Whence Power Flows: Corporate-Funded Think Tanks Another election. Another political transition. Another opportunity for the US to change course regarding its otherwise destructive foreign policy? Not quite. Contrary to popular belief, US foreign policy is not the product of the nation’s elected representatives nor is it overseen by the occupants of the White House. US foreign policy is instead driven by unelected corporate-financier interests. These include some of the largest,...
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from New US President, Same Old Foreign Policy
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a special project of the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, a non-profit established by Ron Paul in 1976.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Were the Capitol Rioters Really Libertarians?
In the accounts about the Trump supporters who attacked the US Capitol, the media have sometimes alluded to supposed “libertarian” connections. The Wall St. Journal calls Parler, the social-media network which, it says, “served as a hub for people who organized, participated in or celebrated the storming of the Capitol” a “libertarian-leaning social-media site.” In the same story it reported that one of the participants (Rosanne Boyland) “joined at least two libertarian-leaning Facebook...
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from Were the Capitol Rioters Really Libertarians?
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from Were the Capitol Rioters Really Libertarians?
Would You Be Considered A Domestic Terrorist Under This New Bill?
After 9/11, the entire country collectively lost its mind in the throes of fear. During that time, all civil and Constitutional rights were shredded and replaced with the pages of The USA PATRIOT Act. Almost 20 years later, the US has again lost its collective mind, this time in fear of a “virus” and it’s “super mutations” and a “riot” at the capitol. A lot of people called this and to the surprise of very few, much like after 9/11, Americans are watching what remains of their civil...
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from Would You Be Considered A Domestic Terrorist Under This New Bill?
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from Would You Be Considered A Domestic Terrorist Under This New Bill?
Friday, January 29, 2021
Ugly Yankee: Washington Continues To Bully Mexico on the Drug War
A nasty spat has emerged between the US and Mexican governments about alleged official corruption and drug trafficking. The latest incident began on October 16, 2020, when US authorities arrested Mexico’s former defense secretary, Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, at Los Angeles International Airport on drug trafficking and money laundering charges. Cienfuegos Zepeda was a major player in Mexico’s military and political affairs, leading the country’s armed forces for six years under former...
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from Ugly Yankee: Washington Continues To Bully Mexico on the Drug War
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from Ugly Yankee: Washington Continues To Bully Mexico on the Drug War
Pelosi Declares That The 'Enemy Is Within The House of Representatives' In Call For More Security
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been attacking Republicans members as traitors in a continuation of the reckless rhetoric from the last four years on both sides. Despite a desire for greater unity from voters, Pelosi has sought to capitalize on rather than close those divisions while other Democrats are calling for blacklists and retaliatory measures. The Speaker has now doubled down on these attacks by claiming that the need to increase security is due in no small degree to the “enemy...
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from Pelosi Declares That The 'Enemy Is Within The House of Representatives' In Call For More Security
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from Pelosi Declares That The 'Enemy Is Within The House of Representatives' In Call For More Security
'Post-Trump Fallout' - With RPI's Daniel McAdams
On this week's 21WIRE LIVE host Patrick Henningsen speaks with director of the Ron Paul Institute, Daniel McAdams, about the current political upheaval in America - the hyperbolic rhetoric, partisan purges, and mass censorship. When and where will it end? Can the Republic withstand the full centralization of power in a one party state? All this and much more:
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from 'Post-Trump Fallout' - With RPI's Daniel McAdams
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from 'Post-Trump Fallout' - With RPI's Daniel McAdams
West’s Navalny Hypocrisy a Gas
The day after opposition figure Alexei Navalny was arrested in Moscow last week on his return from a provocative and prolonged decampment in Germany, Western media fell over themselves to condemn his detention. In its online edition, the US government-owned Radio Free Europe news outlet ran seven articles dedicated to Navalny out of a total of 21. One of the top RFE articles openly called for Russian people to take to the streets to demand the release of the activist. Last weekend, the US...
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from West’s Navalny Hypocrisy a Gas
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from West’s Navalny Hypocrisy a Gas
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Tulsi Gabbard: Democrats Trying To Turn America Into Police State
Former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has been sounding the alarm over new "domestic terrorism" legislation introduced by Adam Schiff (D-CA) and highly charged claims by former CIA director (a partisan Democrat) that "even libertarians" are potential "domestic terrorists." A police state is coming unless people like Brennan and Schiff are denounced by President Biden himself. Also, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) sounds the alarm: are National Guard troops in DC the next "forever war"? Watch today's...
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from Tulsi Gabbard: Democrats Trying To Turn America Into Police State
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from Tulsi Gabbard: Democrats Trying To Turn America Into Police State
The Echo Chamber Era
A day after Joe Biden's inauguration, the headline in Axios read: “Trust in media hits a new low.” Felix Salmon wrote that “for the first time ever, fewer than half of all Americans have trust in traditional media.” The Edelman survey showed overall faith in the press dropping to 46%. The traditional explanation for this phenomenon is that Republicans hate the press a lot, but Democrats just a little. The Axios story bore this out somewhat, as only 18% of Republicans reported trusting media,...
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from The Echo Chamber Era
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from The Echo Chamber Era
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Fauci: 'Wear Two Masks!' Is Our Covid Policy Schizophrenic?
President Biden's top coronavirus advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has just announced that it's "just common sense" that people should wear two masks. Last March he said no one should be walking around with masks on. Then he said put a mask on. Meanwhile CNBC featured a segment advising that people wear THREE masks! Is all of this "the science"? No wonder that, according to a recent study, Americans are four times more depressed and anxious than they were in 2019. Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Fauci: 'Wear Two Masks!' Is Our Covid Policy Schizophrenic?
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from Fauci: 'Wear Two Masks!' Is Our Covid Policy Schizophrenic?
Biden admin’s coercive Iran policy threatens serious new regional crisis
A close analysis of recent statements by members of President Joseph Biden’s foreign policy team indicates his administration has already signaled its intention to treat negotiations with Iran as an exercise in diplomatic coercion aimed at forcing major new concessions extending well beyond the 2015 nuclear agreement. The policy could trigger a renewed US-Iran crisis as serious as any provocation engineered by the Trump administration. Although the Biden team is claiming that it is ready to...
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from Biden admin’s coercive Iran policy threatens serious new regional crisis
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from Biden admin’s coercive Iran policy threatens serious new regional crisis
Enemies of the Deep State: The Government’s War on Domestic Terrorism Is a Trap
“This is an issue that all Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians should be extremely concerned about, especially because we don’t have to guess about where this goes or how this ends. What characteristics are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking about? Religious extremists, are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians, what is a religious extremist? Is it somebody who is pro-life? [The proposed legislation could...
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from Enemies of the Deep State: The Government’s War on Domestic Terrorism Is a Trap
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from Enemies of the Deep State: The Government’s War on Domestic Terrorism Is a Trap
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Impeachment 2.0: When Will The Backfire Begin?
Yesterday the House impeachment 2.0 team marched impeachment papers over to the Senate for trial. With even President Biden doubting a conviction of citizen Trump, is there a point where what increasingly appears to be a show trial backfires politically for the Democrats and for a president who is desperately trying to sell the slogan "unity" to a divided America? Is there any Constitutional provision for removing a president from office who has already been removed from office? Will this start...
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from Impeachment 2.0: When Will The Backfire Begin?
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from Impeachment 2.0: When Will The Backfire Begin?
In a Paranoid Nation, 'Treason' Is Everywhere
FBI agents across the nation are tracking down and arresting Trump supporters who walked into the US Capitol during the January 6 protest that turned into a brawl. Scores of protestors have already been charged with unlawful entry—“knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority.” The media is treating this as a heinous and self-evident offense, but my own experience at Washington protests makes me wary of treating transgressions as treason. I...
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from In a Paranoid Nation, 'Treason' Is Everywhere
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from In a Paranoid Nation, 'Treason' Is Everywhere
Monday, January 25, 2021
Magic? Politics? Science? Did President Biden Cure Covid?
Just days after President Biden's inauguration, "blue" states began announcing an end to lockdowns and other restrictions. Suddenly it's time to open up. Even NY governor Cuomo said the economy must be re-started. Is it science? A miracle Covid cure? Politics? A huge coincidence? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Magic? Politics? Science? Did President Biden Cure Covid?
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from Magic? Politics? Science? Did President Biden Cure Covid?
Boycott Sham Impeachment
Sometimes in Washington, the powers that be will embark on a little bit of political theater. You can always spot it, though, if you look closely enough at what's real and what's not. In the last days of the presidency of Donald Trump, the Democrats and a handful of Never Trumpers banded together to insist he be impeached, again. The first impeachment of Donald Trump in 2019 was a witch hunt filled with fabricated charges, unsupported evidence and partisan rancor disguised as legal...
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from Boycott Sham Impeachment
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from Boycott Sham Impeachment
That’s All Folks!
As they used to say at the end of all those wacky Looney Tunes cartoons, that’s all folks! The show is over. Literal Russian-Asset Hitler, the Latest Greatest Threat to Western Democracy, the Monster of Mar-a-Lago, Trumpzilla, Trumpenstein, the Ayatollah of Orange Shinola, has finally been humiliated and given the bum-rush out of Washington by the heroic forces of the GloboCap “Resistance,” with a little help from the US military. The whole thing went exactly to script. Well … OK, not quite...
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from That’s All Folks!
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from That’s All Folks!
When Fascism Comes, It Will Be Wearing a Mask
Almost immediately after his inauguration, President Joe Biden began creating new government dictates via executive orders. Many of these executive orders concern coronavirus, fulfilling Biden’s promise to make ramping up a coronavirus-inspired attack on liberty a focus of his first 100 days. One of Biden’s executive orders imposes mask and social distancing mandates on anyone in a federal building or on federal land. The mandates also apply to federal employees when they are “on-duty”...
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from When Fascism Comes, It Will Be Wearing a Mask
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from When Fascism Comes, It Will Be Wearing a Mask
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Sen. Rand Paul Challenges Big Money Media’s Defining People with Differing Opinions as Liars

