In March of 2003, as the United States military prepared for its imminent invasion of Iraq, Paul Wolfowitz suggested to US Congress members that the US would not foot the bill for rebuilding Iraq after the devastation the US invasion would bring to the country. Wolfowitz, who was then then deputy secretary of defense, assured Congress members that Iraq, through its oil revenue, could pay for its own reconstruction. Reality turned out much different. As Krishnadev Calamur wrote at The...
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from Iraqis’ Oil Did Not Pay for Rebuilding Iraq; Russians’ Yachts Will Not Pay for the US War on Russia.
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a special project of the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, a non-profit established by Ron Paul in 1976.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Friday, April 29, 2022
Biden's Mammoth $33BN Ukraine Package Includes Help With Wartime Propaganda
Politico's Christopher Miller noted earlier that the record-smashing $33 billion spending package that the White House is proposing for Ukraine actually "dwarfs the annual defense budgets of most nations." To which we naturally asked: how many billions of dollars does it take to turn a 'proxy' war into a 'direct conflict'? For starters it's clear that such a massive amount of taxpayer money means that Washington clearly doesn't expect that the war will end anytime soon, as multiple US...
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from Biden's Mammoth $33BN Ukraine Package Includes Help With Wartime Propaganda
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from Biden's Mammoth $33BN Ukraine Package Includes Help With Wartime Propaganda
Will Putin Submit to US-Imposed 'Weakening'?
"Once war is forced upon us, there is no alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. War's very object is victory -- not prolonged indecision." So said Gen. Douglas MacArthur in his April 1951 address to Congress after being fired by President Harry Truman as commander in chief in the Korean War. And what is now America's goal with our massive infusion into the Ukraine war of new and heavier NATO weapons? Said Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on his...
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from Will Putin Submit to US-Imposed 'Weakening'?
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from Will Putin Submit to US-Imposed 'Weakening'?
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Going Full Orwell: Homeland Security To Launch 'Disinformation Governance Board'
The US Department of Homeland Security announced yesterday that it is creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" to fight "disinformation." Heading up the new outfit is, not surprisingly, a highly political Democratic Party operative who is herself a spreader of disinformation. What could go wrong? Also today: Germany caves to EU on Russia oil embargo and...another day another aid package to Ukraine: Biden asked for $33 billion! Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Going Full Orwell: Homeland Security To Launch 'Disinformation Governance Board'
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from Going Full Orwell: Homeland Security To Launch 'Disinformation Governance Board'
Elon Musk's Twitter Gambit and What It Means to the 'Clique in Power'
Elon Musk’s bid to take over Twitter and turn it into a private company has apparently been successful. Now the real action begins. Musk’s buyout exposes the Big Digital media complex to unwanted and unwonted competition, while threatening to loosen its near-total control of information and opinion. Twitter has represented a vital component in an information configuration that has barred competitors and participants from the digital sphere by means of progressive criteria, including wokeness,...
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from Elon Musk's Twitter Gambit and What It Means to the 'Clique in Power'
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from Elon Musk's Twitter Gambit and What It Means to the 'Clique in Power'
$4 Billion and Counting: the DC War Machine Feasts on Ukraine
After going a full administration without a new war to fill their coffers, the D.C. defense industry has finally found their next big prize. After dismissing the prospect of diplomacy between Ukraine and Russia, the Biden Administration continues to flood Ukraine with an endless supply of military hardware, while using extraconstitutional means to perpetually lengthen the size and scope of America’s involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war. Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson had their...
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from $4 Billion and Counting: the DC War Machine Feasts on Ukraine
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from $4 Billion and Counting: the DC War Machine Feasts on Ukraine
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Wikipedia Bias

