The unfairness of the playground closure, especially in light of giant protests occurring throughout the city in defiance or coronavirus restrictions yet with the approval of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, was expressed well by one person quoted in the Daily News story:
Moshi Blum, 32, said the neighborhood’s residents were enraged that their children couldn’t use the playground while thousands of George Floyd protesters could pack together on city streets.Watch here an ABC 7 New York City television report regarding neighborhood residents’ efforts to keep the playground open:
“Most of us have large families,” he said, “We see thousands gather, why should this be a problem?”
from Peace and Prosperity http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2020/june/16/neighborhood-residents-use-bolt-cutters-to-open-new-york-city-playground-shut-down-in-coronavirus-crackdown/