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/24/sen-rand-paul-challenges-big-money-media-s-defining-people-with-differing-opinions-as-liars/
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Biden Administration Announces Plan to Combat ‘Domestic Extremism’
On Friday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that President Biden ordered three US intelligence agencies to review the threat of “domestic violent extremism.” Since pro-Trump demonstrators stormed the US Capitol building on January 6th, calls to combat “domestic terrorism” have been growing. Before January 6th, Biden’s transition team had said they were planning to pass laws against domestic terrorism, and the Capitol incident has made it a top priority. “The January 6th...
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from Biden Administration Announces Plan to Combat ‘Domestic Extremism’
Friday, January 22, 2021
Yet Another Study Shows—Yet Again—That Lockdowns Don't Work
Although advocates for covid-19 lockdowns continue to insist that they save lives, actual experience keeps suggesting otherwise. On a national level, just eyeballing the data makes this clear. Countries that have implemented harsh lockdowns shouldn’t expect to have comparatively lower numbers of covid-19 deaths per million. In Italy and the United Kingdom, for example, where lockdowns have been repeatedly imposed, death totals per million remain among the worst in the world. Meanwhile, in...
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from Yet Another Study Shows—Yet Again—That Lockdowns Don't Work
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from Yet Another Study Shows—Yet Again—That Lockdowns Don't Work
Anthony Fauci Joins the Long List of People Incapacitated by Coronavirus Vaccine

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/22/anthony-fauci-joins-the-long-list-of-people-incapacitated-by-coronavirus-vaccine/
Trust In The Media Hits An All-Time Low In New Polling
We have previously discussed how American journalism has been destroyed by years of openly partisan coverage in an age of echo journalism. Not surprisingly, the public has lost faith in what was once the leading nation in terms of journalistic practices and ethics. A new survey by the global communications firm Edelman (via Axios) found only 46 percent of Americans trust traditional media. That mirrors polls by Gallup showing an even lower level of trust. We are living in a new age of yellow...
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from Trust In The Media Hits An All-Time Low In New Polling
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from Trust In The Media Hits An All-Time Low In New Polling
Using the January 6 ‘Crisis’ at the US Capitol to Impose a Crackdown on Liberty

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/22/using-the-january-6-crisis-at-the-us-capitol-to-impose-a-crackdown-on-liberty/
Thursday, January 21, 2021
'Regime Change Doesn't Work!' - Sen Paul Hammers Biden's Sec State Pick

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/21/regime-change-doesnt-work-sen-paul-hammers-bidens-sec-state-pick/
Are Antifa Riots 'Domestic Terrorism'?
While the media continues top push the phony narrative that right wing domestic terrorists are going to descend on state capitals, yesterday saw the emergence of actual left wing rioters in the form of Antifa, which attacked in Portland and Seattle. Federal property was reportedly targeted. Will the press report this as "domestic terrorism" as they reported on the 1/6 Capitol melee? And, more interestingly, as the rioters screamed anti-Biden slogans: will the Biden Administration move against...
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from Are Antifa Riots 'Domestic Terrorism'?
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from Are Antifa Riots 'Domestic Terrorism'?
Milking the Capitol Melee for All It’s Worth
Not surprisingly, leftists are milking the January 6 Capitol melee for all its worth. There is a simple reason for that: they wish to use it to introduce a new wave of domestic tyranny into America, just as Republicans did after the 9/11 attacks. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they start referring to the melee as simply 1/6. That’s why they continue to describe the melee as an insurrection, revolution, rebellion, sedition, terrorism, invasion, and a grave attempt to destroy our...
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from Milking the Capitol Melee for All It’s Worth
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from Milking the Capitol Melee for All It’s Worth
What Biden/Harris Will Do
Paraphrasing the late Murray Rothbard, the "two party" system in America during the twentieth century worked something like this: Democrats engineered the Great Leaps Forward, and Republicans consolidated the gains. Wilson, Roosevelt, and Johnson were the transformative presidents; Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan offered only rhetoric and weak tea compromises. In politics, being for something always beats being against something, and Republicans were never much against expanding federal power...
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from What Biden/Harris Will Do
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from What Biden/Harris Will Do
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Fmr. CIA Director: Biden Intel Community 'Moving in' on 'Pro-Trump'...'Libertarians'

