Acrimony and recriminations continue to swirl around the 2020 presidential election. Three out of four Republicans believe that there was “widespread fraud” in the election, while Democrats have sought to turn criticisms of the election into a “Big Lie” heresy against democracy. Senior congressional Democrats are pressuring the nation’s largest cable providers to cease carrying conservative networks such as Fox News that raised too many questions about Biden’s victory. What could possibly go...
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from Is the US Going the Way of Afghanistan?
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a special project of the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, a non-profit established by Ron Paul in 1976.
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Saturday, February 27, 2021
The US airstrike on Syria: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, and the boss before that
In his first publicly acknowledged military act as commander-in-chief, President Joe Biden orders an assault on Syria, and proves that when it comes to solving the many problems of the region, he’s no better than Trump, or Obama. President Biden ordered US military aircraft to strike targets on Syrian soil that the US claims were affiliated with two pro-Iranian militias, Kataib Hezbollah and Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada. The US, working closely with Iraqi security services, has implicated...
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from The US airstrike on Syria: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, and the boss before that
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from The US airstrike on Syria: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, and the boss before that
Medical Experts Call for 'Immunity Nights'

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from Peace and Prosperity
Can Anthony Fauci Legally Accept His Million Dollar Prize?
Last week, it was reported that Anthony Fauci, the director of the United States government’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor for President Joe Biden, was chosen to receive a Dan David Prize. Included in the award is a one million dollars payment, ten percent of which is set aside for scholarships to be given out at Fauci’s direction while the rest is available for Fauci to use as he pleases. As made clear in the announcement of...
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from Can Anthony Fauci Legally Accept His Million Dollar Prize?
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from Can Anthony Fauci Legally Accept His Million Dollar Prize?
Friday, February 26, 2021
Imperial Folly: Neil Ferguson Has No Qualification in Biological Sciences
This is undoubtedly one of the most extraordinary stories of the entire ‘global pandemic’ which has turned the world upside down over the twelve months. In an article published by Lockdown Skeptics by Derek Winton entitled, The Imperial Model and its Role in the UK’s Pandemic Response, the author rightly calls into questions to relevant scientific experience of who is arguably the UK government’s most consequential science advisor of the COVID crisis – the notorious Neil Ferguson from...
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from Imperial Folly: Neil Ferguson Has No Qualification in Biological Sciences
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from Imperial Folly: Neil Ferguson Has No Qualification in Biological Sciences
US Bombs Syria and Ridiculously Claims Self Defense
On orders of President Biden, the United States has launched an airstrike on a facility in Syria. As of this writing the exact number of killed and injured is unknown, with early reports claiming “a handful” of people were killed. Rather than doing anything remotely resembling journalism, the Western mass media have opted instead to uncritically repeat what they’ve been told about the airstrike by US officials, which is the same as just publishing Pentagon press releases. Here’s this...
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from US Bombs Syria and Ridiculously Claims Self Defense
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from US Bombs Syria and Ridiculously Claims Self Defense
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Did Hand-Washing Kill The Flu?
Astonishingly, the UK public health authority has announced that this flu season has not seen a single case of influenza. The US and elsewhere are showing similar numbers. Has the flu disappeared? If so, why? The "experts" are claiming that hand-washing, masks, and social distancing have defeated the flu virus. So why didn't those measures work against the Covid virus? Also today, social media morphs into NATO cheerleaders. Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Did Hand-Washing Kill The Flu?
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from Did Hand-Washing Kill The Flu?
In Final Days, Trump Gave Up on Forcing Release of Russiagate Files, Nunes Prober Says
After four years of railing against “deep state” actors who, he said, tried to undermine his presidency, Donald Trump relented to US intelligence leaders in his final days in office, allowing them to block the release of critical material in the Russia investigation, according to a former senior congressional investigator who later joined the Trump administration. Kash Patel, whose work on the House Intelligence Committee helped unearth US intelligence malpractice during the FBI’s Crossfire...
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from In Final Days, Trump Gave Up on Forcing Release of Russiagate Files, Nunes Prober Says
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from In Final Days, Trump Gave Up on Forcing Release of Russiagate Files, Nunes Prober Says
Cuomo and the Failure of Covid Absolutism
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is falling from grace at epic speed. His administration is now the target of a Justice Department probe for policies that resulted in the death of one out of eight nursing home residents in the state. Regardless of whether the New York legislature impeaches Cuomo, the standard he championed poses a continuing peril. From the start of the Covid pandemic, the media idolized Cuomo for his “safety through absolute power” mantra. Last March 20, Cuomo imposed a...
