of the Newspeak appendix: “A Party member called upon to make a political or ethical judgement should be able to spray forth the correct opinions as automatically as a machine gun spraying forth bullets.”

Meanwhile, the political establishment’s current watchwords of inclusivity, diversity, and equity are all aimed at perverting truth and concealing real meanings. Inclusivity and diversity involve excluding white men and conservatives of either sex (although it is a “thoughtcrime” to suggest that there are fundamentally two sexes, as J.K. Rowling discovered). Equity falsely equates the inevitable inequality of outcomes in a free society with moral inequity.

Through all of this, the concept of doublethink, that is, effortlessly holding incompatible beliefs, spreads apace. Orwell wrote that “Doublethink lies at the very heart of Ingsoc, since the essential act of the Party is to use conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.”

Keep that in mind the next time a public figure cites the climate emergency, intones the existential necessity of sustainable development and sustainable finance, and trumpets the job-creating benefits of a resilient recovery and a transformative green transition to a net zero future.

Reprinted with permission from

from 'Newspeak' Is the Future

In America, the default is individual freedom, not government dole-outs


The government, on COVID-19, has gone amok; on that, there is no question. But a question that does arise is this: Who’s in charge here, anyway?

It’s supposed to be the people.

COVID-19 has made it the government.

And American citizens need to fight, fight, fight on this point or forever after cede the notion of rights coming from God — and forever after deal with the insufferable fate of asking, petitioning, cajoling, even begging government for permissions that just a few months ago weren’t needed.

This is the “new normal” of citizen-government relations, amid coronavirus chaos. And it’s ridiculous; American citizens know how to wash their hands and protect their selves and loved ones from a virus. The growing nanny state disagrees. The growing police state has found its wedge for power.

“California bans private gatherings amid record COVID-19 surge,” Reuters just wrote in a headline.

The state’s already been struggling under onerous coronavirus dictates — minus the hypocritical governor, Gavin Newsom, of course, who has ordered residents to stay home at the same time he parties it up with friends and family and lobbyists in cushy restaurant style, face mask free. But this week, with COVID-19 case counts on the rise, new lockdowns, new crackdowns, new infringements on individual freedoms are coming.

Small businesses are preparing for more storms. And it’s the uncertainty that’s really killing.

As Pacific Legal Foundation wrote, “The dire situation these small business owners face is bad enough. But what should frighten all of us is there is simply no end in sight to the continued shutdowns. Since March, Newsom has unilaterally adopted one shutdown and reopening scheme after another, repeatedly changing his mind about what businesses are allowed to open and how, and he shows no indication of stopping. Indeed, the governor has made it clear … he does not anticipate the state returning to normal any time soon.”

Not until every small business owner has been shut down, put on the taxpayer dole. Right?

This is abysmal.

And it’s a scenario that’s being replicated in spots across the country — mostly in Democratic-controlled spots where it’s ultimately exposed that the Democrats in charge of issuing the crackdowns aren’t holding themselves accountable to the same standards. They’re stealing citizens’ rights, but not ceding their own. They’re ordering what they themselves won’t obey.

They’re not just lousy leaders. They’re not just hypocritical leaders.

They’re tyrants.

And they must be stopped — because tyrants, historically speaking, don’t just wake up one day and repent of their tyranny. They only grow more and more emboldened, more and more tyrannical.

What’s inspiring is that many across America are realizing just that — and yes, fighting back.

” ‘I suggest you not wear your mask’: Bedford Co. citizens fight against Northam, COVID-19,” one ABC 13 News headline out of Virginia stated.

“Some Southern California business owners will defy governor’s coronavirus shutdowns order,” the Orange County Register just wrote.

“Restaurant Holdouts Defy Covid-19 Shutdown Orders,” The Wall Street Journal just reported, of a handful of small business owners in Illinois.

The more who buck the government, the more who rebel against the unconstitutional government mandates — which aren’t laws, but rather executive orders — the more emboldened the buckers and rebels will become, and the greater in number the group of buckers and rebels will grow.

More civil disobedience. More fight-the-power pushback. More, more, more citizen uprisings against overreaching government.

That’s the only way the scales of power will then begin to tip back where they belong: in the hands of the people. On freedom, in America, the default is the individual.

