There is nowhere for the priests of Covidstan to run or hide from the failure of their prized injections. Cases in Europe are worse than ever, and America has now racked up more deaths than in 2020, when zero vaccines existed. But reality can hit these people in the face and they will still never admit that all of the human interventions failed.
As Europe battles its fifth wave and even East Asian countries begin to face serious waves of the virus, the AP wrote an article last week claiming that something "mysterious" is going on in much of continental Africa, as these African nations appear to have dodged the pandemic.
But there is something "mysterious" going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. "Africa doesn't have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the US, but somehow they seem to be doing better," she said. Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as "one of the least affected regions in the world" in its weekly pandemic reports.No kidding! Contrast that with Europe, where cases are now worse than at any time in the US, despite nearly every adult vaccinated in many continental European countries.
Perhaps the Africans don't have enough money to pay for the rope to hang themselves with leaky vaccines, counterproductive lockdowns, and failed therapeutics like remdesivir. They can't afford to spend $3,000 per dose to have people's kidneys fail and instead are using cheap anti-malaria and anti-parasitic drugs.2 months into vaccine passports and with ~90% of adults at least partially vaccinated, cases in The Netherlands are up 942% and they’re going back to lockdowns.
— IM (@ianmSC) November 21, 2021
It’s amazing the consistency with which governments will double down on failure to avoid acknowledging reality pic.twitter.com/8XA8cK9vuQ
Yes, it's true that Africans are younger and the countries' data is less reliable, but that cannot account for the fact that COVID deaths have been nearly nonexistent in many of these countries. Those explanations offered by the AP simply cannot bridge the gap.
Curiously, the AP posits that perhaps "past infection with parasitic diseases" as well as exposure to malaria might make people in these countries more immune to the virus. "On Friday, researchers working in Uganda said they found COVID-19 patients with high rates of exposure to malaria were less likely to suffer severe disease or death than people with little history of the disease."
Gee, why would that be? What about the pathophysiology of those diseases would make people immune to a virus? After all, we have been lectured by those so vociferously against hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin that there can't possibly be cross-relation between the immune response to a parasitic infection and the response to a viral infection.
Could it possibly be the fact that those countries happen to constantly treat themselves with drugs like ... the one that begins with the I and the one that begins with the H?
Since 1987, Merck has been funneling several hundred million doses of ivermectin per year through the Mectizan Donation Program, which includes all of the central African countries. How are the Mectizan countries doing?
Now, obviously, there are multiple factors involved in the success of these countries, likely including their lack of international travel. However, it is laughable for the media to entertain parasitic infections as a contributing factor without mentioning the two drugs being used to treat COVID that are commonly used in those countries to treat parasitic infections. What is also clear is that the vaccines simply play no role in determining the trajectory of this pandemic — at least not a positive one.Ohio judge orders COVID-19 patient be treated with ivermectin — which no agency recommends https://t.co/2p7cJhuqOX pic.twitter.com/fyNHVuBLCo
— New York Post (@nypost) August 30, 2021
Fair use excerpt. Read the whole article here.
from The Media Misses the Lesson of Africa and COVID in Plain Sight