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from Cuomo and the Failure of Covid Absolutism
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from Cuomo and the Failure of Covid Absolutism
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
The Invisible Victims Of The Covid Lockdowns
While the mainstream media concentrates on different milestones of Covid deaths, thousands and thousands of others die and suffer needlessly due to the unprecedented practice of locking societies down. Today's Liberty Report takes a look at these victims and asks why and was it necessary. Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from The Invisible Victims Of The Covid Lockdowns
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from The Invisible Victims Of The Covid Lockdowns
Unrelenting, Omnipresent Fear Short Circuits the Human Brain
As we rapidly approach the one year anniversary of Covid madness I’ll freely admit I’ve been shocked by the millions upon millions of American’s who appear so traumatized they are unable to think clearly. They clamor for an unproven, untested, hastily cobbled together DNA altering gene therapy mislabeled as a “vaccine”. They stand in long lines for hours to have this experimental cocktail injected into their bodies with the very real possibility of death as has already happened to hundreds...
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from Unrelenting, Omnipresent Fear Short Circuits the Human Brain
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from Unrelenting, Omnipresent Fear Short Circuits the Human Brain
Even By Democratic Party Standards, Censoring Fox News Is An Insanely Stupid Idea
Two and a half years ago, when Alex Jones of Infowars was kicked off a series of tech platforms in a clearly coordinated decision, I knew this was not going to be an isolated thing. Given that people like Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy were saying the ouster of Jones was just a “good first step,” it seemed obvious the tactic was not going to be confined to a few actors. But corporate media critics insisted the precedent would not be applied more broadly. “I don't think we are going to...
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from Even By Democratic Party Standards, Censoring Fox News Is An Insanely Stupid Idea
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from Even By Democratic Party Standards, Censoring Fox News Is An Insanely Stupid Idea
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Facts Or Cover-Up? Congress To Hold Hearings On Capitol Riot
Congressional leaders will convene a joint session to look into the events surrounding the January 6th Capitol melee. Will they ask the questions that really need to be answered, or will both sides continue political grandstanding? Also today, US Representatives try to cancel the First Amendment, demanding the end of Fox and other conservative media. Fauci backs off. DeSantis is the rising political star - why? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Facts Or Cover-Up? Congress To Hold Hearings On Capitol Riot
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from Facts Or Cover-Up? Congress To Hold Hearings On Capitol Riot
Monday, February 22, 2021
Covid 500K?
Mainstream media is reporting the "grim milestone" of 500,000 Covid deaths. Is the number accurate? Are such headlines meant to keep the fear turned up to 10, or to inform the audience? A Wall Street Journal op-ed over the weekend predicts "herd immunity" soon. Is it wrong? Fauci says maybe mask up till 2022. Is he wrong? Today on the Liberty Report:
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from Covid 500K?
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from Covid 500K?
Congress Escalates Pressure on Tech Giants to Censor More, Threatening the First Amendment
For the third time in less than five months, the US Congress has summoned the CEOs of social media companies to appear before them, with the explicit intent to pressure and coerce them to censor more content from their platforms. On March 25, the House Energy and Commerce Committee will interrogate Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, Facebooks’s Mark Zuckerberg and Google’s Sundar Pichai at a hearing which the Committee announced will focus “on misinformation and disinformation plaguing online platforms.” ...
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from Congress Escalates Pressure on Tech Giants to Censor More, Threatening the First Amendment
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from Congress Escalates Pressure on Tech Giants to Censor More, Threatening the First Amendment
The Biggest Lies of the Impeachment Saga
The Senate impeachment trial of former president Donald Trump confirms historian Henry Adams's adage a century ago that politics “has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.” The impeachment process was a farce that should fortify Americans’ disdain for Washington. Considering how Democrats are using the January 6 clash at the Capitol to justify enacting a new domestic terrorism law, Americans need to recognize the frauds that permeated this process from the start. At last week’s...
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from The Biggest Lies of the Impeachment Saga
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from The Biggest Lies of the Impeachment Saga
Unintended Consequences and The Texas ‘Big Freeze’ Energy Disaster
Last week Texas experienced a cold snap that resulted in serious statewide damage, death, and destruction. The collapse of the state’s energy grid left millions of Texans in the dark and freezing for days at a time. Tragically, at least 30 people died. There are many reasons why Texas became like a Third World country, and we should be careful not to pin all the blame on just one factor. But it seems clear that the disaster was to a large degree caused by political decisions to shift toward...