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from Peace and Prosperity
Empire Strikes Back! EU Threatens Musk Over 'Free Speech' On Twitter
EU officials have warned Elon Musk that he faces steep fines or an outright ban if he follows a "free speech" model once his purchase of Twitter is complete. How far will authorities go to restrict freedom of expression? Also: Twitter's top censor breaks down in tears at the thought of her reign coming to an end. And finally: Wimbledon's racism. Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from Empire Strikes Back! EU Threatens Musk Over 'Free Speech' On Twitter
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from Empire Strikes Back! EU Threatens Musk Over 'Free Speech' On Twitter
Nuclear War?
The Russians are a weird people. For some reason, known only to their bizarre selves, they object to German invasions of their country. And not only that: they have the inexplicable habit of strenuously opposing another such eventuality. One might well have thought otherwise. After all, the Germans bring with them in their wake all sorts of salutary benefits: law and order, good government, peace (as long as their orders are followed), world class beer, wiener schnitzel, sauerkraut, great...
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from Nuclear War?
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from Nuclear War?
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Elon Musk, Twitter, And The Free Speech Freak-Out
Elon Musk's seemingly successful bid to purchase Twitter and his claim to return it to a free-speech model has been met with fury and terror among that part of the population that used to champion free speech: the progressives and the left. Even the ACLU issued a warning. What are they afraid of? Also today, NATO countries are massively escalating in their war with Russia through Ukraine. The UK parliament's armed forces chief gave Ukraine a green light to use UK weapons to launch attacks...
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from Elon Musk, Twitter, And The Free Speech Freak-Out
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from Elon Musk, Twitter, And The Free Speech Freak-Out
Risking Nuclear War for a Corrupt, Increasingly Repressive Ukraine
Fortunately, President Biden thus far has rejected the most risky policies that hawks are pushing in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Despite being under intense pressure, he continues to rule out proclaiming a no-fly zone, and he flatly rejects suggestions (including from one close political ally) that he consider sending US troops to Ukraine. However, even the policies the administration has embraced entail an unacceptable risk of entangling the United States in a military...
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from Risking Nuclear War for a Corrupt, Increasingly Repressive Ukraine
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from Risking Nuclear War for a Corrupt, Increasingly Repressive Ukraine
Must We Make a Case Against Dictatorship?
Some federal officials have made startling statements in recent days. Given the times in which we live, we can no longer take for granted that they won’t be convincing. Ever since lockdowns, which shattered all our social and political rituals and assumptions about government and public health, it seems like everything is open to either question or adoption. Even settled conventions like the separation of powers and checks and balances are being blithely dismissed as pointless...
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from Must We Make a Case Against Dictatorship?
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from Must We Make a Case Against Dictatorship?
Monday, April 25, 2022
'Mission Accomplished'? Blinken In Kiev Announces Ukraine 'Has Already Succeeded."
US Secretaries of State and Defense made a surprise visit to Kiev over the weekend to declare that Russia had already failed and Ukraine had already succeeded in the two-month conflict. Promising additional weapons transfers, the US is becoming ever more engaged in the war. Dangerous? Also today, some NATO officials openly declare goal is to "bleed Russia." And...Finland in NATO? Good idea? Watch today's Liberty Report:
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from 'Mission Accomplished'? Blinken In Kiev Announces Ukraine 'Has Already Succeeded."
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from 'Mission Accomplished'? Blinken In Kiev Announces Ukraine 'Has Already Succeeded."
Minsk II: Two Words You’ll Never Hear on Mainstream News
Ask a hundred Americans and you’ll be lucky to find even one who’s ever heard of Minsk II. But ask those same Americans how the Ukraine war started, and you’ll likely get "Russian President Putin woke up one day and decided to re-establish the Soviet empire, starting with Ukraine." That is because our government and its slavishly loyal media have created a false narrative for maximum propaganda to support pouring billions in weaponry into the Ukraine war zone, ensuring that death and...
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from Minsk II: Two Words You’ll Never Hear on Mainstream News
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from Minsk II: Two Words You’ll Never Hear on Mainstream News
Inflation, Quick and Dirty
All of a sudden everyone is an expert on inflation. Your brother-in-law, your local paper, and even dilettantes at dubious outlets like the Washington Post or The Atlantic feel compelled to explain our current predicament. With the admitted rate of consumer inflation running somewhere around 8 percent, and the real rate much higher, even central bankers can’t hide the reality from us. So the commentariat has to explain to us why this is happening and make sure we blame the mysterious workings...
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from Inflation, Quick and Dirty
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from Inflation, Quick and Dirty
The Ukraine War is a Racket
“War is a racket, wrote US Maj. General Smedley Butler in 1935. He explained: “A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.” Gen. Butler’s observation describes the US/NATO response to the Ukraine war perfectly. The propaganda continues to portray the war...
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from The Ukraine War is a Racket
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from The Ukraine War is a Racket
Friday, April 22, 2022
Ukraine: Total War?
The US and its NATO allies claim they are continuing to send massive military aid to Ukraine. At the same time, Washington appears to have no interest in a negotiated end to the conflict. This begs the question: What is Washington’s policy goal? Could it be direct conflict with Russia? CrossTalking with John Varoli, Daniel McAdams, and Marko Gasic.
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from Ukraine: Total War?
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from Ukraine: Total War?
The Death Throes of the 'Public Health Expert'
The very concept of Public Health, once a rather innocuous term, is facing an extinction level event, and Americans should be incredibly thankful for this development. Sometimes, when a people are faced with a grand crisis, a bold new idea or group of individuals moves humanity forward in ways once thought of as improbable, if not impossible. But the elevation of the supposed masters of Public Health has achieved the opposite effect. It is now a term that half of America reacts to with...
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from The Death Throes of the 'Public Health Expert'
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from The Death Throes of the 'Public Health Expert'
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Trashing the Constitution to Seize Russians’ Property