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/20/fmr-cia-director-biden-intel-community-moving-in-on-pro-trumplibertarians/
The Surreal Inauguration
As 25,000 US National Guard troops from across the country are deployed in a Washington, DC, that looks like a ghost town, surely one of the strangest US presidential inaugurations in history will take place. With DC as literally a military-occupied zone, protecting an empty city for a virtual inauguration, is this all security theater? A warning? A taste of things to come? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from The Surreal Inauguration
Viral #TrumpsNewArmy Video Is Liberals At Their Craziest And Scariest
A new viral video calling on liberals to form “an army of citizen detectives” to gather information on Trump supporters and report their activities to the authorities has racked up thousands of shares and millions of views in just a few hours. The hashtag #TrumpsNewArmy is trending on Twitter as of this writing due to the release of a horrifying video with that title from successful author and virulent Russiagater Don Winslow. As of this writing it has some 20 thousand shares and 2.6 million...
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from Viral #TrumpsNewArmy Video Is Liberals At Their Craziest And Scariest
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from Viral #TrumpsNewArmy Video Is Liberals At Their Craziest And Scariest
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Anomalies in the Capitol Melee
Somebody needs to get a memo to the FBI and the US Attorneys in charge of arresting and prosecuting the people involved in the January 6 melee at the Capitol. At this point, all I see is that these people are being charged with offenses like trespass, disorderly conduct, and theft. Judging by what leftists are saying and what the mainstream press is reporting, these people should be charged with treason, insurrection, revolution, rebellion, invasion, terrorism, and an attempt to violently...
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from Anomalies in the Capitol Melee
The Legacy Of A Would-Be Dictator
Twitterless, Donald Trump will soon disappear. It will then be for the fullness of history to judge his term, but it is certain the summation will be it was four years of lies and barely constitutional actions that have forever dented America’s democracy. Lies and actions by Democrats and the media, of course. Trump’s term began with the Dem’s lie he was not legitimately elected. Though it was all swept away when Trump challenged the results in 2020, in 2016 the Democratic Party and MSM were...
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from The Legacy Of A Would-Be Dictator
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from The Legacy Of A Would-Be Dictator
Worries of Coronavirus Vaccine Deaths and Injuries in America and Abroad

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/19/worries-of-coronavirus-vaccine-deaths-and-injuries-in-america-and-abroad/
Monday, January 18, 2021
Free Speech Is Hard. Its Alternative Is Worse.
It’s hard to hear ideologues spouting ideas you know are fully wrong, even harder when you know that the implementation of such ideas would hurt people, including you. Hardest is listening to a message full of hate, vitriol, and name-calling, especially when it’s directed against you personally. It’s therefore natural to declare that there is no place in a civil society for such ideas, and shut them out for our own and others’ protection. Yet America’s Founders, having just concluded a...
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from Free Speech Is Hard. Its Alternative Is Worse.
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from Free Speech Is Hard. Its Alternative Is Worse.
The 'Virtual' Inauguration: Is The Threat Real, Or Overblown?
Washington, DC has been turned into a war zone for this week's "virtual" presidential inauguration, with 20,000 National Guard troops and mass closures of bridges, roads, and the Metro. Is there a real threat of another "insurrection," or is there some over-hyping going on? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from The 'Virtual' Inauguration: Is The Threat Real, Or Overblown?
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from The 'Virtual' Inauguration: Is The Threat Real, Or Overblown?
The Unwelcome Return of the Real Purveyors of Violence
With the mainstream media still obsessing about the January 6th “violent coup attempt” at the US Capitol Building, the incoming Biden Administration looks to be chock full of actual purveyors of violent coups. Don’t look to the mainstream media to report on this, however. Some of the same politicians and bureaucrats denouncing the ridiculous farce at the Capitol as if it were the equivalent of 9/11 have been involved for decades in planning and executing real coups overseas. In their real...
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from The Unwelcome Return of the Real Purveyors of Violence
Sunday, January 17, 2021
New Peer-Reviewed Study: Lockdowns Are No Good Against Coronavirus

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/17/new-peer-reviewed-study-lockdowns-are-no-good-against-coronavirus/
Why They Hate Trump So Deeply
In the words of Ronald Reagan, here we go again. The unbelievable hatred that Democrats, liberals, progressives, and the mainstream press have toward President Trump continues to consume them, with the latest manifestation being a second impeachment of President Trump, just a few days before he leaves office. Isn’t the purpose of an impeachment to remove a public official from power? Trump is out of power on January 20. The impeachment trial won’t even be held until after January 20. What’s...
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from Why They Hate Trump So Deeply
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from Why They Hate Trump So Deeply
Ron Paul on Facebook Blocking Him and the Move Toward Fascism

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/17/ron-paul-on-facebook-blocking-him-and-the-move-toward-fascism/
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Dealing With Big Tech Censorship - With Jeff Deist
Mises Institute President (and former Ron Paul Congressional chief-of-staff) Jeff Deist joins Dr. Paul today to discuss the iron fist of Big Tech censorship. What, on a practical and pro-active level, can be done to preserve speech across the widest spectrum in the age of "cancel culture" and tech censorship? Watch the Liberty Report:
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from Dealing With Big Tech Censorship - With Jeff Deist
How CENTCOM Chief McKenzie manufactured an Iran crisis to increase his power
During the final two months of the Trump administration, a series of provocative US military moves in the Middle East stirred fears that a war against Iran was being hatched. The atmosphere of crisis was not the result of any threat posed by Tehran, but rather the product of a campaign manufactured by the head of US Central Command (CENTCOM), Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., to advance his interests. In a bid for prestige and power within the military, and the influence over policymaking that...
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from How CENTCOM Chief McKenzie manufactured an Iran crisis to increase his power
9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Grail
I hear the sons of the city and dispossessed Get down, get undressed Get pretty but you and me We got the kingdom, we got the key We got the empire, now as then We don’t doubt, we don’t take direction Lucretia, my reflection, dance the ghost with me Sisters of Mercy, Lucretia my Reflection 9/11 was the prelude. 1/6 is the Holy Grail. 9/11 opened the gates to the Global War on Terror (GWOT), later softened by Team Obama to the status of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) even as it...
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from 9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Grail
Friday, January 15, 2021
Congressional Hysteria & Hypocrisy Could Doom Liberty
The political hysteria unleashed by last week’s clash at the Capitol between police and Trump protestors poses a growing danger to Americans’ constitutional rights. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer ludicrously compared the ruckus to Pearl Harbor – a “day of infamy.” Schumer complained that the “temple to democracy was desecrated… our offices vandalized” and that rioters were able to “stalk these hallowed halls.” Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) compared an incursion that broke some windows...
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Drawing Lots with Coronavirus Vaccination