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from Unintended Consequences and The Texas ‘Big Freeze’ Energy Disaster
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from Unintended Consequences and The Texas ‘Big Freeze’ Energy Disaster
Sunday, February 21, 2021
The Backfiring Attempted Takedown of Dr. Paul Thomas
A coordinated effort is underway to silence and discredit those putting forth any information that conflicts with the mantra that “vaccines are safe, necessary and effective” (the mantra). Big Pharma and its cronies in the state and media are at the helm of the effort. Of course, the mantra is merely a Big Pharma marketing slogan, and it’s preposterous to believe that it scientifically buttons-up the highly complex topic of vaccines and their associated diseases. Those paying attention...
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from The Backfiring Attempted Takedown of Dr. Paul Thomas
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from The Backfiring Attempted Takedown of Dr. Paul Thomas
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Flashback: Fauci Describes Ebola Quarantines as ‘Draconian,’ Warns of ‘Unintended Consequences’
When it came to a proposed mandatory quarantine for his colleagues, and not the American general public, Dr. Fauci was singing a very different tune on quarantines, which the government health bureaucrat has now been championing in the United States for the better part of an entire year. In 2014, at the height of the Ebola outbreak in Africa, concerns were rising in America about the possibility of the disease spreading across the country. With a genuinely horrifying 40 percent case fatality...
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from Flashback: Fauci Describes Ebola Quarantines as ‘Draconian,’ Warns of ‘Unintended Consequences’
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from Flashback: Fauci Describes Ebola Quarantines as ‘Draconian,’ Warns of ‘Unintended Consequences’
Friday, February 19, 2021
Will Comey’s Words Come Back To Haunt Him?
On Jan. 12, 2017, former FBI Director James Comey attested to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the now-discredited information from former British spy Christopher Steele regarding Russian collusion had been "verified". Thanks to an FOIA request, we now have documentary evidence showing Comey pressing ahead to validate Steele amid a distinct lack of enthusiasm on the part of other agency heads. Clearly, the latter were reluctant to push Steele’s salacious storytelling, lest they...
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from Will Comey’s Words Come Back To Haunt Him?
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from Will Comey’s Words Come Back To Haunt Him?
The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot
What took place at the Capitol on January 6 was undoubtedly a politically motivated riot. As such, it should not be controversial to regard it as a dangerous episode. Any time force or violence is introduced into what ought to be the peaceful resolution of political conflicts, it should be lamented and condemned. But none of that justifies lying about what happened that day, especially by the news media. Condemning that riot does not allow, let alone require, echoing false claims in order to...
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from The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot
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from The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot
NATO’s expanding role hides the reality of a US empire in decline
NATO’s willingness to underwrite US military deployment in Europe and expand its reach to include the Pacific demonstrates that its current purpose is more about propping up America than securing peace. The recently concluded virtual meeting of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) defense ministers has been billed as President Joe Biden’s first opportunity to act on his promise of repairing the damage done to the military alliance by the contentious policies of his predecessor, Donald...
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from NATO’s expanding role hides the reality of a US empire in decline
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from NATO’s expanding role hides the reality of a US empire in decline
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Israel's 'Green Badge' - Covid Exit Plan...Or New Tyranny?
The Israeli government is serious about rolling out its "Green Badge" Covid passport as a part of its plan to end months-old Covid lockdowns. If you cannot prove you've had a Covid jab or that you have already recovered from the virus, you essentially cannot participate in any form of public life. Good idea? Is this the future for the rest of the world? Also today: Canada's worsening Covid Crackdown, Bill Gates attacks skeptics, Cuomo's feeling the hot water. Today on the Liberty Report:
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from Israel's 'Green Badge' - Covid Exit Plan...Or New Tyranny?
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from Israel's 'Green Badge' - Covid Exit Plan...Or New Tyranny?
The Anti-Terrorism Screws Tighten on the American People
According to a recent article in the Washington Post, in the aftermath of the January 6 melee at the Capitol there are increasing calls for the US government’s Department of Homeland Security to “play a more muscular role in combating domestic extremism.” The article points out that up to this point, DHS has been “responsible for securing the country’s borders, ports, transportation and cyber systems, generally leaving the monitoring of extremist groups and terrorism investigations to the FBI.”...
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from The Anti-Terrorism Screws Tighten on the American People
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from The Anti-Terrorism Screws Tighten on the American People
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Truth Slips Out in Coronavirus Vaccine Deaths ‘Fact Check’?