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from Peace and Prosperity
Through The Fog Of War, With Guest Scott Ritter

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from Peace and Prosperity
The US Cries About War Crimes While Imprisoning A Journalist For Exposing Its War Crimes
In what his lawyers have described as a “brief but significant moment in the case,” a British magistrates' court has signed off on Julian Assange's extradition to the United States, bringing the WikiLeaks founder one step closer to a US trial under the Espionage Act which threatens press freedoms worldwide. The extradition case now goes to UK Home Secretary Priti Patel for approval, which will likely be forthcoming as Patel is a reliably loyal empire manager. After that point, Assange's...
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from The US Cries About War Crimes While Imprisoning A Journalist For Exposing Its War Crimes
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from The US Cries About War Crimes While Imprisoning A Journalist For Exposing Its War Crimes
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Travesty: UK Judge Green-Lights Assange Extradition To US

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from Peace and Prosperity
Ukraine Is Still Losing So What Is Its Plan?
Russian and Donbas forces have cleared the city of Mariupol except for the giant metallurgic complex of Azovstal which is held by some estimated 4,000 men, including many from the fascist Azov battalion. On Sunday Russia opened corridors across the front line and asked for those forces to surrender. However the Zelensky government ordered them to stay and to continue to bind Russian forces which otherwise could be used elsewhere: Russia had given the Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol until...
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from Ukraine Is Still Losing So What Is Its Plan?
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from Ukraine Is Still Losing So What Is Its Plan?
Here Lies the Mask Cult: 2020-2022
In my view, the mask regime is officially dead and buried. In many of our day to day lives [at least those of us who live in Free States], the mask has already become a complete afterthought. Unless you happen to be entering an airplane or a doctor’s office, there has long been no reason to have a mask signal in your possession. [Update: following the publication of this article, The White House announced it would appeal the federal court ruling that said the CDC did not have the...
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from Here Lies the Mask Cult: 2020-2022
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from Here Lies the Mask Cult: 2020-2022
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Andrew Napolitano Discusses the ‘Tremendous News’ that a Court Struck Down President Biden’s Transportation-Related Mask Mandate

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from Peace and Prosperity
Mask Off! Should We Applaud End Of Mask Tyranny?

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from Peace and Prosperity
The Unmasking of America
The polls on coercive Covid responses were never entirely trustworthy, not even from the beginnings of lockdowns. This happens when everyone knows what they are supposed to believe and say. The polled don’t really trust the voice on the other end. After weeks of disease panic and media figures screaming that everyone should stay home, mask up, fire up their laptops, order Amazon, and fork over for a Netflix subscription – because this is the only way to deal with a pandemic – people knew...
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from The Unmasking of America
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from The Unmasking of America
Thinking Harder About False Flags and Other Fables
The White House plan to destroy Russia by calling President Vladimir Putin names proceeds apace. Apparently, the man whom President Joe Biden has called a “thug,” “killer,” and “war criminal” is now also charged with carrying out a “genocide” and, according to CIA Director William Burns, he may in “despair” over his apparently stalled invasion, be contemplating the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Meanwhile over at the Pentagon, positively aglow with the largest “defense” budget since Vietnam,...
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from Thinking Harder About False Flags and Other Fables
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from Thinking Harder About False Flags and Other Fables
Monday, April 18, 2022
US Senator: Time To Send US Troops To Fight Russia In Ukraine!