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/15/drawing-lots-with-coronavirus-vaccination/
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Biden Taps Veteran Interventionist Samantha Power to Head USAID
On Wednesday, Joe Biden announced that he will nominate Samantha Powerto head the US Agency for International Development (USAID). Power served as ambassador to the UN for President Obama from 2013 to 2017. Before that, she worked on Obama’s National Security Council, where she played an instrumental role in pushing for US intervention in Libya in 2011. Power argued in favor of US intervention in Libya under the guise of protecting human rights and preventing genocide. She was joined in...
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from Biden Taps Veteran Interventionist Samantha Power to Head USAID
How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler
Critics of Silicon Valley censorship for years heard the same refrain: tech platforms like Facebook, Google and Twitter are private corporations and can host or ban whoever they want. If you don’t like what they are doing, the solution is not to complain or to regulate them. Instead, go create your own social media platform that operates the way you think it should. The founders of Parler heard that suggestion and tried. In August, 2018, they created a social media platform similar to...
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from How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler
The Pentagon Speaks
The Joint Chiefs of Staff have spoken. Issuing a remarkable memorandum to all members of the Armed Forces, the JCS have declared that Joe Biden will be the new president of the United States. The memo may have been not only one to military personnel but also to President Trump: No matter how convinced you are that the election was stolen from you, don’t even think about remaining in power because we will ensure your forcible exit from the White House. Unfortunately, relatively few people,...
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from The Pentagon Speaks
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Trump Impeachment 2.0: Necessity Or Farce?
After the January 6th mob ruckus inside the US Capitol building, the US House, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, rushed to put together articles of impeachment (again) for President Trump. Trump, they claim, led an insurrection on that day and must be held accountable. Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley recently wrote in The Hill of the dangers of lowering the bar for impeachment. Do the House Democrats have a point that Trump must be removed from office days before he is removed from...
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from Trump Impeachment 2.0: Necessity Or Farce?
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from Trump Impeachment 2.0: Necessity Or Farce?
Here Comes the Post- 'Invasion' Crackdown
Just as thunder follows lightning, you can rest assured that Democrats, the Deep State, and the mainstream press are going to use recent events at the Capitol to crack down on civil liberties. Why let a good opportunity to expand governmental power go to waste? Why, some of these people are even alluding to such things as a “fascist” attempt to take over the government, a “putsch,” and the “Reichstag Fire.” And why not? They know that Hitler was able to use the terrorist firebombing of the...
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from Here Comes the Post- 'Invasion' Crackdown
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from Here Comes the Post- 'Invasion' Crackdown
Can Burns Change the CIA?
In nominating former Deputy Secretary of State William Burns to be CIA director, President-elect Joe Biden has chosen a highly experienced diplomat to lead a hydra-headed agency. But, if past is precedent, the highest hydras who head calcified fiefdoms at CIA can be expected to resist any real control from the top. They are more likely to try to co-opt top management or make end runs around it. This is not new. Most senior CIA operations officers, in particular, have never been...
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from Can Burns Change the CIA?
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from Can Burns Change the CIA?
In the Asian Flu of 1957-58, They Rejected Lockdowns
The Asian flu of 1957-58 was a deadly pandemic with a broader reach for severe outcomes than Covid-19 of 2020. It killed between 1 and 4 million people worldwide, and 116,000 in the US in a time with half the population. It was a leading contributor to a year in which the US saw 62,000 excess deaths. Globally, it might have been five times as deadly as Covid-19, as measured by deaths per capita. It was unusually lethal for younger people: 40 percent of deaths had occurred among people...
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from In the Asian Flu of 1957-58, They Rejected Lockdowns
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from In the Asian Flu of 1957-58, They Rejected Lockdowns
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Ron Paul Speaks Out On Social Media Dominance
The ongoing purges and restrictions of social media accounts by Big Tech are continuing, with Ron Paul's own main social media outlet having been restricted yesterday for a vague charge of "violation of community standards." In today's Liberty Report Ron Paul reflects on the dominance of social media and Big Tech in our daily discourse and how we can still promote peace, prosperity, and liberty. Watch today's Liberty Report:
from Ron Paul Speaks Out On Social Media Dominance
from Ron Paul Speaks Out On Social Media Dominance
Ron Paul Posts Criticism of Censorship on Social Media Shortly Before Facebook Blocks

We have been discussing the chilling crackdown on free speech that has been building for years in the United States. This effort has accelerated in the aftermath of the Capitol riot including the shutdown sites like Parler. Now former Texas congressman Ron Paul, 85, has been blocked from using his Facebook page for unspecified violations of “community standards.” Paul’s last posting was linked to an article on the “shocking” increase of censorship on social media. Facebook then proceeded to block him under the same undefined “community standards” policy.
Paul, a libertarian leader and former presidential candidate, has been an outspoken critics of foreign wars and an advocate for civil liberties for decades. He wrote:
“With no explanation other than ‘repeatedly going against our community standards,’ @Facebook has blocked me from managing my page. Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past and nowhere is the offending post identified.”His son is Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) tweeted, “Facebook now considers advocating for liberty to be sedition. Where will it end?”
Even before the riot, Democrats were calling for blacklists and retaliation against anyone deemed to be “complicit” with the Trump Administration. We have been discussing the rising threats against Trump supporters, lawyers, and officials in recent weeks from Democratic members are calling for blacklists to the Lincoln Project leading a a national effort to harass and abuse any lawyers representing the Republican party or President Trump. Others are calling for banning those “complicit” from college campuses while still others are demanding a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to “hold Trump and his enablers accountable for the crimes they have committed.” Daily Beast editor-at-large Rick Wilson has added his own call for “humiliation,” “incarceration” and even ritualistic suicides for Trump supporters in an unhinged, vulgar column.
After the riots, the big tech companies moved to ban and block sites and individuals, including Parler which is the primary alternative to Twitter. Also, a top Forbes editor Randall Lane warned any company that they will be investigated if they hire any former Trump officials.
The riots are being used as a license to rollback on free speech and retaliate against conservatives. In the meantime, the silence of academics and many in the media is deafening. Many of those who have spoken for years about the dark period of McCarthyism and blacklisting are either supporting this censorship or remaining silent in the face of it. Now that conservatives are the targets, speech controls and blacklists appear understandable or even commendable.
The move against Paul, a long champion of free speech, shows how raw and comprehensive this crackdown has become. It shows how the threat to free speech has changed. It is like having a state media without state control. These companies are moving in unison but not necessarily with direct collusion. The riot was immediately taken as a green light to move against a huge variety of sites and individuals. As we have seen in Europe, such censorship becomes an insatiable appetite for greater and greater speech control. Even Germany’s Angela Merkel (who has a long history of anti-free speech actions) has criticized Twitter’s actions as inimical to free speech. Yet, most law professors and media figures in the United States remain silent.
Reprinted with permission from JonathanTurley.org.
from Ron Paul Posts Criticism of Censorship on Social Media Shortly Before Facebook Blocks
The Biggest Scam in History

