On Friday, the shows of Scott Ritter were booted from YouTube. Ritter had been in the shows communicating regarding the Ukraine War in a manner at odds with the narrative pushed by the United States government and big money media. In a Friday post relating this development, I concluded by stating “Hopefully, YouTube’s censorship is just a bump in the road and soon Ritter can be sharing his ideas as well as or even better than before.”
It is too soon to know if that hope will be fulfilled as it is a big blow to be deplatformed from one of the most visited social media websites. But, Ritter was back this week with a video announcement that his shows may be found at Rumble, a competitor of YouTube.
Moving primary distribution of their shows from YouTube to Rumble, I noted in my post is one way other prominent communicators have dealt with concerns about YouTube’s censorship.
Watch Ritter’s announcement here:
It is too soon to know if that hope will be fulfilled as it is a big blow to be deplatformed from one of the most visited social media websites. But, Ritter was back this week with a video announcement that his shows may be found at Rumble, a competitor of YouTube.
Moving primary distribution of their shows from YouTube to Rumble, I noted in my post is one way other prominent communicators have dealt with concerns about YouTube’s censorship.
Watch Ritter’s announcement here:
from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2023/august/15/scott-ritter-shows-banned-from-youtube-will-continue-at-rumble/