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from Peace and Prosperity
Exposing Some Myths About the Ukraine War
All rational Americans agree that we shouldn’t get involved in the Russia-Ukraine War. The neocon warmongers with brain dead Biden as their figurehead want to destroy Russia, and they are willing to risk nuclear war to do it. But this doesn’t negate what I’ve just said. These monsters are anything but rational. But speaking of monsters leads to another question. Everybody knows John Quincy Adams’s line: “America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” Is this the reason we should...
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from Exposing Some Myths About the Ukraine War
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from Exposing Some Myths About the Ukraine War
Good for Koch Industries
While many American companies have fled from doing business in Russia as media and politicians have built up the message of hate against the country, Koch Industries has continued to pursue commerce in Russia. The backlash against Koch Industries has been huge. The advocates for greater antagonism toward Russia have portrayed the private company’s decision to continue engaging in commerce for mutual benefit as an inexcusable divergence by a prominent company. Koch Industries, by taking the...
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from Good for Koch Industries
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from Good for Koch Industries
Blame Powell, Not Putin or ‘Greedy’ Corporations, for Price Hikes
The Biden administration and its allies continue to use Russian President Vladimir Putin as the convenient excuse for their economic failures. The most recent falsehood is that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine caused March’s 8.5 percent year-over-year increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Prices were surging long before Russian troops entered Ukraine. Furthermore, Putin did not stop exporting food and gas; it was the Biden administration and Congress that imposed sanctions, making US...
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from Blame Powell, Not Putin or ‘Greedy’ Corporations, for Price Hikes
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from Blame Powell, Not Putin or ‘Greedy’ Corporations, for Price Hikes
Friday, April 15, 2022
Freedom is Tyranny: Robert Reich Goes Full Orwellian in Anti-Free Speech Screed
We recently discussed the gathering of Democratic politicians and media figures at the University of Chicago to discuss how to better shape news, combat “disinformation,” and reeducate those with conservative views. The political and media elite shared ideas on how to expand censorship and control what people read or viewed in the news. The same figures are now alarmed that Elon Musk could gain greater influence over Twitter and, perish the thought, restore free speech protections to the site....
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from Freedom is Tyranny: Robert Reich Goes Full Orwellian in Anti-Free Speech Screed
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from Freedom is Tyranny: Robert Reich Goes Full Orwellian in Anti-Free Speech Screed
Should We Commit to Fight Russia – for Finland?
The prime ministers of Sweden and Finland, Magdalena Andersson and Sanna Marin, both signaled Wednesday that they will likely be applying for membership in NATO. The "prospect" is most "welcome," says The Washington Post: "Finland and Sweden Should Join NATO." The editorial was titled "A Way To Punish Putin." Before joining the rejoicing in NATO capitals, we might inspect what NATO membership for these two Nordic nations would mean for the United States. Finland is a nation the size...
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from Should We Commit to Fight Russia – for Finland?
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from Should We Commit to Fight Russia – for Finland?
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Diplomacy...Or Madness? US Considers Sending Biden Or VP Harris To Ukraine.