Soon after US officials declared their “war on terrorism” some 20 years ago, I wrote that this new war was likely to last longer than the “war on drugs.” There is a simple reason for that: the supply of “terrorists” would be endless, for two reasons: (1) the US government’s deadly foreign policy of interventionism to kill “terrorists” would inevitably generate a constant supply of terrorists who would be seeking to retaliate; and (2) the US national-security establishment would wield the omnipotent, non-reviewable power to determine who is a “terrorist” (or a “bad guy”), a power that would enable it to always have a steady supply of “terrorists” all over the world.
In 1989, the end of the Cold War came as a shock to the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, as well as other US officials. Since the end of World War II, it was just assumed that the Cold War would go on forever, which would thereby justify not only the continued existence of the US national-security establishment but also its ever-increasing budgets.
Keep in mind that any national-security state needs official enemies, along with crises and emergencies. If there are none of those things, then people will ask: Why do we need a national-security state? Why not a limited-government instead? Why must we continue to fund a voracious monstrosity that is no longer needed.
That’s in fact why President John F. Kennedy was determined to be a grave threat to US national security. Having determined that the Cold War was a crock and scam, Kennedy shocked everyone, and especially the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, when he declared an end to the Cold War in his famous Peace Speech at American University in June 1963.
No president after Kennedy dared to do that. Thus, the Cold War went on as normal through subsequent administrations, accompanied, of course, by ever-increasing expenditures for the national-security establishment.
What happened in 1989 was precisely what would have happened in the early 1960s had Kennedy not been assassinated. But this time there was nothing the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA could do about it. By unilaterally declaring an end to its participation in the Cold War, the Soviet Union brought the scam to an end.
People started talking about a “peace dividend,” which meant a significant downsizing of the military-intelligence establishment. After all, with no Cold War why shouldn’t the American people have their limited government republic back?
The national-security establishment was panicked. The Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA maintained that they were still essential because the world was an “unsafe” place. They could be used to maintain “order” in the new world order. They also said that they could help win the “war on drugs.”
That’s when they went into the Middle East and began poking hornets’ nests, in search of a new official enemy. There was the Persian Gulf intervention against their old Cold War partner and ally, Saddam Hussein, which killed countless Iraqis amidst the glory and fanfare of the war. That was followed by 11 years of brutal sanctions, which contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. There was the infamous statement by Madeleine Albright, the US ambassador the United Nations, that the deaths of half-a-million Iraqi children from the sanctions were “worth it.” There was the stationing of US troops near Islamic holy lands. There was the unconditional support given the Israeli government.
The result was predictable and predicted. The US government’s actions incited so much anger and rage that people were motivated to initiate terrorist attacks in retaliation. Examples included the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, the attack on the USS Cole, and the attacks on the US embassies in East Africa.
The culmination of all this “blowback” was the 9/11 attacks, which some US officials compared to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Claiming that the terrorists hated America for its “freedom and values,” US officials declared “war on terrorism,” just as their predecessors had declared war on Japan. Suddenly, the US national-national-security establishment had its new official enemy — “terrorism,” which was ever better than the Cold War’s official enemy (communism) because it was likely to be more endless.
With the deadly and destructive invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq to kill the “terrorists,” the Pentagon and the CIA ensured that more people would join the ranks of the “terrorists.” The entire operation became the greatest terrorist-producing machine in history. With its “war on terrorism,” the US national-security establishment had assured itself of everything the Cold War promised and more, in terms of money, power, and influence.
Today, the “war on terrorism” remains in full swing. Even better, the US national-security establishment and its assets in the mainstream press have succeeded in reinstalling Russia and China as renewed official enemies. The Cold War and the war on terrorism have coalesced to ensure a permeant state of crisis and emergency and, of course, ever increasing budgets and power for the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA.
The entire operation combined — the Cold War and the “war on terrorism” — has turned out to the biggest scam in history. Too bad so many Americans continue to fall for it.
Reprinted with permission from the Future of Freedom Foundation.
from The Biggest Scam in History
Monday, January 11, 2021
Mask Wearing and Denial of Our Humanity

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/11/mask-wearing-and-denial-of-our-humanity/
Wednesday's Other Story

Just before the madness at the Capitol broke out Wednesday, news came from London. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who seemed Monday to be the luckiest man alive when a judge denied an American request to extradite him, was now denied bail on the grounds that he might “fail to surrender to court to face” the inevitable US appeal. He goes back to legal purgatory, possibly a worse outcome than extradition, which might be the idea.
We sell politics in American media as a soap opera, and the personalities make for lively copy, but properly following the bouncing ball means watching institutions, not characters. Where are armies, banks, central banks, intelligence services, the press? Whose money is talking on the floor of the House and the Senate? How concentrated is financial and political power? How do public and private institutions coordinate? When they coordinate, what are their collective aims? How transparent are they or aren’t they? How accountable?
Assange became a celebrity at a time when popular interest in these questions was at its zenith in the United States. Eight years of the Bush administration inspired profound concern about the runaway power of the state, especially a new secret state-within-a-state the Bush administration insisted 9/11 gave them the moral mandate to build.
Our invasion of Iraq had been a spectacular failure — unlike pictures of returning coffins, that couldn’t be completely covered up — and Americans learned about grotesque forms of war profiteering. These included the use of mercenaries to whom the taxpayer unknowingly paid lavish sums, to commit horrific war crimes like the Nissour Square Massacre, also known as “Baghdad’s Bloody Sunday.”
One of Donald Trump’s most indefensible (and bizarrely, least commented-upon) acts was the pardon of the four Blackwater guards who shot and killed those seventeen Iraqi civilians, including women and children. The New York Times story covering the Blackwater pardon spent just four paragraphs on the case, sticking it below apparently more outrageous acts like the pardon of George Papadopoulos.
“Baghdad’s Bloody Sunday” took place in 2007, by which time we were bombing and kidnapping all over the world, disappearing people off streets like the Bogey Man of fairy tales. Detainees were taken to secret prisons where, we later learned, efforts by prisoners to starve themselves out of their misery were thwarted by a diet of raisins, nuts, pasta, and hummus rocketed up the back door through “the widest possible tube.”
Even years later, one Gitmo prisoner would waive his right to appear in court because “rectal damage” made it too painful to sit. We made mistakes in who we selected for this treatment, grabbing people with no connection to anything for torture, as films like Taxi to the Dark Side documented. However, Americans seemed to lose interest in these policies once the Iraq misadventure came to a sort-of end, and a new president was elected.
The rise of Wikileaks introduced an uncontrollable variable into our drift toward authoritarianism. The WMD episode had shown again that our press, the supposed first line of defense against abuses, could not be relied upon. For every expose like Abu Ghraib, there were a hundred stories that either went uncovered or advanced official deceptions.
Wikileaks anticipated a future in which the press would not only be pliant accomplices to power in this way, but where information itself would be tightly controlled by governments using far-reaching and probably extralegal new technological concepts, deploying misleading excuses for clampdowns.
One of the first Wikileaks document dumps involved the Thai government’s blacklist of Internet sites, which was billed as a way to stop child pornography but had in fact been used to remove as many as 1200 sites critical of the Thai royal family, among other things. “The Thai system was used to censor Australia reportage about the imprisoned Australian writer Harry Nicolaides,” Assange noted, in 2009.
Wikileaks also released the Camp Manual for Guantanamo Bay, which among other things revealed that children as young as 15 were being held, along with 900+ other files about a place essentially closed off to even theoretical press review. Another early dump involved the Minton report, about toxic dumping in the Ivory Coast by the firm Trafigura, which in yet another preview of a future of information control had obtained a court order to prevent The Guardian from printing.
In the 2010 Collateral Murder video, an Apache helicopter crew falsely claims to have encountered a firefight and lights up a Baghdad street, killing a dozen people, including two Reuters employees. Somehow even more disturbing than the killing is the dialogue captured between pilots and base. They’re laughing in parts, saying things like, “Just fuckin’ once you get on ‘em, just open ‘em up,” “All right, hahaha, I hit em,” and “Hey, you shoot, I’ll talk.”
For all the talk about the madness of Donald Trump — and I wrote one of those pieces — this was something more dangerous, i.e. institutional insanity. We were factory-producing sociopathic murder, by air, in a process that would become more depersonalized. As early as 2011 we learned the Pentagon was working on a software-based system for identifying and eliminating targets by drone, in an effort to remove the potentially complicating variable of human conscience.
Read the whole article here.
from Wednesday's Other Story
The ‘War On Terror’ Comes Home