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from Peace and Prosperity
How the Gates Foundation seeded America's COVID-19 policy catastrophes
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is finally facing the heat for his botched and criminally negligent coronavirus response policies, yet no one seems to be asking why Cuomo and select governors made the fateful decisions that led to the excess deaths — and the coverup campaigns — of tens of thousands of senior citizens in New York and elsewhere across the United States. After being awarded an Emmy and writing a book on his supposedly heroic response to the pandemic, Cuomo is finally receiving...
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from How the Gates Foundation seeded America's COVID-19 policy catastrophes
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from How the Gates Foundation seeded America's COVID-19 policy catastrophes
Incitement is the New Terrorism
You can only make up your own definition of “incitement” in the movies and at presidential impeachment trials. Otherwise the actual law is going to have to do. The picture is becoming clearer now: 1/6 will be sold to frightened Americans as a new 9/11, the prime mover for a whole new range of “crimes.” Incitement will become this generation’s version of “material support to terrorism,” meaning the complex legal definition will be massaged in the name of safety so that it will become a...
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from Incitement is the New Terrorism
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from Incitement is the New Terrorism
Globalism Goes Bold: Bill Gates Wants Your Hamburger
Gazillionaire globalist Bill Gates has a new book out on how to tackle what he sees as the problem of climate change. One of his guidelines to save the planet? Give up your meat and grab a "plant-based" burger instead. 'You can get used to the taste difference,' he said in a recent interview. While such "big ideas" might normally come under some scrutiny in the media, it turns out that Gates has given something like a quarter of a billion dollars to dozens of media outlets. He also funds the...
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from Globalism Goes Bold: Bill Gates Wants Your Hamburger
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from Globalism Goes Bold: Bill Gates Wants Your Hamburger
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Cuomo and Newsom Must Go!
The heat is on. The governors of the first and fourth most populated states in America are facing serious threats to their political careers. Both at one time saw themselves as potential future presidential contenders, that likelihood is all but gone. These two may be retired to farms where it is unlikely cows will even listen to them. The sin they both committed was to use their governmental positions in an authoritarian manner in the face of a virus that is of no significant threat...
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from Cuomo and Newsom Must Go!
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from Cuomo and Newsom Must Go!
The 'Pelosi Commission' - What We Won't Hear About The 1/6 Capitol Melee
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is calling for a "9/11-like commission" to look into the events around the January 6 riot at the US Capitol. GOP House Members have sent her a list of pertinent questions, including about her role in ensuring or undermining Capitol security on that day. Will this commission actually look to uncover truth, or like most commissions will it strive to sweep truth under the rug? Or will the commission just be an extended "trial" of Trump and his supporters after the...
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from The 'Pelosi Commission' - What We Won't Hear About The 1/6 Capitol Melee
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from The 'Pelosi Commission' - What We Won't Hear About The 1/6 Capitol Melee
New Comey Email Raises Additional Questions About His Use and Defense of The Steele Dossier
There is a new and intriguing document related to the Russian investigation out this week. Justthenews has released a previously undisclosed email from former FBI Director James Comey that raises additional questions about his role in using the now discredited Steele dossier as part of the FBI Russian investigation. The email on Jan. 12, 2017 email to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper falsely claims that Christopher Steele was found to be “reliable” but then states that the...
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from New Comey Email Raises Additional Questions About His Use and Defense of The Steele Dossier
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from New Comey Email Raises Additional Questions About His Use and Defense of The Steele Dossier
Biden Removes ‘We the People’ Petitioning From White House Website

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from Peace and Prosperity
Monday, February 15, 2021
Conspiracy Theories are Caused by Government Secrecy
With anyone sharing "conspiracy theories" facing ever-harsher penalties online, we are ignoring their cause: governments so intent on keeping their secrets, not to protect their people, but to protect themselves. The DC Circuit has ruled that the CIA is under no obligation to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests pertaining to its involvement with insurgent militias in Syria, overturning a lower court’s previous ruling in favor of a Buzzfeed News reporter seeking such documents. ...
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from Conspiracy Theories are Caused by Government Secrecy
Lincoln Project Scandal: Washington Corruption As Usual?
The Lincoln Project was founded by a group of "never-Trump" Republicans, including the former presidential campaign manager of John McCain. While the anti-Trump "resistance" types wrote big checks, the Lincoln Project founders banked big bucks for themselves. Some of the founders did even more repulsive things. Is this a singular scandal or is this just business as usual for the grifter class that exists alongside big-spending political campaigns? Also today: Newsom and Cuomo both in trouble;...
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from Lincoln Project Scandal: Washington Corruption As Usual?
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from Lincoln Project Scandal: Washington Corruption As Usual?
Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues
Last week’s second impeachment trial of former President Trump should serve as a warning that something is very wrong in US politics. Far from a measured, well-investigated, rock-solid case against the former president, America was again abused with day after day of character assassination, innuendo, false claims, and even falsified “evidence.” The trial wasn’t intended to win a conviction of Trump for “incitement” because the Democrats already knew that the votes were not there. So, just as...
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from Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues
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from Trump Acquitted (Again), But Trump Hatred Continues
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Out: 100 Day Reopening Plan – In: Indefinite COVID Regime
The Biden White House has seemingly disappeared its “100 days” back to normal COVID-19 plan, substituting its highly-publicized pledge for a more permanent safety regime, at the request of power-drunk officials and “public health experts” who continue their reign over US society. Schools Reopening schools was the staple of Joe Biden’s 100 days COVID-19 response plan. “The United States is committed to ensuring that students and educators are able to resume safe, in-person learning as...
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from Out: 100 Day Reopening Plan – In: Indefinite COVID Regime
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from Out: 100 Day Reopening Plan – In: Indefinite COVID Regime
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Did The Democrats 'Tank' The Second Trump Trial?
Below is my column in USA Today on the lack of a strategy by the House to secure conviction in the trial of former President Donald Trump. As I have previously noted, the House managers did an excellent job in their presentations and many of the videotapes rekindled the anger that most of us felt over the riot. They also reinforced the view of many (including myself) that former president Donald Trump bears responsibility in the tragedy that unfolded due to his reckless rhetoric. Yet, there...
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from Did The Democrats 'Tank' The Second Trump Trial?
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from Did The Democrats 'Tank' The Second Trump Trial?
While State Governments are Ending Their Mask Mandates, President Biden Is Going Full Mask Tyrant

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from Peace and Prosperity
Friday, February 12, 2021
The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate
It goes without saying that the Constitution called into existence a government with few, limited powers. That was the purpose of enumerating the powers of the federal government. If the Constitution was bringing into existence a government of unlimited or omnipotent powers, then there would have been no point in enumerating a few limited powers. In that event, the Constitution would have called into existence a government with general, unlimited powers to do whatever was in the interests of...
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from The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate
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from The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate
Cuomo Coverup? Aide Admits Nursing Home Data Purposefully Concealed So Feds Wouldn't Find Out
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's top aide privately apologized to Democratic lawmakers over a decision to withhold the state's nursing-home COVID-19 death toll out of fear that it would be "used against us" by the Trump Justice Department, according to the New York Post. Melissa DeRosa, Secretary to the Governor, made the shocking admission during a two-hour video conference call with Democratic leaders - telling them that the Cuomo administration stonewalled after the State Senate requested...
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from Cuomo Coverup? Aide Admits Nursing Home Data Purposefully Concealed So Feds Wouldn't Find Out
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from Cuomo Coverup? Aide Admits Nursing Home Data Purposefully Concealed So Feds Wouldn't Find Out
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Responds to being Kicked off Instagram

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from Peace and Prosperity
Coronavirus Crackdown Claims Another Free Speech Victim: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Kicked off Instagram

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from Peace and Prosperity
Will Biden Blockade Florida?
According to the Miami Herald, the Biden Administration is considering imposing travel restrictions on some states, including Florida, to combat what it claims is the spread of "mutated" coronavirus. Is this science...or politics? Also today: Newsom recall effort passes milestone; Doctors concerned about blood disorder cropping up; Who wanted the lockdowns? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Will Biden Blockade Florida?
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from Will Biden Blockade Florida?
Why Victoria Nuland Is Dangerous and Should Not Be Confirmed
Victoria Nuland exemplifies the neocons who have led US foreign policy from one disaster to another for the past 30 years while evading accountability. It is a bad sign that President Joe Biden has nominated Victoria Nuland for the third highest position at the State Department, Under Secretary for Political Affairs. As a top-level appointee, Victoria Nuland must be confirmed by the US Senate. There is a campaign to Stop her confirmation. The following review of her work shows why Victoria...
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from Why Victoria Nuland Is Dangerous and Should Not Be Confirmed
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from Why Victoria Nuland Is Dangerous and Should Not Be Confirmed
Reckless Rhetoric Is A Reckless Standard For An Impeachment Trial
Below is my column in the Hill on how the second Trump impeachment could become a trial over reckless rhetoric in America. The House managers may be playing into that very danger by selecting some managers who have been criticized in the past for their own over-heated political rhetoric. As managers were replaying the comments of former President Donald Trump from prior years to show how his words fueled divisions, critics were pointing to similar statements from the managers themselves. Rep....