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from Peace and Prosperity
Give War A Chance
Robert Kagan, neoconservative writer and husband to Deputy Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, wrote a piece called “The Price of Hegemony” in Foreign Affairs last week that was fascinating. If I’d written his opening, people would denounce me as a Putin-concubine: Although it is obscene to blame the United States for Putin’s inhumane attack on Ukraine, to insist that the invasion was entirely unprovoked is misleading. Just as Pearl Harbor was the consequence of US efforts to blunt...
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from Give War A Chance
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from Give War A Chance
Western Dissent from US/NATO Policy on Ukraine is Small, Yet the Censorship Campaign is Extreme
If one wishes to be exposed to news, information or perspective that contravenes the prevailing US/NATO view on the war in Ukraine, a rigorous search is required. And there is no guarantee that search will succeed. That is because the state/corporate censorship regime that has been imposed in the West with regard to this war is stunningly aggressive, rapid and comprehensive. On a virtually daily basis, any off-key news agency, independent platform or individual citizen is liable to be...
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from Western Dissent from US/NATO Policy on Ukraine is Small, Yet the Censorship Campaign is Extreme
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from Western Dissent from US/NATO Policy on Ukraine is Small, Yet the Censorship Campaign is Extreme
Russia’s Ukraine operation has no deadline
In his first extended remarks in nearly a month about the conflict in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that peace talks had reached a “dead end” and pledged that Russia’s “military operation will continue until its full completion.” Putin defined a more limited aim for the war, focusing on control of the Donbass — and not all of Ukraine. Putin reiterated that Russia’s actions so far in several regions of Ukraine were intended only to tie down enemy forces and carry...
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from Russia’s Ukraine operation has no deadline
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from Russia’s Ukraine operation has no deadline
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Ignoring Russian Warnings, Biden Administration Escalates In Ukraine

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from Peace and Prosperity
Deterrence, China, and the US
The US should not use its military power to deter China from invading Taiwan. It is unnecessary, and anything more than what is already being done is more likely to help provoke a war than stop one. It might even be better to turn down US enthusiasm a notch or two. The current status of strategic ambiguity serves two important American goals – it keeps the peace and allows for a productive trilateral++ relationship among China, Taiwan, US and the rest of Asia. Those two goals work in...
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from Deterrence, China, and the US
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from Deterrence, China, and the US
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
US Suddenly Pretends To Care About Rights Abuses In India
The United States is suddenly very concerned about human rights violations in India, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken telling the press on Monday that "we are monitoring some recent concerning developments in India including a rise in human rights abuses by some government, police and prison officials." While it is true that India's right-wing government is guilty of human rights abuses and has been for years, it is also true that the US State Department does not actually care about...
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from US Suddenly Pretends To Care About Rights Abuses In India
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from US Suddenly Pretends To Care About Rights Abuses In India
Why Does It Seem Biden Is Prolonging The Ukraine War?

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from Peace and Prosperity
Monday, April 11, 2022
RPI Houston Conference: The Biden Doctrine - New World Order or Nuclear Armageddon?
In a late March press conference, President Biden said, "there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. And we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it." Since then the Biden Administration has made support for Ukraine the center of its foreign policy, even as the US finds itself closer to nuclear conflict with Russia than at any time since perhaps the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Are we really ready for armageddon for Ukraine? The propaganda...
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from RPI Houston Conference: The Biden Doctrine - New World Order or Nuclear Armageddon?
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from RPI Houston Conference: The Biden Doctrine - New World Order or Nuclear Armageddon?
New Study: California, New York Handled Covid The Worst

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If It Feels Like You're Being Manipulated, It's Because You Are
If you've got a gut feeling that your rulers are working to control your perception of the war in Ukraine, it is safe to trust that feeling. If you feel like there's been a concerted effort from the most powerful government and media institutions in the western world to manipulate your understanding of what's going on with this war, it's because that's exactly what has been happening. If you can't recall ever seeing such intense mass media spin about a war before, it's because you...
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from If It Feels Like You're Being Manipulated, It's Because You Are
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from If It Feels Like You're Being Manipulated, It's Because You Are
NATO Planning Massive Military Buildup Along Russia’s Border
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is in the middle of a “fundamental transformation” and planning a massive military buildup along Russian borders. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said NATO will undergo a major “reset” and plans to put enough troops in states that border Russia to repel an invasion. The alliance currently has 40,000 troops in eastern member states. NATO considers its forces in Eastern Europe a deterrent against Russia but insufficient to actually stop incoming...
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from NATO Planning Massive Military Buildup Along Russia’s Border
CIA Admits Feeding Americans False Info About Ukraine
Late last year, a Gallup poll showed that Americans’ trust in the mainstream media has fallen to its second lowest level on record. Only seven percent of Americans responded that they have a “great deal” of trust in the media. That loss of trust has been well-earned by the mainstream media, and it explains the massive growth of independent media and alternative voices on social media. The response to the rise of independent media voices has been a rush to “cancel” any voice outside the...
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from CIA Admits Feeding Americans False Info About Ukraine
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Ron Paul Is Not a Fan of Joe Biden’s New World Order Aspiration