Reprinted with author's permission from Washington Times.

from In America, the default is individual freedom, not government dole-outs

Pfizer Warning: Vaccine May Be Dangerous

As the US FDA is preparing to approve the Pfizer Covid vaccine for emergency use, the UK health authority has issued a warning that individuals with severe allergies should avoid the vaccine due to potential for serious reactions. In the UK, the health authority has also recommended that the vaccine "should only be carried out in facilities where resuscitation measures are available." With Americans divided on whether they want to get the vaccine, will this news push more to refuse? Also today, the US faces a lockdown-induced mental health crisis according to a recent Gallup survey. LA County sees outdoor dining ban overturned by superior court judge. Watch today's Liberty Report:

from Pfizer Warning: Vaccine May Be Dangerous

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Biden’s Iran Deal Faces Iran’s ‘Red Pill’


Biden says he wants – through diplomacy – to achieve a nuclear deal with Iran – i.e. a JCPOA ‘Plus + Plus’. The Europeans desperately concur with this aspiration. But the ‘deal protocols’ that his ‘A-Team’ inherits from the Obama era have always contained seeds to failure.

And now, four years on, the prospect of failure seems assured – firstly by the hostages to fortune already offered up by Biden, and secondly (and decisively), by the fact that the ‘world’ today is not the ‘world’ of yore. The ‘chair’ at the head of the table of global leadership is no longer an American perquisite. Israel is not the same Israel, and Iran – for sure – is not the same Iran (as at the outset to the Obama initiative). The world has moved on. The last four years cannot simply be expunged as some inconsequential aberration to earlier protocols, still valid today.

Trump’s mark on America and the world cannot be normalised away. Half of America in these last years has become America First-ers – as Pat Buchanan points out, whatever the establishment believes, in the clash between nationalism and globalism, globalism has lost half of America.

If followed through, the protocols – the implicit procedures – to ‘a deal’, in today’s environment, inevitably will take Biden or Harris, or whomsoever is President, along the path to the protocol’s final point: Should negotiation not produce the desired result, the threat of a military option will be back on the table.

Just to be clear, some hope for that. Most sane people don’t. Likely, at this early stage, the Biden ‘A’-Team just hope it won’t come to that. Hope, alone – however – is no strategy.

What are these protocols, and what are these separate global shifts that will take Biden into that ‘tunnel’ leading ultimately to the ‘military option’ – which is not really ‘a true option’ at all?

The protocols reach back to the ‘Wohlstetter doctrine’ which enunciated that since there was no essential technical difference between peaceful enrichment, and weapons-oriented enrichment; ‘untrustworthy actors’ such as Iran should, he argued, not be allowed to enrich – ever. Many today, in the Israeli-influenced, US foreign-policy establishment, still cling to the Albert Wohlstetter view.

Some Iranians dissented to his doctrine: No, they assured the West (as early as 2003), monitored and verified, low-enrichment could be a trusted solution that would foreclose on the need for the ‘military option’ (Obama, at the time, was seeking to escape the military option, as, at that same time, Netanyahu was advocating a go-it-alone, Israeli attack on Iran).

The latter attack was only just avoided (in 2009) through the steely opposition of the then head of Mossad – the redoubtable Meir Dagan. Finally, Obama bought into the verifiable limited-enrichment idea, and accepted to time-limit the experiment through Sunset Clauses, after whose expiry, the enrichment restraints would fall away.

But the Wohlstetter shadow lingered on, making the Obama protocols accept military action as the due response, were Iran to move within twelve months to a putative nuclear breakout (because Iran was ‘not to be trusted’).

Rightly, or wrongly, even then, Obama understood that the protocol dynamic could lead him towards a military option (with, or without, Israel participation).

What was so problematic about the protocols? Well, the point was that they never addressed the real underlying issues, which, if anything, have become much, much more acute, today. These issues remain ‘unspoken’, yet very present.

The first is that no one – including Israel – believes that nuclear weapons of any sort are a real threat in the Middle East. The Region is just too small – a jostling amalgam of competing sects and interests. It is all too much of a ‘mixing bowl’ that presents no ‘clean’ targets for strategic nukes. Even Israeli ideologues do not believe that Iran would contemplate liquidating 6.5 million Palestinian Muslims to get at Israel.

What frightens Israel is Iran’s conventional missile weaponry. And these were not a part of the deal. (There would have been ‘no deal’ if these were included, given Iran’s memory of recent life under Saddam’s missiles and chemical weapons).

The second occult issue derived from the (real) Sunni fear of a resurgent and energised Shi’a Iran, at a time of long-term decline and the visible exhaustion of the old Ottoman Sunni élites. The power of the Revolution and of subsequent Shi’a renaissance terrified the Gulf monarchies.

