How they sold it on the news. We were victims of a ruse.
Politicians rushed it through. But whose agenda did they use?
Lock ‘em down. Lock ‘em out.
They’ll be begging for a shot without a doubt.
Hit ‘em hard. Cause ‘em pain.
Knock them so far down they’ll never rise again.
Those are some of the lyrics from early in the song.
In the song’s conclusion, the lyrics question if the criminal perpetrators will ever “make amends.”
The song is not just powerful because of the lyrics. It is also powerful because of the great musical quality Scott brings to it with his singing and guitar playing.
You can watch Scott’s October 23 performance of “The Crime” at Lake Liddell in Australia here:
from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2023/november/09/the-crime-a-powerful-song-about-despicable-actions-taken-in-the-name-of-countering-coronavirus/