Last week’s massive social media purges – starting with President Trump’s permanent ban from Twitter and other outlets – was shocking and chilling, particularly to those of us who value free expression and the free exchange of ideas. The justifications given for the silencing of wide swaths of public opinion made no sense and the process was anything but transparent. Nowhere in President Trump’s two “offending” Tweets, for example, was a call for violence expressed explicitly or implicitly. It was a classic example of sentence first, verdict later.
Many Americans viewed this assault on social media accounts as a liberal or Democrat attack on conservatives and Republicans, but they are missing the point. The narrowing of allowable opinion in the virtual public square is no conspiracy against conservatives. As progressives like Glenn Greenwald have pointed out, this is a wider assault on any opinion that veers from the acceptable parameters of the mainstream elite, which is made up of both Democrats and Republicans.
Yes, this is partly an attempt to erase the Trump movement from the pages of history, but it is also an attempt to silence any criticism of the emerging political consensus in the coming Biden era that may come from progressive or antiwar circles.
After all, a look at Biden’s incoming “experts” shows that they will be the same failed neoconservative interventionists who gave us weekly kill lists, endless drone attacks and coups overseas, and even US government killing of American citizens abroad. Progressives who complain about this “back to the future” foreign policy are also sure to find their voices silenced.
Those who continue to argue that the social media companies are purely private ventures acting independent of US government interests are ignoring reality. The corporatist merger of “private” US social media companies with US government foreign policy goals has a long history and is deeply steeped in the hyper-interventionism of the Obama/Biden era.
“Big Tech” long ago partnered with the Obama/Biden/Clinton State Department to lend their tools to US “soft power” goals overseas. Whether it was ongoing regime change attempts against Iran, the 2009 coup in Honduras, the disastrous US-led coup in Ukraine, “Arab Spring,” the destruction of Syria and Libya, and so many more, the big US tech firms were happy to partner up with the State Department and US intelligence to provide the tools to empower those the US wanted to seize power and to silence those out of favor.
In short, US government elites have been partnering with “Big Tech” overseas for years to decide who has the right to speak and who must be silenced. What has changed now is that this deployment of “soft power” in the service of Washington’s hard power has come home to roost.
So what is to be done? Even pro-free speech alternative social media outlets are under attack from the Big Tech/government Leviathan. There are no easy solutions. But we must think back to the dissidents in the era of Soviet tyranny. They had no Internet. They had no social media. They had no ability to communicate with thousands and millions of like-minded, freedom lovers. Yet they used incredible creativity in the face of incredible adversity to continue pushing their ideas. Because no army – not even Big Tech partnered with Big Government - can stop an idea whose time has come. And Liberty is that idea. We must move forward with creativity and confidence!
from The ‘War On Terror’ Comes Home
Sunday, January 10, 2021
A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin.

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from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/10/a-nursing-home-had-zero-coronavirus-deaths-then-it-vaccinates-residents-for-coronavirus-and-the-deaths-begin/
Saturday, January 9, 2021
With unilateral censorship of a sitting US president, Big Tech has proven it’s more powerful than any government

Big Tech’s moves to muscle President Donald Trump off social media have been heralded by some as victory. But a corporate-run state with politicians serving as mere figureheads amounts to the very fascism they claim to oppose.
The smug, palpable air of "mission accomplished" emanating from Facebook, Twitter and Google in the weeks after the media called November’s election for Democrat Joe Biden has been hard to ignore. Thanks to an iron grip on the political narrative and the heavy-handed suppression of any influential dissenting voices, these insanely wealthy companies and their partners in the media establishment have managed to successfully upend what was left of the US’ democratic process.
In short, they have reason to celebrate, having pulled off the first successful national-level coup-by-media in US history. And better yet — for them at least — having helped the "right" guy win, they won’t have to answer to any bogus charges of Russian collusion this time around. Indeed, no less than the Department of Homeland Security came forward to declare the vote the most secure in US history — a baffling claim at best, given the same officials have spent months insisting foreign infiltration supposedly had democracy hanging by a thread.
The epic pearl-clutching that followed Wednesday’s march on the Capitol is almost guaranteed to result in further restrictions on online speech — and as many observers noted, that’s just how Big Tech and Big Brother want it. No explanations have been forthcoming as to why the Capitol was largely unguarded during the protests, even though Trump had for weeks been calling on his followers to stage “wild” demonstrations on that day. Nor was it clear why Mayor Muriel Bowser waited so long before sending in police and the military to rein in the chaos.
The stage seemed to have been deliberately set for disaster, just the sort of spectacle a clever Big Business-Big Tech axis needs to terrify the masses into believing a full-on insurrection is afoot. The only real surprise in Wednesday’s events is that more people weren’t killed — but that’s where the media came in, wielding luridly detailed descriptions and photographing the most bizarrely-attired figures in the group.
By distracting the public, attributing the violence that claimed five lives to the ubiquitous Radicalized Domestic Extremists™ and banning an ever-growing number of discussion topics, Facebook, Twitter, and Google can dodge a total repeal of Section 230 liability protections and live to blanket the nation in propaganda another day. Never mind the absence of visible "white supremacists," Nazis, and other undesirables supposedly leading the pro-Trump contingent — it’s always possible to Photoshop in a Nazi insignia or 12 in post.
Ultimately, the narrative diverges from reality just enough to make its point, fingering social media as the culprit, and duping the average American into supporting further incursions on their First Amendment freedoms. The moral of the story becomes “Stop thinking, before someone gets hurt.”
And should the relationship sour, and politicians want their power back? Big Tech can easily scuttle any legislative attempts to break up its monopoly merely by threatening to expose the secrets of the dozens of government agencies that have their data stored in the cloud. Companies like Facebook and Twitter, Amazon and Google have what’s left of American "democracy" by the proverbial balls, and should some crusading politician attempt to disrupt their cozy relationship, they’d almost certainly live to regret it.
It would take just one inconvenient "leak" to turn the public against any Luddite savior attempting to pry Big Tech’s boot off American necks. These firms’ control of the media is so airtight that a manufactured "scandal" could be cooked up and launched into cyberspace in a matter of hours. Such retaliation would serve the dual purpose of destroying the political crusader’s career and reminding other would-be do-gooders not to do anything foolish — like fighting to defend one’s own country against the megacorporations holding it hostage.
By blocking Trump from even posting on Twitter and Facebook and live-streaming platform Twitch — Big Tech has made it clear they’re no longer satisfied with a mere monopoly over one of the few profitable industries left in the US. They won’t stop accumulating power until they run politics, from the presidency to the smallest local election. With Wednesday’s riots, the carefully-choreographed dance between tech execs and the politicians who do their bidding has been given the green light to ascend to the next level.
Deplatforming Trump is only the beginning of a megalomaniacal crusade against all those who would question a government by the algorithms, of the algorithms, and for the algorithms.
Reprinted with permission from RT.
from With unilateral censorship of a sitting US president, Big Tech has proven it’s more powerful than any government
Thoughts on a 'Right Wing Insurrection'

