Have you heard about these prominent American libertarians? A former United States Marine Corps general who was a secretary of defense in the Donald Trump administration while taking a break from serving on the Board of Directors of General Dynamics, one of the largest military contractors in the world. A Democratic member of the US House of Representatives from Massachusetts. A Republican member of the US Senate from Alaska.
Of course, you have not heard of these libertarians. That makes sense. No such people are libertarians.
Last week, United States Libertarian Party Chairman Nicholas Sarwark suggested to these nonlibertarians that they join the Libertarian Party. For the House and Senate members, his suggestion went so far as that they change their party affiliations in Congress to Libertarian.
On Wednesday, Sarwark announced at Twitter his invitation for James Mattis, the current General Dynamics Board of Directors member and former US secretary of defense, to join the Libertarian Party. Wrote Sarwark, “I'd like to formally invite General Mattis to join the Libertarian Party.”
Then, on Thursday, Sarwark posted tweets directed to two US Congress members. Addressing US House of Representatives member Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) in a Twitter post, Sarwark wrote, “I believe @justinamash would welcome you to the Libertarian caucus in the House if you want to work more closely with a party dedicated to criminal justice reform.” In a tweet directed to US Senate member Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Sarwark wrote, “If you're inclined, you could become the first Libertarian in the Senate.”
Sarwark’s term as Libertarian Party chairman is set to end in July (postponed from May due to a change in the party’s national convention schedule). He is not seeking reelection to the party office.
from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2020/june/08/libertarian-party-chairman-invites-prominent-nonlibertarians-in-american-politics-to-join-the-party/