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The 'Rules-Based International Order' Is Dead. Washington Killed It.
The lack of self-awareness among the many American officials who are striking a moralistic pose in opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is striking. For example, Foreign Policy has published a column by Col. Yevgeny Vindman, asking how the world can tolerate a country like Russia on the United Nations Security Council. His specific point was that any country that invades another country must not be allowed veto power in the United Nations. Responding to Vindman, however,...
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from The 'Rules-Based International Order' Is Dead. Washington Killed It.
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from The 'Rules-Based International Order' Is Dead. Washington Killed It.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Will the Populist Right Change Foreign Policy Discussions in America?
Since Donald Trump was elected in 2016, populist currents have swept across the American Right. The failed nation-building enterprises launched by the Bush administration and continued by the succeeding Obama administration sowed the seeds for a non-interventionist reaction on the Right. Throughout modern American political history there has existed a significant anti-interventionist bloc within the Right. From the Old Right to the presidential campaigns of former Congressman Ron Paul,...
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from Will the Populist Right Change Foreign Policy Discussions in America?
The Wrong Elites
"To mount an effective response to the reigning egalitarianism of our age, therefore, it is necessary but scarcely sufficient to demonstrate the absurdity, the anti-scientific nature, the self-contradictory nature, of the egalitarian doctrine, as well as the disastrous consequences of the egalitarian program. All this is well and good. But it misses the essential nature of, as well as the most effective rebuttal to, the egalitarian program: to expose it as a mask for the drive to power of the...
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from The Wrong Elites
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from The Wrong Elites
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
The Warfare State’s Infinitely Mendacious Echo Chamber
It all starts with the number $813 billion, the Biden national defense budget for FY 2023. That number is so hideously—nay, grotesquely—large that it is the inherent fount of the war fevers, Russophobia and sweeping disinformation that now gushes from the Washington war machine and its auxiliaries in the mainstream media. The fact is, never before in the history of mankind have economic resources of this gigantic magnitude been showered upon the blob-like...
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from The Warfare State’s Infinitely Mendacious Echo Chamber
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from The Warfare State’s Infinitely Mendacious Echo Chamber
Biden Wants All the Points Due a Wartime President without Actually Going to War
The view that war is politics by other means, the realist idea nations pursue strategic goals with some sort of calculation behind them, is not for us. Americans must reduce everything to good versus evil, democracy versus autocracy, light versus dark. Leaders throughout history have sold wars with this B.S.; America’s problem is we seem to actually believe it’s true. Let’s see how it plays out in the real world. Imagine facing an enemy who refuses to surrender despite overwhelming odds,...
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from Biden Wants All the Points Due a Wartime President without Actually Going to War
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from Biden Wants All the Points Due a Wartime President without Actually Going to War
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Bucha Massacre: War Crime Or False Flag?
It feels like deja vu. Just seven years ago it was claimed without proof that Assad gassed his own people as his troops left Khan Shaykhun. When the facts came out about the event, the truth was quite different. Today Russian soldiers are being blamed for a slaughter of civilians in the Ukrainian town of Bucha. They have been tried and convicted in all Western capitals and in the media, yet there has been no investigation. Anything is possible, of course, but what if they got it wrong again?...
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from Bucha Massacre: War Crime Or False Flag?
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from Bucha Massacre: War Crime Or False Flag?
Biden, Zelensky and the Neocons
There are many backstories surfacing from what is going on in Ukraine and Washington that have been largely ignored amid the drumbeat of casualty counts combined with claims and counter-claims from the two sides. Two stories that I believe have received insufficient attention are the US government’s three decades long obsession with weakening and de facto destroying the Russian state and the dominant neocon plus associate liberal democracy promoter role in what has become American foreign...
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from Biden, Zelensky and the Neocons
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from Biden, Zelensky and the Neocons
Is Global ‘Democracy’ America’s Mission?
"In the battle between democracy and autocracy, democracies are rising to the moment, and the world is clearly choosing the side of peace and security," said President Joe Biden in his State of the Union address. "This is a real test. It’s going to take time." Thus did Biden frame the struggle of our time as the US leading the world’s democracies, the camp of the saints, against the world’s autocrats, the forces of darkness. But is "democracy" really America’s cause? Is "autocracy"...
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from Is Global ‘Democracy’ America’s Mission?
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from Is Global ‘Democracy’ America’s Mission?
Monday, April 4, 2022
Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part II
Part I of this article showed a conspiracy to smear Donald Trump with false allegations of collusion with Russia took place, with Hillary Clinton at its head. Part II today will show the FBI was an active participant in the conspiracy to destroy Trump. The facts are not in dispute. We are left only to decide if the FBI acted incompetently and unprofessionally, or as part of a conspiracy. The first part of the smoking gun may have been hiding in plain sight for some time now. In June 2018...
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from Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part II
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from Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part II
Will Biden Blow Up the World?
If you thought that the neocon-controlled US plan to isolate and destroy Russia couldn’t get any worse, you were wrong. In a speech in Poland, brain-dead Biden said that Putin could not stay in power. This was not a slip. As Dr. Ron Paul points out with characteristic insight: Previewing President Biden’s trip to Europe last week, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that, ‘the president is traveling to Europe to make sure we stay united.’ That sure didn’t go as planned. This may...
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from Will Biden Blow Up the World?
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from Will Biden Blow Up the World?
Biden’s Big Government Centrism
President Biden’s 5.8 trillion dollars fiscal year 2023 budget increases “discretionary” spending to 1.6 trillion dollars. The remaining 4.2 trillion dollars of spending consists of “mandatory” spending, including on Social Security, Medicare, and interest on the national debt. The discretionary spending is divided between 813 billion dollars for “defense” and 769 billion dollars for the rest. Since Biden’s budget increases military spending and does not call for major new government programs,...
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from Biden’s Big Government Centrism
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from Biden’s Big Government Centrism
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Legalizing Marijuana Is Not So Much the Goal of the US Congress Leadership’s Legalization Bills