January 6th was crack cocaine for the mainstream media, Democratic politicians, and some of their most ardent supporters. As the high wears off, the post high paranoia will be a problem.
Mistrust of those around you, envisioning of enemies and evil doers behind every door, corner and mask, cowering under your congressional auditorium seats, well, we’ve all seen the pictures and the videos.
It’s scary out there!
Beyond the images of regular people sitting, boots on desk, in the Speaker of the House’s office, and beyond the lethal shooting of an unarmed protester by a Capitol policeman “defending” the already breached and swarmed capitol, there is a lot we can observe and learn about this relatively unusual event.
It wasn’t insurrection, despite endless repetitions to that effect by mainstream and left wing media. Insurrection means, “an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.” What we saw was not a revolt – marchers intended to influence an upcoming actions and decisions by the Congress and the Vice President. It was not a rebellion – marchers went to the accepted headquarters of the legislature to influence them, not to replace or destroy them, or steal their stuff. With the possible exception of the unarmed physical breaching of the facility by a tiny portion of the far larger crowd of demonstrators, there was no resistance to any civil authority or any established government.
If this action had taken place with force of arms, after the Senate and House had accepted the disputed electoral votes submitted by the state legislatures, in an attempt to reverse the decision or take over government, we could call it an insurrection. For those of us watching from the safety of our living rooms, the show of strength of so many Trump supporters, people who more importantly do not trust government, whether it be made up of Republicans or Democrats, was impressive. One imagines that such energy and civil disobedience could be effective in coming years, and one day we could see actual popular insurrections occurring all over the country. But that didn’t happen on January 6th.
There is another key point that mainstream media, and the Democratic thought guardians, have wholly missed, or misconstrued, and that is the idea that the Trump phenomenon going on five years now, is remotely right wing. It is structurally anti-empire, and emotionally populist, a kind of greater Appalachian/Rustbelt/Cowboy populism. It is given to common sense, a strange combination of old time religion and no religion at all, simultaneously cynical and yet holding vivid imaginings about the greatness and glory of the idea of America. While the Q aspect (overwrought by the media) touched only a small portion of Trump populists, there is no doubt a widely shared desire among Trump supporters to “believe” in the government we have, and hope beyond all evidence that a person, or a party, can save the system.
That Trump kept many of his promises, and was relatively consistent in his energetic contempt for elites, at home and abroad, who “run” the world, was enough to keep the faith of the 74 million voters who wanted four more years. But even these people, deep down, recognize that four, or eight years, would be little more than a stopgap. Too much damage has been done, and the republic is today, as it was a decade ago, a dusty artifact.
Unlike what any self-respecting “right wing” would be after, Trump populism (and his army of 74 million) sought to expand power to the people, and disrupt elitist, politicized, administrative tyranny of the state. There is a reason Trump successfully expanded his base, year after year, with immigrants, Black and Hispanic voters, as well as young, old, men, and women of all religions, races, and occupations. These actual trends belie any accusations by mainstream media talking heads – funded by big defense and big pharma – that his supporters, or the man himself, was “right wing.”
What can we learn from this particular misuse of language? To skip to the punchline, it’s truly delightful! We are learning that the deep state, with its real right and left wings, the status quo, the tax- and power-enriched bureaucratic government class, is beyond frightened of the cynical populist population it seeks to control, to rule, to surveil, and to eventually consume. We are learning that they know that their quiver is empty, their knives are dull, and they are bereft of leadership, and without heroes. They are running out of words and phrases.
Half the country probably has some economic sense and yet they also cashed their Covid checks, and will continue to do so! In fact, they may demand more of them – and my goodness, how could things have gotten this out of whack, and out of control? The End the Fed movement, started by Ron Paul so long ago, and even once espoused by Trump himself, is being accelerated as the next administration seeks to pay back and solidify their “half” of the country, all of their elite supporters, and the Trump crowd too. “Buying the vote” no longer works – everyone is getting “free money” now, thanks to the those mating porcupines known as Trump and Anti-Trump. We like it, we expect it, and Biden-Harris not only promised more, much more, they had absolutely no choice in the matter. Imagine, Biden wakes up on January 20th (I know, right?) and decides all this money printing is going to be the death of the United States, and we need to bite the bullet. Instead, government central banks will collapse this country, and others, and in due course, themselves. The instability of this situation will dog the next administration every day, and create impossible situations. With half the voters so distrustful of Washington that they pulled a “January 6th” and another 30 percent of the population refusing to participate in the electoral scam at all, it won’t be pretty. We are becoming hard to “govern,” and impossible to pay off.
The elite fear is palpable. The tools the state uses, so far anyway, have been education, propaganda, and political division along lines they imagine they can control – generational, cultural, occupational, and political. Yet the generations are more diverse than ever, with interesting and confusing alliances. American culture is largely consolidated, while we (whether we are three or 93) pick and choose what we will consume informationally, and every other way. Occupational skill sets are converging and evolving, and no longer lend themselves to unions or the idea of “being spoken for.” Political parties are being held together by duct tape and slogans no one believes anymore. The vast majority of people in this country hold their government in contempt, and have done so for an entire generation, if not two.
At this point, the governing elites need new tools. They have a full range on electronic surveillance, sophisticated opinion-conforming and -tracking social media, vehicle GPS and cell phones to monitor, track and record our locations and movements, and of course, they might have the police and military. That darned second amendment, and all those hillbillies and cowboys in 2,000 countries across the land make it a tall order to use police and military force. Fear (like of Covid) and any similar manipulated crisis that attempts to convert contempt for government into dependency – these are also excellent and proven tools, but it’s just not as easy as it used to be for the elites. Maybe our modern elites just aren’t up to the task. They are worried, and they should be.
Elite panic is all we are hearing and seeing on mainstream media. The logarithmic explosion of memes, articles, audio and video all questioning, challenging, ridiculing, and laughing at the government as a class is our new politics. It’s shallow, it’s reactive, and it produces cynical angry men and women, not statesmen. Thanks to the wonderful world we live in, that anger leads some of those cynical and angry people into the territory of new ideas, and builds a new awareness of both history and future possibilities. For every misunderstood marxist, we also get one agorist, a constitutionalist, a future member of the Leave Me Be Party, and a couple of people whose profiles say “loves chickens, gardening and making my own bread.” There is very little room in the future for parasitic elites telling us to sit down, shut up and do what we are told.
Reprinted with permission from LewRockwell.com.
from Thoughts on a 'Right Wing Insurrection'
How the White House COVID Task Force Sunk the Trump Presidency