This tension is deep, and its’ nature mostly misunderstood in the West: Sunnis for the last millennia have viewed themselves as the natural ‘party of government’ – they were (and still believe they are) ‘the Establishment’, if you like. The Shi’a, on the other hand, always have been disdained (and discriminated against) – they were the ‘deplorables’ (to use the American analogy). And just as the US Establishment loathes Trump and his populist army, similar tensions exist in the Middle East – the Gulf monarchies loathe the ‘deplorables’ and fear them (and fear any inversion of power). –

So they looked for protection from America their own surging (Shi’i) ‘deplorables’. The nuclear ‘bomb’ threat is, and always was, their leverage to get what they wanted from Washington – even if they didn’t really believe in it per se. Ditto for Israel: Weapons and subsidies galore for them, and painful, damaging containment for Iran.

This is the ‘protocol paradox’: For two decades, Washington has been absorbed with stopping a largely illusionary ‘Big Threat’, whilst Iran has quietly been assembling thousands of almost invisible tiny deterrents (as small as the smallest drones) right under everyone’s nose. A ‘Biden’ JCPOA++ diplomatic initiative will resolve none of these under-the-table issues – and will not therefore, be accepted by Israel (or by the Gulf).

A US return to diplomacy – however improbable its successful outcome – simply exacerbates these fears. And the Democrat’s ‘A-Team’ are giving many hostages to fortune: Not content with aiming for a new nuclear accord – limiting enrichment and centrifuges – they want the deal stripped of its present ‘Sunset clauses’; they want restrictions over Iran’s foreign policy; they want Iran’s proxies de-fanged; they want conventional arms control (ballistic missiles); AND they want Israel and the Gulf States’ direct involvement in the process. In short, they have overbid.

Has Washington learned nothing from the Palestinian experience? The American Oslo teams imagined that if the Palestinians could only ‘re-assure’ Israel about its security, Israel would concede a two-state solution – in its own demographic interest. But this was an error: the more Palestinian security Israel got, the more it wanted. It will be the same in respect to Iran – Israel can never have enough.

So what of the new realities?

Israel remains the hub around which US foreign policy wholly revolves. In the period since the Obama team left office, a number of its former members suggested that the Obama failures (i.e. to actuate the two-state objective) had resulted from team members being too Israeli-centric (“playing Israel’s lawyer”, in the words of one). But to repeat, the Israel of today is not the Israel of the Obama era.

There is no Israeli ‘peace party’ any more (with any meaningful political heft). The hard Right and the Orthodox sectors are now the key ‘swing’ power bloc. Netanyahu’s line on Iran cannot be challenged by Israeli politicians today (in fact, even ‘Leftist’/Liberal senior Israeli former officials have hailed the Fakhrizadeh assassination). Ditto for the Palestinian issue. Netanyahu simply has taken these off the Israeli domestic agenda. They have become settled national stances. Were Netanyahu to depart the political scene, would Israeli policy change significantly, given the shifts already entrenched in it? Unlikely.

On Iran, Netanyahu’s explicit JCPOA conditionality lies closer to the Pompeo’s (maximalist) 12-point red-lines, than to anything resembling the ‘Obama approach’. Iran says – definitively – that it will not accept any new conditions to a JCPOA re-launch. Israel says – definitively – it will never accept the JCPOA as it stands.

In Obama’s, and now Biden’s playbook, this has always conceptually opened the window to possible military action (should Iran make a rush to a ‘weapon’ (in the US formulation), and, in the Israeli view, should Iran rush to 90% weapons-grade enrichment).

Given the logic to both US and the Israeli formulation, military action will inevitably distill into serious consideration. Does Biden’s Team ‘A’ believe that a limited strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities is realistic, without triggering wider war? If not, is Team ‘A’ then prepared to contemplate wider war – on Israel’s behalf? One hopes not.

Mossad and some western intelligence agencies cast Iran as being on the brink of economic collapse and of political implosion, owing to their perception of an Iran riven by popular disaffection. Russia and China however see Iran in differently: They view Iran both as the pivot to RBI (they help fund components to it), and lying at the centre of a ‘heartland’ north-south energy strategy. They acknowledge Iran’s significant regional security contribution, too – a big disparity in analysis with that of the West, that is rarely considered.

