Twenty-five minutes into the interview, Celente broached the idea of a Kennedy-Napolitano ticket. Many Americans’ reaction to such a ticket may be similar to Knight’s initial response upon hearing its suggestion. Knight stated, “I would support something like that, even if I didn’t agree with them on all the issues, because I think they tell people what they really believe.” You can watch the interview here.
Celente further suggested that Kennedy and Napolitano could seek the Libertarian Party nomination.
Celente mentioned in the interview his having spoken along with Kennedy and Napolitano at the September 4, 2021 Ron Paul Institute (RPI) conference in Virginia near Washington, DC. Regarding what a Kennedy-Napolitano campaign would look like, Kennedy and Napolitano’s speeches at that RPI event provide a promising preview.
Watch Kennedy’s speech here:
from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2022/december/17/robert-f-kennedy-jr-and-andrew-napolitano-a-2024-third-party-presidential-ticket/