President Trump took in the early days of 2020 from a position of incredible strength. At the beginning of the year, no serious analyst would have told you that he was in major jeopardy of losing the 2020 election. The American economy was booming, we had solid employment numbers, no major international crises, and the president was setting up a bold agenda for his second term to further “drain the swamp” and bolster his domestic policy priorities. Election fraud was always a potential factor to be monitored, but there was no massive, unprecedented mail-in voting scheme to worry about.
But news reports coming out of Wuhan, China indicated that a potentially threatening situation was afoot. On January 29, President Trump acted with haste in authorizing the creation of a White House Coronavirus Task Force. A month later, the small task force expanded to include Vice President Mike Pence as its chairman. In what will be looked back on as a catastrophic delegation mistake, the VP decided to appoint Dr. Deborah Birx as the response coordinator for the task force. Prior to the COVID crisis, Birx was best known for her work on an HIV/AIDS vaccine, which does not exist. She had never been anywhere near having access to the levers of power in America.
The COVID task force would soon grow to 27 members, but several of the individuals appointed to the task force are cabinet level officials, and could not devote their entire portfolio to the coronavirus. That led to an opening that allowed for Dr Anthony Fauci, Dr Deborah Birx, CDC Director Robert Redfield, Surgeon General Jerome Adams, and a few others to monopolize the policy shop set up by the task force for the coronavirus crisis.
With much of the world succumbing to total fear, panic, and hysteria, and a wave of new lockdowns hitting Europe and elsewhere, President Trump remained incredibly level-headed. In discussing COVID-19, the president reminded his colleagues that the “cure could not be worse than the disease.” There was a chance that America would join Sweden and a handful of other nations balking at the trend to hit the self-destruct button.
Fauci and Birx had other plans, and they eventually found a diabolical method to ratchet up the pressure to such an incredible extent that the president would finally agree to their demands.
In mid March, with the “European wave” in full swing, the two government bureaucrats presented junk epidemiological models to the president that seemed more like a hostage-like situation than policy advice. Birx and Fauci vouched for the supposed science of a mere model devised by a handful of academics in England, which claimed that millions of Ameicans would die if President Trump did not lock down the nation immediately. The coronavirus was presented as a ticking time bomb that would wipe out a significant percentage of the nation if the president did not act right away. Under enormous pressure to “do something” to react to the crisis, the president made the fatal mistake of agreeing to what was advertised as a very temporary two week lockdown policy initiative. At the flip of a switch, the president authorized the federal response plan, and state governors were now instituting what was marketed as a 15 day reset in order to retain hospital capacity for the supposedly deadly wave that was coming to America. We were told that after the two weeks, things could then return to normal and that the 30 million small businesses across America would be able to open back up relatively unscathed.
15 Days to Slow The Spread then became 30 Days To Slow The Spread. The so-called crisis kept growing to the point that the task force members were soon not even addressing the end point to their draconian policy demands. The president, who already had severe doubts about the policies pushed by Fauci, Birx, Redfield, and crew, eventually acceded so much territory to the public health bureaucrats that it seemed at times he had handed over the keys to his presidency to the task force.
The Fauci-Birx policy goal posts continued to shift dramatically over the course of the Spring. The goals were no longer about retaining hospital capacity, but permanently transforming the nation into a COVID safety regime, despite the data rolling in showing a disease that was not nearly as threatening as once perceived. The US economy was no longer booming. Instead, it was in a self-inflicted freefall. Tens of millions of Americans were in crisis, and right in the middle of what was now a heated election cycle. The health bureaucrats’ coronavirus policies were tearing apart the fabric of the nation, and the presidency was now very much up for grabs. The president could no longer point to his economic record, his peacetime regime, or his steady hand, because all of these talking points were being compromised by bad coronavirus policies.
All of a sudden, the president was now on defense, having completely lost the narrative to the panic mongers in government and media. The 2020 campaign was very much within the margins of a contested election.
President Trump, having privately evolved to “Team Reason” on COVID policy, and having witnessed the reality that the coronavirus was not living up to its destructive hype once promised by Fauci and Birx, wanted to take action to correct the record.
He tried to reset the narrative and bring back a reasonable, rational policy, but it was too late. America had already decided to buy the pseudoscience that Fauci and Birx, among others, were selling to them. It was no longer politically suitable to simply dismiss his prior capitulation to the public health bureaucrats on his task force. Fauci had become a worshipped celebrity figure with solid approval ratings, and sadly, much of the nation was now propagandized into supporting the disastrous lockdowns that were destroying the nation.
Many on the “Team Reason” side of the debate celebrated the appointment of Dr. Scott Atlas, — at the personal request of President Trump — as a desperately needed breath of fresh air for a task force that was peddling failed ideas and junk science. But Atlas, to no fault of his own, failed to make an impact on the task force. That’s because the fix was in from the beginning. The team assembled by VP Pence, which at this point was unapologetically, publicly recommending an extreme COVID policy agenda of economic and societal destruction, went to work immediately to distance themselves from Atlas, and waged a full fledged information warfare campaign against him.
Sources in the Trump Administration, who had first-hand access to Coronavirus Task Force meetings and conversations, made it clear to me that the health bureaucrats made it their mission to destroy and delegitimize Scott Atlas, who quietly resigned from his role in late November. Sources familiar with Atlas’s thought process told me that he was incredibly frustrated by the government bureaucrats’ devotion to their select non pharmaceutical interventions, such as lockdowns, mask mandates, and other forms of societal and economic devastation. Atlas also remained frustrated by what could be described as a lack of overall intellect on the task force.
Emails surfaced showing that White House Task Force members such as Birx, Fauci, Redfield, and others were enraged that Dr. Atlas came to the table with a different set of ideas, and they rightly perceived him as a threat to their monopoly on their pro-lockdown COVID messaging campaigns. Birx, for her part, routinely sent out emails through private channels to media reporters and her colleagues seeking to undermine the ideas presented by Atlas, while simultaneously refusing to defend her ideas or debate his solutions in person.
By the time President Trump decided to rebuke the task force in calling for an expedited return to normalcy, the political damage had already been done. The president’s campaign messaging, for its part, was stuck in a strange place between attempting to have their COVID cake and eat it too, in recognizing that polling shifted in the direction of the restrictionist camp.
By agreeing to Fauci and Birx’s initial COVID ransom situation demands, the president set in motion a wave of momentum against him that he could never get back.
We are now just days away from President Trump being replaced by Joe Biden, and the White House COVID Task Force, led by career bureaucrats and incompetent politicians, continues its broken mission. For reasons that remain unclear, Fauci, Birx, and the gang remain on the COVID Task Force, and to this day, the White House is still delivering corona panic to states across the nation. The Task Force will live on, and to the not-so-hidden delight of its members, President Trump is president no more.
Reprinted with permission from The Dossier.
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from How the White House COVID Task Force Sunk the Trump Presidency
Friday, January 8, 2021
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