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from Reckless Rhetoric Is A Reckless Standard For An Impeachment Trial
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Troop Deployments in Washington Are a Disaster Waiting to Happen
“Tyranny in form is the first step towards tyranny in substance,” warned Senator John Taylor two hundred years ago in his forgotten classic, Tyranny Unmasked. As the massive National Guard troop deployment in Washington enters its second month, much of the media and many members of Congress are thrilled that it will extend until at least mid-March. But Americans would be wise to recognize the growing perils of the militarization of American political disputes. The military occupation of...
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from Troop Deployments in Washington Are a Disaster Waiting to Happen
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from Troop Deployments in Washington Are a Disaster Waiting to Happen
UC Berkeley’s Prison-like Dorms

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from Peace and Prosperity
Change? Biden To Continue Persecuting Assange
Proving that nothing really substantive changes in Washington, the Biden Administration announced this week that it would continue to seek the extradition of Julian Assange, who faces 17 counts of espionage in the US. Also today, the Biden Administration continues his predecessor's saber-rattling in the South China Sea. Tampa update with a twist. Social media...or government media? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Change? Biden To Continue Persecuting Assange
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from Change? Biden To Continue Persecuting Assange
The Diplomacy of No Diplomacy
A return to diplomacy: Let us hold this thought up to the light. Among all the promises President Joe Biden is going to break over the next four years, this will prove the most fraudulent and, in the larger scheme of things, the most consequential of his breaches. As of last week, it is the crisis over the agreement governing Iran’s nuclear programs that stands to demonstrate the truth of this judgment. On Sunday Tehran appeared to put the Biden administration on notice that it has two weeks...
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from The Diplomacy of No Diplomacy
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from The Diplomacy of No Diplomacy
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Biden to Continue Seeking Extradition of Julian Assange

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from Peace and Prosperity
No US Deaths In Afghanistan! Will Biden Stick To Trump's Exit Plan?
This week marks the first 12 month period in two decades in which there have been no US combat deaths in Afghanistan. The Trump Administration signed an agreement for complete withdrawal by May if the Taliban ends attacks. Will Biden stick to the deal? Also today: Florida update and more. Watch the Liberty Report:
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from No US Deaths In Afghanistan! Will Biden Stick To Trump's Exit Plan?
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from No US Deaths In Afghanistan! Will Biden Stick To Trump's Exit Plan?
Don’t Impeach Trump. Impeach the Deep State for Its Conspiracy to Kill the Constitution
“All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was necessary to make them accept longer working hours or shorter rations. And even when they became discontented, as they sometimes did, their discontent led nowhere, because, being without general ideas, they could only focus it on petty specific grievances. The larger evils invariably escaped their notice.”—George Orwell, 1984 Let’s be clear about one thing: the impeachment of Donald Trump is a...
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from Don’t Impeach Trump. Impeach the Deep State for Its Conspiracy to Kill the Constitution
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from Don’t Impeach Trump. Impeach the Deep State for Its Conspiracy to Kill the Constitution
The TSA’s New Mask Mandate
The Transportation Security Administration announced last week that it will be fining travelers up to $1,500 for failing to wear a proper facemask. The TSA could also heavily fine people for wearing a facemask improperly and maybe also for some other offenses the agency hasn’t yet created. It is ironic that a federal agency that helped compound the Covid pandemic just captured more arbitrary power over any American citizen who needs to catch a flight. The TSA mask mandate was perhaps...
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from The TSA’s New Mask Mandate
Monday, February 8, 2021
Trump Trial Begins - Necessary Or Political?
Tomorrow begins the bizarre second impeachment of former president Donald Trump. The chief justice of the Supreme Court has declined to participate even though that is required by the Constitution. No witnesses. Is this just a political show trial? Also today: Tom Brady drives them crazy for not wearing a mask. So do celebrating Floridians. Iowa takes a step toward sanity. Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Trump Trial Begins - Necessary Or Political?
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from Trump Trial Begins - Necessary Or Political?
In Confronting Russian ‘Aggression’, Biden Forgets he is the Problem, not the Solution
Joe Biden calls on American leadership to confront Russian authoritarianism that he claims threatens American democracy. But every problem between the two has its roots in US actions Biden once supported. Physician, heal thyself. “America is back. America is back. Diplomacy is back at the center of our foreign policy.” With these resounding words as his starting point, President Joe Biden gave his first major foreign policy address, symbolically delivered at the State Department...
