The former Coca-Cola scholar, Jake Sullivan, now dispensing “advice” to the cognitively impaired Joe Biden, has warned Russia the US will act “decisively” if Russia uses tactical nukes in Ukraine.
“We have communicated directly, privately, and at very high levels to the Kremlin that any use of nuclear weapons will be met with catastrophic consequences for Russia, that the US and our allies will respond decisively, and we have been clear and specific about what that will entail,” Sullivan told CBS’s Face The Nation and also ABC This Week.
Naturally, a real neocon had to set the stage, as the ever vociferous and absurd Max Boot did prior to Sullivan’s remarks:National security adviser Jake Sullivan tells @GStephanopoulos that the U.S. has “communicated directly, privately to the Russians at very high levels that there will be catastrophic consequences for Russia if they use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.” https://t.co/WjkMx7W8gE pic.twitter.com/UA6ISv0M5a
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) September 25, 2022
Naturally, Yalie Sullivan didn’t specify what “catastrophic consequences” the US would take, but we can guess, considering the US is the only state to ever use nuclear weapons, specifically on civilians.Opinion by Max Boot: Putin’s nuclear threats show weakness. The West must not be intimidated. https://t.co/OClKvCgFSD
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 21, 2022
Sullivan said that the Russian leader Putin had been “waving around the nuclear card at various points through this conflict”, and it was a matter that Biden’s administration has “to take deadly seriously because it is a matter of paramount seriousness – the possible use of nuclear weapons for the first time since the second world war”.No mention here by this professional truth spinner and tutored Clintonite singling out the party responsible for using nukes at the end of WWII.
I’d guess the average American, especially the sort “educated” in “public” (state) schools (indoctrination centers), does not know, either. Most have swallowed whole the lie that nuking babies and grandmothers saved the lives of a million or more American soldiers prepared to invade Japan (this would have included my father). Most probably also don’t know that the Japanese were ready to surrender if a deal on the fate of the emperor could be arranged.That's really rich coming from the president of a country that has dropped nuclear bombs on defenceless civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. pic.twitter.com/yCMioFO8v1
— Hassan Mafi (@thatdayin1992) September 20, 2022
As for the largely ignorant younger generation, steeped in a tidal wave of historical lies and misinformation, the following graphic novel should be required reading:
The sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese civilians had little to do with a Japanese surrender. It was about showing the Soviet Union the US possessed a new and frightening atomic weapon.Anyone who talks lightly about nuclear attacks as if they were a game card should read the manga ‘ Barefoot Gen ‘ which describes the aftermath of the Hiroshima nuclear attack. Those who were shocked by film ‘ Grave of the Fireflies ‘ probably won't be able to finish it. pic.twitter.com/iY3L5ZOqIf
— Haruna Vian (@ObiwanHaruna) September 26, 2022
But never mind. Sullivan and the rest of this befuddled and “woke” (the latter a showy pretense that will soon enough face betrayal) administration are looking for excuses to escalate the crisis.
Sullivan and the rest of the demo-cons (cousins of the neocons) know Russia will not use nuclear weapons unless there is an existential threat levied against them.
Sullivan’s remarks are simply more propagandistic hogwash for the average, ill-informed, and often intellectually lazy American to ponder. Nothing scares like vaporization, radiation sickness, or nuclear winter starvation.
“We will continue to support Ukraine in its efforts to defend its country and defend its democracy,” Sullivan said, pointing to more than $15bn in weapons, including air defense systems, hundreds of artillery pieces and rounds of artillery, that the US has supplied to Ukraine.The lies seem to be endless and Mr. Sullivan apparently revels in telling them while maintaining his “professional” arrogant demeanor.
He said that Moscow’s mobilization of troops was a “sham referenda in the occupied regions” that would not deter the US. “What Putin has done is not exactly a sign of strength or confidence – frankly, it’s a sign that they’re struggling badly on the Russian side,” Sullivan said.
But, Sullivan added, it is “too soon to make comprehensive predictions” about a collapse of Russian forces.
Of course, it is “too soon to make comprehensive predictions” about the inevitable collapse of the CIA’s currently favorite anti-Russian puppet. Regardless, the corrupt kleptocracy imposed by Ukrainian oligarchs after the fall of the Soviet Union and assisted by nazified militias will fall, and with a whimper.
For weeks now on end, we have been told by the pathologically lying corporate propaganda media that Russia’s special operation is collapsing and Putin is about to have a nervous breakdown.
Nonsense. Russia is taking its time.
I admit I do not support the invasion of any country for any reason beyond self-defense—and yet this is precisely what Russia is doing.
Imagine American-hating and ruthlessly barbaric Nazis amassing in Ottawa or British Columbia, maybe on the Mexican border, and asking Russia for missiles and kamikaze drones to strike Washington DC, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Seattle, any city near or on the border.
How long would it take to eradicate this threat and what country would condemn the exercise of self-defense?
Again, never mind. For the US, the war in Ukraine is not about an existential threat. It is about the 70-plus-year-old effort to surround and destroy Russia, even though the boogeyman communists are now a minority of largely politically powerless nostalgists. The idea was not to defeat the threat of communism, as we were endlessly told, but to weaken all rivals.
Libya used its oil exports to raise the living standards of the average Libyan. It didn’t allow transnational corporations to steal its precious natural resources. That is why Muammar Gaddafi had to be assassinated in the most brutal and public way. It was such a grotesque display, the psychopath Hillary Clinton was obliged to chuckle and cheer on national television.The US imperial agenda in a nutshell - the threat to Russia and China is no different! Its time to fight for a multipolar world and to break away from US hegemony aka Neoliberalism. Neofeudalism Reject corrupt politicians! pic.twitter.com/eojq8CMExs
— Dunkeroo⏳🇵🇸🏴🇾🇪 🇸🇾🇷🇺🇨🇳 (@duncanmacmartin) March 31, 2022
Both Russia and China stand in the way of the financial elite’s parasitical neoliberal hegemonic world scheme, an effort to rob, steal, and kill without serious repercussions or resistance. Period.
It has nothing to do with Putin, his supposed desire to nuke everyone and everything. It’s about, as the late Zbigniew Brzeziński wrote: the “three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy… to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”
The “barbarians,” of course, are those who wish to determine their own fate, maintain their own sovereignty, and decide upon the development and distribution of their natural resources.
Even the geopolitically clueless Donald Trump realizes continued escalation in Ukraine will not have a happy ending:
The effort to keep the “barbarians” (in this case Russia, viscerally hated by the ethnic Pole Zbigniew Brzeziński) from “coming together” will in fact be a complete success if implemented—there will no longer be much humanity to manipulate, only nuclear winter, mass starvation, and, if we are lucky, a return to the Dark Ages.The conflict in Ukraine could escalate into the Third World War, former US President Donald Trump warned, after Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow will use all necessary means to defend itself against threats to its territorial integrity. pic.twitter.com/Bry5l55pMs
— Спринтер (@Sprinter88000) September 24, 2022
Reprinted with permission from Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics.
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from Biden’s Brain: Jake Sullivan Warns Russia of 'Catastrophic Consequences'