The US and EU-financed Ukraine war project has become entirely unsustainable, and the propping up of one side of an inter slavic turf war is burning money at such a rate that it’s making the Afghanistan adventure look like the minor leagues.
The Volodymr Zelensky-led administration is now demanding over $5 billion dollars a month just to cover the costs of its government, which includes the many bureaucrats and government employee salaries. That’s over $60 billion a year just to finance the operating costs of its government, which has historically been ranked the most corrupt in all of Europe.
This latest demand comes in addition to the estimated $100 billion in recent European and American dollars already allocated to propping up its collapsing military.
The Ukrainian military is being routed in the field, and now losing badly to the Russian military, which has successfully employed old-school industrial warfare to vacuum up territory that provides Moscow with port access. Time is no longer on the side of Kiev, which continues to lose territory, and has failed to chalk up a significant battlefield victory for many weeks.
Similar to the trillions in “pandemic expenditures,” the costs related to the war have officially entered sunk costs territory. The Ukrainian military is on its heels, and it has no hope of independently regaining territory from Russia. Thankfully, there is no appetite in the West for direct confrontation, which could lead to a World War 3-like outcome.
I am not convinced that any sum of money and arms thrown at Ukraine, regardless of how much of that money actually finds its way to the battlefield, can fix this geopolitical reality. And for the American taxpayer, it is simply not worth the endeavor.$50 billion (to Ukraine) there, $200 billion here, pretty soon you're talking real money (but not for long cause you're just accelerating the Zimbabwefication of the US$):https://t.co/SEbbY1cVBw
— CJ Killmer (@KillmerCj) June 27, 2022
And it’s quite likely that none of this money “for Ukraine” will actually in any way benefit your average Ukrainian citizen. As the great Ron Paul once explained, “foreign aid [in its current form] is taking money from poor people in this country and giving it to rich people in poor countries.”
Not a penny of American taxpayer dollars, let alone a prospective price tag of hundreds of billions, should be spent to finance a foreign turf war and subsidize a broken and corrupt government.
Ukraine can only maintain its delusional posture because it knows that the current policy is one of American and European money and weapons continuing to flow into the country in perpetuity.The leaders of the G7 group have pledged $29.5 billion "to help Ukraine close its financing gap and continue ensuring the delivery of basic services to the Ukrainian people."
— dpa news agency (@dpa_intl) June 27, 2022
The Zelensky-led government needs to stop its delusions of a World Police coming in to save them from Moscow. Instead, create an opportunity to protect your sovereignty, and engage the Russians in negotiations for a settlement that allows for the rebuilding of your country.The G7 will also commit to help Ukraine cover its short-term budgetary funding shortfalls, including a $7.5 billion commitment from the United States from the recently passed second supplemental.#StandWithUkraine
— Alex Raufoglu (@ralakbar) June 27, 2022
Both America and Europe are in dire straits, and regardless of the economic outlook, it is long past time to relinquish the democracy projects abroad. In an era of political, economic and societal chaos, the US and its allies don’t have the time nor resources to play imperial war games. Instead, they should reprioritize towards rebuilding nations that created the most admired, desired, and enlightened civilizations in the world.
Ukraine is becoming Afghanistan 2.0, and its government will face the same fate of the US-backed government in Kabul if it continues down this path of sunk costs. All of the money and weapons deliveries cannot seemingly make up for a poorly trained military and poorly governed country that as each day passes, raises the prospect for a truly humiliating, unconditional surrender.
Feel free to call your member of Congress and tell them to stop robbing your wealth to pay for an inter slavic turf war that is proceeding some 5000 miles away from the United States. Stop the money. End the war. Negotiate a lasting peace.
Reprinted with permission from The Dossier.
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from It's Time to Shut Down the Ukraine Money Spigot