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from Peace and Prosperity
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Biden’s Regime-Change Lie
President Biden’s denial that the US government is committed to regime-change in Russia is a lie. Ever since its inception, the core mission of the US national-security establishment, specifically the Pentagon and the CIA, has been regime change. The goal has always been to oust from power political leaders who operate independently of the Pentagon and the CIA and replace them with local stooges who obey the orders of the US national-security establishment, oftentimes on payment of large sums...
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from Biden’s Regime-Change Lie
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from Biden’s Regime-Change Lie
Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part I
We are looking for two smoking guns now in connection with Russiagate. Today’s Part I will show Hillary Clinton herself sat atop a large-scale conspiracy to use the tools of modern espionage to create and disseminate false information about Trump. Part II to follow will show the FBI was an active participant in that conspiracy. In summer 2016 Hillary Clinton’s private email server and her improper handling of classified information was the political story. Consensus was the election was...
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from Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part I
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from Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part I
Friday, April 1, 2022
This Is No Path to Happiness
Sometimes I think Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and co-author of the book COVID-19: The Great Reset, is a warm-hearted philanthropist with a dark sense of humor. Recently I read a puerile and degrading article in Forbes, titled “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better,” written by one of the WEF’s brilliant “Young Global Leaders” and published on November 10, 2016. The article describes much of what the WEF has been touting...
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from This Is No Path to Happiness
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from This Is No Path to Happiness
A Grassroots Foreign Policy
(bigger) Four weeks ago, I predicted, “American taxpayers are going to be regaled with propaganda about the need to increase military spending in reaction to Putin’s invasion and accede to even more troops deployed overseas.” Right on cue, Gen. Tod Wolters, U.S. European Command chief, did precisely that. “I think what we need to do from a U.S. force perspective is look at what takes place in Europe following the completion of Ukraine-Russia scenario and examine the European...
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from A Grassroots Foreign Policy
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from A Grassroots Foreign Policy
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