What should be less in dispute, however, is the veritable transformation withinIran. Its political centre of gravity has moved: In the 2020 parliamentary elections, the Principalists (conservative) faction achieved an unprecedented victory by winning 221 out of 291 seats in the Iranian parliament. And it is likely that the next President – to be elected in mid 2021 – will emerge out from this faction. Iran has adopted its own Ostpolitik. It is developing its options away from America and Europe, and is more culturally nationalist.

Young and old now, are equally suspicious of both Europe and America – whereas at the outset of the Obama era there was genuine optimism about a rapprochement with the West being possible. That optimism is long gone. Iran’s economy, though not thriving, has adapted. But notably, Iran – literally – has transformed in terms of its conventional military capabilities. This key shift poses the crucial question – why exactly would Iran today want a new nuclear deal? At what price?

Tom Friedman of the NY Times, (no friend to Iran), surprisingly gets it:
With the assassination presumably by Israel of [Mohsen Fakhrizadeh], the Middle East is promising to complicate Joe Biden’s job from Day 1. President-elect Biden knows the region well, but if I had one piece of advice for him, it would be this: This is not the Middle East you left four years ago …

Yes, Israel and the Sunni Arab states want to make sure that Iran can never develop a nuclear weapon. But some Israeli military experts will tell you today, that the prospect of Iran having a nuke is not what keeps them up at night — because they don’t see Tehran using it. That would be suicide, and Iran’s clerical leaders are not suicidal.

They are, though, homicidal.

And Iran’s new preferred weapons for homicide are the precision-guided missiles that it used on Saudi Arabia and that it keeps trying to export to its proxies in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq, which pose an immediate homicidal threat to Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq and US forces in the region. (Iran has a network of factories manufacturing its own precision-guided missiles.)

If Biden tries to just resume the Iran nuclear deal as it was — and gives up the leverage of extreme economic sanctions on Iran, before reaching some understanding on its exporting of precision-guided missiles — I suspect that he’ll meet a lot of resistance from Israel, the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia.

Why? It’s all in the word 'precision.' In the 2006 war in Lebanon, Iran’s proxy militia, Hezbollah, had to fire some 20 dumb, unguided, surface-to-surface rockets of limited range in the hope of damaging a single Israeli target. With precision-guided missiles manufactured in Iran, Hezbollah — in theory — needs to fire just one rocket each at 20 different targets in Israel with a high probability of damaging them all …

That is why Israel [is trying] to prevent Tehran from reaching its goal of virtually encircling Israel with proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Gaza, all armed with precision-guided missiles …'Think of the difference in versatility between dumb phones and smartphones,' observed Karim Sadjadpour, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment: 'For the past two decades we have been consumed by preventing Iran’s big weapon, but it is the thousands of small smart weapons Iran has been proliferating that have become the real and immediate threat to its neighbours.'
Friedman has it right (in part): The murder of Fakhrizadeh likely was the formal missive from Netanyahu to Biden’s lot to warn that Israel is looking more to the ‘military option end’ of any ‘deal spectrum’, rather than to accept anything resembling a JCPOA-style outcome, at the opposite end of the deal spectrum.

The ‘under-the-table’ issue is Iran’s conventional military prowess, and not its putative nukes. And that is why Israel will insist on maximal pressure – i.e. more (and not less) US extreme sanction leverage – over Iran, to force constraints on its conventional armoury, as well as on its nuclear programme. And that just ain’t going to happen – Iran isn’t going to do that. “That is going to be very, very difficult to negotiate”, Friedman says, “It’s complicated”.

Indeed. Pursuing negotiations according to the old Obama protocols inevitably will take Biden directly to the explicit threat of the ‘military option’ (which exactly seems to match Netanyahu’s intent).

Paradoxically, it is however, precisely this new Iranian ‘smart’ conventional capability that ultimately might deter Biden from the military option path – the fear of igniting region-wide war that could destroy the Gulf States. And it is this Iranian transformation which indicates why the ‘military option’ is not a true option: A US endorsed military option is a ‘red pill’ option for the region.

Any new accord, Friedman warns, ‘will be very, very difficult to negotiate’. Friedman implies that Biden’s difficulty will be in persuading the Iranians. Actually, the difficulty – conversely – will lie with Biden persuading Netanyahu to look truth in the eye: The ‘red pill’ option would destroy Israel too.

Reprinted with permission from Strategic Culture Foundation.

from Biden’s Iran Deal Faces Iran’s ‘Red Pill’