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from In Confronting Russian ‘Aggression’, Biden Forgets he is the Problem, not the Solution
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from In Confronting Russian ‘Aggression’, Biden Forgets he is the Problem, not the Solution
The Trump Political Show Trial
The Senate trial for now twice-impeached former President Donald Trump is set to begin this week, with little doubt over the outcome. A procedural vote in the Senate on the constitutionality of “removing from office” someone who is not in office revealed that nowhere near enough Republicans were willing to join their Democrat counterparts in voting to convict. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who is required by the Constitution to preside, has by refusing to participate made it clear...
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from The Trump Political Show Trial
Sunday, February 7, 2021
The Journalistic Tattletale and Censorship Industry Suffers Several Well-Deserved Blows
A new and rapidly growing journalistic “beat” has arisen over the last several years that can best be described as an unholy mix of junior high hall-monitor tattling and Stasi-like citizen surveillance. It is half adolescent and half malevolent. Its primary objectives are control, censorship, and the destruction of reputations for fun and power. Though its epicenter is the largest corporate media outlets, it is the very antithesis of journalism. I’ve written before about one particularly...
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from The Journalistic Tattletale and Censorship Industry Suffers Several Well-Deserved Blows
Saturday, February 6, 2021
The Worst Junk Mail: The Biden Administration Wants to Deliver Masks to All Americans
Talk about bad junk mail. President Joe Biden’s administration is considering delivering masks to all Americans — in the name of countering coronavirus, of course. The United States government’s distribution of these unneeded masks would be both a waste of money and a significant step in advancing the mask mandate tyranny in America. Interviewed Thursday remotely by host Lester Holt at NBC Nightly News, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain said, in muffled words spoken through a mask...
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from The Worst Junk Mail: The Biden Administration Wants to Deliver Masks to All Americans
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from The Worst Junk Mail: The Biden Administration Wants to Deliver Masks to All Americans
Masking America’s Greatest Natural Monuments
The Biden administration just issued an edict that will spur endless pointless conflicts for Americans seeking to peacefully enjoy hundreds of national parks. On Groundhog Day, the National Park Service (NPS) mandated wearing face masks on all National Park Service lands “when physical distancing cannot be maintained, including “narrow or busy trails, overlooks and historic homes.” Probably 95% of the Park Service’s 800+ million acres is uncrowded 95% of the time. But the new mandate is an...
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from Masking America’s Greatest Natural Monuments
Friday, February 5, 2021
Raskin: Trump’s Decision Not To Testify May Be Cited As Evidence Of His Guilt
Over the last four years, we have seen an alarming trend of law professors and legal experts discarding constitutional and due process commitments to support theories for the prosecution or impeachment of Donald Trump or his family. Legal experts who long defended criminal defense rights have suddenly become advocates of the most sweeping interpretations of criminal or constitutional provisions while discarding basic due process and fairness concerns. Even theories that have been clearly...
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from Raskin: Trump’s Decision Not To Testify May Be Cited As Evidence Of His Guilt
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from Raskin: Trump’s Decision Not To Testify May Be Cited As Evidence Of His Guilt
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Fauci: 'No Super Bowl Parties!'
Top Biden Administration Covid advisor Tony Fauci is back to warn Americans that "now is not the time" to get together with friends to watch the Super Bowl this Sunday. He said the same about Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve. He warned of a "dark winter" if people didn't do as he told them. They did not, but meanwhile new Covid cases in the US continue to plummet. Also today: new CDC director says teachers do not need to be forced to take the vaccine for schools to open. Congress...
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from Fauci: 'No Super Bowl Parties!'
Seven Times 'Superspreader' Events Were Overblown
If Woodstock occurred today, it would be derided as a “superspreader” event. Superspreader events are events or gatherings (such as a sporting match, religious service, birthday or wedding) at which an infected individual(s) infects a disproportionate number of other individuals, thereby accelerating community spread of a disease. According to the Cleveland Clinic, a superspreader event is one in which the rate of reproduction of the virus is above the basic reproduction number, R0, which is...
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from Seven Times 'Superspreader' Events Were Overblown
Should College Application Be Required for a High School Diploma?
The Wall Street Journal last week reported legislators in a growing number of states are trying to pass new laws requiring high school seniors to complete applications for college financial aid (mainly the federal FAFSA—Free Application for Student Aid—but also sometimes state forms) before receiving a high school diploma. It is already law in Louisiana. Nebraska legislation was vetoed by Governor Pete Ricketts. The argument for such legislation is: a college degree will be needed for most...
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from Should College Application Be Required for a High School Diploma?
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Everyone Should Take the Experimental Coronavirus Vaccines? Dr. Joseph Mercola Says No.

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from Peace and Prosperity
Should 'Conspiracy Theory'-Believing Members Of Congress Be Expelled?
There are growing demands - especially among Democrats - to expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) from Congress over reports that she believes or endorses "conspiracy theories" such as the "Q" conspiracy theory and others. Should Members who endorse conspiracy theories be kicked out? What is a conspiracy theory and how many Members have endorsed such theories in the past? How many times have conspiracy theories been used to drag the US into wars? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Should 'Conspiracy Theory'-Believing Members Of Congress Be Expelled?
Why the Biden Administration Has Set itself up for Failure on the Iran Nuclear Deal
By laying out unrealistic demands to Iran and engaging in fearmongering about its nuclear program, Secretary of State Tony Blinken has underscored America’s real intent about rejoining the controversial agreement. President Joe Biden has made rejoining the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, popularly known as the Iran nuclear deal) one of the top priorities of his administration, reversing course from the direction taken by former President Donald Trump who, in May 2018, withdrew the...
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from Why the Biden Administration Has Set itself up for Failure on the Iran Nuclear Deal
The Flight of the Covid Quacks
A year on and Covid quackery remains a potent force in global public health discourse. We should not be surprised by this as quackery of all sorts suffuses the history of medicine in America and abroad. The recent mass exodus of public health officials from their jobs, however, is so unprecedented that it challenges Murray Rothbard’s Second Law: “No one ever resigns.” What the flight of the Covid quacks portends, however, remains unclear. Quackery is a derisive term often used by medical...
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from The Flight of the Covid Quacks
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Fake Trial: What If Trump Just Didn't Show Up?
The Senate trial of former president Donald Trump is a farce, dead on arrival, and a mockery of justice. The votes for conviction are not there, as we learned from last week's procedural vote on constitutionality. The idea of removing someone from office who is not in office makes no sense. The sole goal is to prevent Trump from running for office again. What if Trump and Trump's team just didn't show up for this show trial? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Fake Trial: What If Trump Just Didn't Show Up?
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from Fake Trial: What If Trump Just Didn't Show Up?
The Largest Experiment on Humans Ever Seen
Which is the more reasonable approach a society might take in the outbreak of epidemic: To quarantine the sick, and take reasonable precautions to stop those who are identified as vulnerable from contracting the illness. To attempt to “control the virus” by preventing millions of healthy people from having contact with other healthy people. To any society prior to 2020, it would have been obvious that the first approach is not only logical and proportionate, but the one least likely to...
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from The Largest Experiment on Humans Ever Seen
Monday, February 1, 2021
Cocaine, Heroin, and LSD Are Now Decriminalized in Oregon

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from Peace and Prosperity
CDC Now Demands TWO Masks - Science...Or Tyranny?
According to CNN, the CDC is demanding that people wear two masks when on public transport. Failure to comply could result in prosecution according to the news report. Is there any science behind it? Dr. Fauci surprisingly provides the answer. Also today: lockdown protests grow in Europe, lockdowns and cancer treatment, and Governor DeSantis shows how it's done. Tune in to the Liberty Report:
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from CDC Now Demands TWO Masks - Science...Or Tyranny?
DC Military Occupation Not a Good Look for America
Concerns over “civil disturbance” have led the powers-who-be in Washington, DC, to extend the stay of members of the National Guard in the nation’s capital city. A military occupation in America — who knew. Military troops are not law enforcement officers. Nor should they be treated as such. The first is designed for war; the second, for fighting crime. Mixing the two can have disastrous results for citizens’ rights. The mindsets are completely different. “Police killing more likely...
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from DC Military Occupation Not a Good Look for America
A Wave of Abusive Federal Prosecutions Is Coming
The violent protest at the US Capitol on January 6 has long been over, but the upcoming Biden administration’s response to it is likely to do greater violence to the US Constitution and the rule of law than anything the worst of the protesters could have accomplished. Thanks to the response of the George W. Bush administration and Congress to the 9/11 attacks almost two decades ago, Joe Biden’s prosecutors will have plenty of legal ammunition to go after their political enemies. It won’t stop...
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from A Wave of Abusive Federal Prosecutions Is Coming
Libertarian Terrorists?
The Department of Homeland Security issued on Wednesday a nationwide terror alert lasting until April 30. The alert warns of potential terrorist attacks from Americans who are “ideologically motivated” and have “objections to the exercise of government authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives.” The language used in this alert suggests that millions of Americans are potential terrorists. Second Amendment supporting, antiwar,...
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